
if the foundations be destroyed... continued

(This is a continuation of an essay by the same title, which immediately precedes this post.)

Surely, the foundations of American society--as those were discussed in the previous post--are rapidly being destroyed.  There is a determined and powerful movement to subvert and supplant even the vestiges of an erstwhile Christian culture with a thoroughly 'humanistic' (barbaric) one.  Outwardly, the current political regime in the U.S.--which, regime, includes both political parties--largely appears confused, self-interested, and disorganized.  Nevertheless, the bulk of the political 'machinery' continues somehow to plow ahead in a certain direction leading ever closer to well known goals involving socialism, communism, atheism.  History abundantly demonstrates that those 'foundations' do not support 'civil' society, but they are indeed useful to support a cadre of brutal, totalitarian thugs.

We see it daily unfolding before our eyes.  But, as the Psalmist plaintively asks, "what can the righteous do"?

In fact there is something that the righteous can and must do: We can and must earnestly seek unto God for His mercy to bring revival to the Church.  The Church of the living God must be restored to real spiritual understanding, devotion, and power, if there is to be any hope for the Church to impact this generation for Christ.  If godliness is a necessary characteristic of humane laws and civil government (the foundations of civil society), then Christ is necessary to establish and maintain those foundations:
"The earth and all its inhabitants are dissolved: I [Christ] bear up the pillars of it."  Psalm 75:3
The "pillars" (foundations) of civil society must themselves rest upon something, in a word, Christ.  The culture is hell-bound because the Church is mostly in a dead sleep.  And while the Church sleeps, the devil is hard at work to destroy:
"But while men slept, his [Christ's] enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."  Matthew 13:25
Revival is not an option.  There is no other course of action having any hope of salvation.  This nation cannot long wait for Christians to humble themselves and truly, desperately, seek unto God for revival.  Revival, not firstly for the nation, but for myself.  For it is written, that "judgment must begin at the house of God" (1 Peter 4:17).

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