

Tonight, while researching the Emergent Church Movement, I came across something called "the Resurgence Conference 2012" (YouTube it).  Big-time speakers; high profile stuff.   Name-brand movers and shakers on the devil's payroll who are trying to 'set the world on fire' for somebody named 'Jesus'--(not to be confused with that eminent Personage of Biblical fame).  Anyways, for the first time I heard the name "August Burns Red", a red-hot 'metal' band.  (They are supposed to be a 'Christian' band; but I'm not sure they would want that label to be pinned on them).

August Burns Red.  This is supposed to be the cutting edge of 'Christian' music.  Sold-out concerts everywhere.  Start here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkLttNn7dhU, and end up somewhere in a psych ward wearing a close-fitting, white jacket to dinner.  Then for desert you might want to try this tasty number by the same group: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiNAact_1vM.  Haven't a clue what it means, but it's a Bacchanalian orgy of violence and incomprehensible gutteral sounds--much like demons screaming in the pit, I imagine.

One more, if you can stomach it.  Here's an adorable six-year-old girl in a polka-dot dress singing a catchy tune she and her nine-year old brother wrote, titled, "Zombie Skin": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2PwS8FCfxo.  Just makes you want to cry, doesn't it?  Or, rather, weep.

This culture, this world, is quickly becoming like the Amorites of old, concerning whom God said that not even their animals--their pigs and chickens, their pet scorpions and pit-vipers--would escape the vengeance of God.  Not 'pop' culture but common, everyday culture has already spiraled downward, past the point of immodesty and indecency, and is being sucked deeper and deeper into an abyss so dark and so vile that not even our concepts of insanity shall be suitable to define it.

'Don't curse the darkness, but turn on the Light', is a well-known saying, which really is useful only to silence the few who are bold enough to utter a word against the darkness.  Fine, then.  Besides, darkness is a curse unto itself.  Let's do, then, 'turn on the Light'.  Are you ready to hear the Truth?

God is ready to judge the world; only, this time it will be by fire.  God's anger is already white-hot.  (The only way He can withold from utterly destroying sinners, I believe, is by venting the overflowing excesses of His indignation toward those who are already in Hell).  God is not going to suddenly become angry, when Christ comes to remove the true Church out of the world, in the Rapture.  Oh, no.  Whereas God was once displeased with America's backslidings; afterward (in the 1960s or so), He became disgusted.  But He's over that.  Now, God is determined: He is determined to judge this nation and the world for its many evils.  America is already under severe Judgment.

But you ain't seen nuthin' yet, like you're soon going to.  David Wilkerson prophesied, nearly 30 years ago, about a vision he had from the Lord.  Wilkerson said that he saw American cities burning with "ten-thousand fires".

And he literally trembled and wept, whenever he spoke of it.
"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you."  Hosea 10:12

1 comment:

  1. Cleverly expressed, to the point, right on target. I think David Wilkerson would have enjoyed your blogs!
