
the High Calling

              the High Calling

               The Deceiver says one thing
               but always does another.
               “I’m just like you,” says he,
               “you can trust me: I’m your brother.”
               But in his heart some dark plan grows;
               though sugared speech like honey flows
               from his well-trained lips: approved, indeed,
               by the multitude of self-willed kings
               who sit in solitude,
                           applauding the charade.

               Now comes the test of heart and soul:
               Who, for the love of God, will go
               the distance in this fleeting race
               to Eternity?  Who will stand and face
               the foe head-on with sword and shield,
               that is to say, with God’s Word revealed?
               Who will dare stand up for Christ,
               when all the world bows down to lies
               and seethes with hatred
                           toward all that is good?

               I will, by the grace of God, I will.
               I’ll be the voice of the Prophets they killed.
               If I can forsake every thought of ambition,
               take up my cross, and see my condition
               as one who was lost but now I am found:
               then I will stand on that Blood-hallowed ground!
               Alone, if need be—though not without Christ,
               the conqueror of death and giver of Life:
               Whose praise I desire
                           more than this world.

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