

Otherworldly: 14-year-old photographer Zev Hoover has taken the internet by storm with his creative and dreamlike images that make normal-sized people appear tiny

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above..."
(Colossians 3:1)

if 'above' is higher than the strongest birds can fly,
then, i suppose i'll have to wait, before my soul can rise
to view those things which are 'up there'--wherever there may be--
ten million light years and beyond the farthest galaxy.
but why, then, does the scripture say that i should seek those things?
unless, above is not some place where one needs angels' wings.

what if, instead, above refers to thoughts much greater far
than mortal men have ever dreamed, in all their fallen hearts?
should i then wait till old age steals away my lingering breath,
to "seek those things" which strengthen faith, and triumph over death?
"christ in me!" what nobler truth could anyone aspire
to apprehend within the mind, and set the heart on fire?

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