
the power of the gods (part 2)

In part 1, my intent was not to (over-)emphasize the idea of 'language as magic', as that is believed and practiced by those who engage in Occultism.  But I felt it was necessary to elaborate upon that point at some length, in order to lay a foundation for what I want now to discuss.  For, one of my chief goals in this brief series of essays dealing with language is to alert the Reader not merely to the insidiousness of deception in the culture and in the churches - of which, I suspect, many are already aware.  Rather, I want to help the Reader to better understand the centrality, and the awesome power, of language - consisting not of words only but of every kind of symbolic communication - in all of our lives and experience.

Practitioners of Occult arts (magic, witchcraft, sorcery, etc.) employ language and other symbols in attempts to effect changes in consciousness either in themselves or in others.  Yes, there are dark powers that can affect people and things.  It is imperative that Christians understand that Christ is able and willing to shield Christians from such dark powers and their effects.  The Bible informs us, in Numbers 23:23: "Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel...".  Proverbs 21:30 states: "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD".  Those promises, however, apply to those whose 'minds are stayed on thee [God]', who are possessed of the 'mind of Christ', and who 'meditate in his Word both day and night'.

Alan Moore (mentioned in part 1) said that advertisers are the new shamans (magicians), using words and symbols to alter consciousness, with the purpose to affect patterns of behavior, i.e., shopping, buying, and lifestyle habits.  Of course, that is true.  Yet, the culture is permeated with other, more sinister types of 'magic' appearing as different forms of advertising and/or staged propaganda.  For a couple of examples, homosexuality is being heavily promoted even in the context of elementary-level school materials, most often in ways (at that level) that are usually very subtle, even subliminal.  So-called news media perpetually engage in 'magic' via staged discussions that are designed to facilitate propaganda involving any number of issues.  Importantly, Satan does not limit his lying and deceitful efforts to 'worldly' venues.  But Satan most especially seeks to infiltrate supposedly 'Christian' channels.  'Christian' media is almost non-existent in America.  And the great majority of churches are apostate.  It is altogether needful, in order to protect oneself against Satanic influences in the world at large, to guard oneself against exposure to the great variety of venues and devices whereby occult (hidden) messages are commonly communicated.  A simple rule to remember is this: Satan is seeking by all means to poison the mind.  These days, one cannot let down his or her guard, even in the churches.

There is another aspect of language I wish to discuss, which has to do with the positive aspects of this kind of knowledge involving how language works within the mind.  Consider, if you will, how the Bible addresses the subject and the importance of language.  The Gospel of John famously begins: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".  

Words are the most powerful of all forms of symbolic communication, for words are the most efficient means of embodying and conveying meaning.  In order to understand the nature of words, let words be compared to an automobile.  Whereas an automobile is a vehicle designed and constructed so as to contain people and, then, to convey them from one place to another; similarly, words are a kind of vehicle designed and constructed to contain (or embody) 'meaning' and, then, to convey that meaning from one mind unto another mind.  Words are the means whereby MEANING is communicated between and among spirits.

Human beings, created in God's image, are thus capable by means of language to comprehend, to transmit and, yes, even to manipulate 'meaning'.  In so doing, humans have this god-like power to suggest, to consciousness, ideas and images whether real or imaginary.  Reality itself, therefore, is not only capable of being perceived and understood and communicated (shared), by means of language; but, importantly, reality - or, at least, perception of that - is also susceptible of being MANIPULATED by means of language.

'Meaning' is unspeakably important.  Indeed, 'meaning' is the Achille's Heel, so to speak, of Evolutionary theories.  For, ideas related to Evolution explicitly and implicitly require that the Universe and all that it contains is utterly devoid of meaning: for, there is neither purpose nor meaning in anything that exists; it just 'is' (according to Evolutionary theory).  Stars and snowflakes and people are nothing more nor less than differing arrangements of atoms and molecules, each exhibiting differing 'sets' of functions according to their moment-by-moment electro-chemical reactions, according to godless science and philosophy.

Only intelligent Being is capable to invest anything with meaning, for, meaning is wholly related to purpose and will.  Reality is not understandable apart from meaning.  Indeed, not a few highly intelligent - albeit unregenerate - persons have committed suicide, because, having rejected the Word of God to themselves, they were incapable of discovering any meaning in life or in the universe.  Although it sounds ridiculous, they weren't even sure that they themselves existed or that they actually 'knew' anything at all!!  In that condition, their experience involving their own uncertain existence was unbearable; life was for them a living hell, devoid of any certainty regarding meaning, or purpose, or truth.

Words (and other forms of symbolic language) are the vehicles embodying and conveying meaning.   In a real sense, words themselves are meaning.  And meaning is the touchstone of reality.  The physical universe was not made of "things that do appear", but ALL THINGS THAT EXIST (God, only, excepted) WERE CREATED BY THE WORD OF GOD.  In the beginning was - not matter, or space, or time, or energy; but, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  In the beginning was the Being, the Triune Spirit of God, omniscient and omnipotent.  When God expressed himself, when God acted, when God moved, he spoke.  God's mind, God's purpose and will, God's meaning, he communicated and imparted by his Word.

Language is the gift of God, a reflection of his own nature.  The purpose of language is to enable the children of God to live and to function in life, in accordance with the (highest order) of the nature of their (our) being, which is the image of God.  That is why Scripture reveals so much light and wisdom regarding the content and nature of language.  Our words are very powerful.  Our words have power to affect our own, and others', consciousness - whether we intend it or not.  Language is useful and capable to:
  • perceive, understand, and communicate knowledge and truth;
  • create and sustain society and community among spirits, by reason of mutual understanding and communication involving meaning and purpose, according to the knowledge and will of God;
  • arrange and structure our consciousness according to the true meaning and the right sense, of everything;
  • reveal and elaborate invisible realities;
  • avail ourselves of God; and defend ourselves against malevolent spiritual powers;
  • channel the healing, life-giving power of God;
  • more, and more, and more....
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21).  Death and life are perpetually at war with each other, in our midst: our mind is the battlefield; and the weaponry, on both sides, largely involves language.  If we fail to rightly understand and appreciate those facts, we can neither prevail in our righteous Cause nor can we effectually combat the workings of our enemies.

The use of words is infinitely, eternally important.  To our reproach, relatively few Christians have learned and disciplined themselves to use language in the way that Scripture instructs us; much less have many Christians learned to 'wield the Sword', the Word, as we should.  But for every unsaved person - not to mention, also, for far too many Christians, "the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell....  But the tongue can no man tame" (James 3:6,8).

Language MUST be brought under the power and authority of God's Word and Spirit.  For, only one who abides in Christ can, through the Holy Ghost, rule over his or her own spirit and, so, use the tongue (language) according to the high purpose and calling of God, to bring glory to God and blessing to mankind.

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