

It didn't take long to find a suitable image to represent 'postmodernism'.  The above image is truly frightening -- because it's a real object.  It is not a Halloween mask.  The device (called an Aurentieth's mask) was once (still?) used to restrain certain insane individuals: that is to say, psychopathic cannibals.  So, what does that have to do with postmodernism?

Postmodernism is not easily explained in a few words.  The word postmodernism is really a rubric - a kind of linguistic filing cabinet, filled with a range of ideas; many of which, ideas, are seemingly unrelated to each other.  But in fact, those ideas are not - ultimately - unrelated.

Postmodernism is usually characterized as involving a rejection of the concept(s) of objective truth and objective reality.  Postmodernists suppose there is no such thing as common (shared) experience; each individual's experiences and perceptions are unique.  Thus, all experience is only capable of being interpreted on a purely subjective basis.  Accordingly, all 'meaning' (including values) is thus subject to radical reinterpretation by each individual.  (Yet, as the Christian philosopher Gordon H. Clark, explained: 'If words can mean anything, then, in fact, they can have no certain meaning whatsoever'.)

The consequences of ideas belonging to postmodernism, are utterly devastating to human life and society.  It would more than fill a book, to discuss those multifarious consequences in any detail.  So, I will succinctly mention but a few of them:

  • there is no unifying principle for the integration of thought (thus destroying the rational mind);
  • there is no common foundation for communication (thus destroying meaningful social interaction);
  • there is no possibility of maintaining civil social order: as there can be no consensus of values; notwithstanding, a certain consensus shall inexorably arise, as the direct result of collusion between demonic spirits and fallen humans...
The foregoing is more than adequate: 1) to explain the present global crisis - particularly, involving those cultures wherein postmodernism is widely embraced; and, 2) to forecast the near-term future condition(s) of the world.  Scripture, of course, is the high Authority on these matters; and it presents an horrific picture of the unfolding future of the world.  Indeed, Jesus said there is coming a brief time of trouble such as there never has been - nor ever shall be again.

Postmodernism is not a newly emerging philosophy.  It is nothing else but the effects of widespread rejection of the authority of God's Word - which, rejection, has opened the door to pervasive demonic activity.  Postmodernism is a fabulous oxymoron: for, while causing fragmentation and dis-integration in all categories of life, yet, postmodernism also results in a singular, universal outcome, namely: ALL postmodernists are motivated by the same spirit of antichrist, and they all end up in hell - if they will not repent.

Christians MUST have at least a basic understanding of postmodernism and its effects (see footnote), in order to effectually witness to this generation.  Postmodernism is as an Aurentieth's mask: a strange and threatening-looking device bound to the face (to the mind), and obscuring the presence of a demon-controlled psychopath behind the mask.

Postmodernism is insanity - of an especially destructive kind.

     Stanley J. Grenz, A Primer on Postmodernism (Eerdmans, Grand Rapids: 1996).  A good primer on the subject.

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