
unconditional love

The harlot 'church' in America is dancing the dark night away--blindfolded.  And she neither knows nor cares that her smooth-talking, charismatic partner is none other than "that old serpent, the devil" himself.  He has tempted her with ideas, seduced her with words, words like "God loves you, unconditionally".

"So, then, you're sure it's O.K. that I'm dancing with you?  But, who are you?"

"Just someone who wants to show you how to have a good time, that's all.  Is there any harm in that?"

"I suppose not.  But I think you should know something: you see, I'm espoused....uh, to God."

"Oh, yes, I know him well.  What a gracious fellow.  A more gracious fellow I've never known."

"Do you think?  I mean, he really is so kind.  But, I don't know if---"

"You mean you--me?  Don't be silly!  You belong to him; I'm good with that.  Surely, he wouldn't care that you're having a little fun.  Doesn't he know how you feel about him?  Doesn't he trust your heart?"

"Well, I'm sure he knows how I feel about him, and all that...."

"Of course.  Relax.  After all, he loves you for who you are, right?"

"Hey, yeah, I suppose you're right.  I am who I am: if he loves me, he loves me for who I am."

"It's a mystery, a mystery, I tell you: how that God accepts you just as you are!  Not that you're not lovely; why, just look at you: you're so alluring...(your flesh...your flesh...).  You're so lucky to have such a gracious fellow in your life, one who loves you, unconditionally, just the way you are.  Come on, my dear, let's dance the night away!  You can go back to him, anytime you want."

"Unconditionally" means without any conditions, whatsoever.  If God loves anyone unconditionally, then he must love everyone unconditionally; otherwise, God would be a 'respecter of persons', that is, he would be unjust, unfair.  And if God then loves everyone, unconditionally, that must include the devil and all of his devil friends.  For, God created those spirits, as well as God created human beings.  Furthermore, the devils once lived in Heaven, in the very Presence of God.
"You see, my dear...(please, don't take the blindfold off)", God loves everyone, unconditionally: even me (the devil)!"
But if God yet loves them (devils)--as he must, if he loves everyone, unconditionally: then, why are they no longer welcome in Heaven?  Why are they now "bound under chains of darkness" (2 Peter 2:4); and reserved unto eternal punishment in the "lake of fire" (Revelation 20:10)?

Whoa!  Hey, why is there a place called Hell, if God loves everybody, without any "conditions" at all?  What's Hell all about?  If God loves all those souls (and devils) in Hell, what does it then mean to be "loved" by God?  Or, does Hell somehow exist apart from God, as if without God's consent or power?  It is as though God would say, "Truly, I love you both: but you (person A) get to live in Heaven, while you (person B) go to Hell!"


And if God loves unconditionally, what in the world can it mean, to say, that God is the Righteous Judge (2 Timothy 4:8; et al)?  Judge...what?  On what basis could God judge anyone, in the case that there are no conditions, no qualifications?  If Heaven is conditional--as, surely, it is, then doesn't that suggest that God's love must therefore be conditional?  Else, reason demands that, somehow (though none could ever explain it) Heaven versus Hell must mean something besides Love versus Hate; or Acceptance versus Rejection; or everlasting Pleasure versus unending Pain.

BOTTOM LINE:    Jesus Christ is THE CONDITION whereby God loves those individuals that will receive Jesus, in truth, and as he is: Lord, and Savior.  All those who resist and ultimately reject Christ shall suffer the eternal vengeance of God who is holy.

God's so-called "unconditional love" is a deadly lie.
"He knows your heart, my dear.  You can go back to him whenever you want.  He loves you just the way you are--naked and filthy!  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Oh, wake up, Church!  The dance is almost over.

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