
as God to me
(c) 2011 dr wills

When You I cannot feel nor see-
in fiercest storm, or darkest night,
Your Word becomes as God to me,
to guide my steps by heaven's Light.

Though many say it must be so,
that Scripture can't be error-free;
think what they may. But this I know:
Your Word is as You are, to me.

If, as the Bible claims, God is "perfect in all His ways", must not God then be perfect in His own efforts not only to provide His Word unto man but also to preserve the same unto all generations, as He has promised in His Word he will do? (Of course, that promise in Psalm 12:6,7 is done away with in modern bible 'versions', so-called.) What good is the doctrine of "divine inspiration" unless that idea be eternally upheld by the accompanying doctrine of "divine preservation", which certifies the veracity of Scriptural truth unto every succeeding generation?

The common and vulgar argument which insists that the Bible MUST contains errors due to the limitations of human instrumentatlities, is an argument not from the power of God but from the weakness of man. As the Scripture says, "..let God be true, but every man a liar.." (Romans 3:4).

Only a perfect God can give man a perfect--and therefore perfectly trustworthy--Revelation of Himself. He not only can do it, but He has done it.

Thus--and only thus--can the written Word speak to me as the very Word of God. And, so, even though I may neither feel nor see nor hear God, I can nevertheless at every moment find comfort, strength, and instruction in and through His written Word.

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