
bible substitutes

Bibles, bibles, everywhere - but no two of them agree.

Do you know that no two Bible 'versions' agree with each other?

Have you ever wondered why there is more than one 'version' of the Word of God?

Ever since the invention of the printing press (c. 1450 AD), the Bible has been the best selling book in the world.  Every year there are more Bibles printed and sold than any other book.  If the Bible were on the New York Times Best Seller list, it would have held the number one spot for well more than 500 years (and still going).  In other words, Bible sales means big business.

Anyone can print and sell King James Bibles.  That book has been around for a very long time (since 1611 AD).  No one can obtain a COPYRIGHT for the King James Bible.  Its contents are freely available to everyone.  But NO ONE can print and sell any other, modern Bible 'version' - except, only those who own the copyright to their particular 'version' may legally publish their own, copyrighted creation.

So, let's say that you want to create and publish your own 'version' of the Bible - so that you can get it copyrighted, so that you have the exclusive rights to publish and sell your version.  As I said, no one can obtain a copyright for a reproduction of the text of the King James Bible.  Neither may you legally reproduce the text of any other Bible 'version' - because, every one of those is copyrighted.  What can you do?

The laws that govern the issuance of copyrights tell you what you must do: your literary production MUST DIFFER SUBSTANTIALLY from every other, similar work in existence.  If your Bible 'version' is not SUBSTANTIALLY DIFFERENT from every other 'version', then, you cannot obtain a copyright for your version.

Thus, COPYRIGHT LAW requires substantial changes must be made, in order to the issuance of copyrights, involving every new Bible 'version' that comes to market.  In other words, the Word of God is being grossly manipulated by those who are more concerned with obtaining copyrights (and the financial advantage that goes with that), than they are at all concerned about the purity of God's Word.

Those who object, in words to the effect that "All Bible versions basically say the same thing", are really only revealing their ignorance concerning the subject.  It is not even remotely true that all Bible versions say the same thing.  Now, the world is flooded with differing Bible 'versions', yet, every one CLAIMING to be the very Word of God.

Is God then schizophrenic?  Is God the author of confusion?  Do words have no certain meaning?  Is the truth of God like Silly Putty, so that we are free to turn it into any shape we wish?  Has God spoken to mankind by his prophets and apostles, and by his own Son?  Is God all-powerful? all-wise?  Is He not then able to preserve his own Word unto every generation - as he promised he would do (Psalms 12:6,7)?  (You won't find that promise in the majority of Bible-substitutes; for, they have changed that important promise of God to mean something entirely different than what God said.)  
Somebody is lying,
and blaspheming,
and deceiving -
and receiving to themselves damnation,
because they are guilty of leading souls astray, by corrupting the Word of God and substituting man-made fabrications in the place of God's Truth.  They are money-hungry liars, who produce copyrighted 'versions' of the Bible and do not fear to send those out among the world - for a price.  

This is a blog and not a book.  I would dearly love to demonstrate for you countless examples of how this 'version', or that 'version', or any other 'version' you may choose, distorts and corrupts the true Word of God and, so, misrepresents what God really said and meant; - and, to explain to you why, in every case, it matters!!  It may not matter much to you.  But I am sure that it matters very much to God, who said in his Word that He has "magnified his Word above all His name"! (Psalm 138:2).
the King James Bible is
the Holy Bible;
it is the true Word of God
(in the English language).


  1. The leader's of today's Church's are in the dark because they do not know what truth is. The blind leading the blind.

  2. Thank you brother for clarifying, if only briefly, the meanings of copyright, translations, and versions. I agree that we have been deceived, and have ourselves deceived others by sharing, or speaking out of "other" versions that seemed at the time to make more sense than the KJV. NO other book for me... :)
