
opening the bottomless pit

It is nearly impossible to find words to adequately express the wickedness that is now being unleashed in the world.  The only thing that comes to my mind, which even begins to convey a sense of the demonic nature of so many current events, is what the Bible describes in the book of the Revelation, as the 'opening of the bottomless pit'.  In truth, the bottomless pit has not yet been 'opened'--at least, not yet in the manner in which it shall very soon be opened so as to allow sky-darkening hordes of demons to fill the earth for many months, as scorpion-like, flying creatures (Revelation 9:1-11).  Still, the womb of Hell itself seems to be rapidly dilating, in the process of birthing the so-called Tribulation: an epoch of several years' duration which, Christ said, would be a time of "great tribulation [trouble], such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matthew 24:21).
It seems as if a thousand trumpets are warning of the imminent Rapture of the Church.  With every passing day, more--and more wicked--things are coming to light.  Today, for instance, it was revealed that a team of 'researchers' led by Dr. D.J. Williams, director of sociology at Idaho State University, is recommending ("insisting") that
"we as a society start accepting people who choose to “identify as real vampires” — so that they can be open about the fact that they’re vampires without having to worry about facing discrimination from people who might think that that’s weird." (1)
Here's another breathtaking quote from that same article:
"Williams explained that no one should be bothered by a person wanting to drink another person’s blood because “it is generally expected within the community that vampires should act ethically and responsibly in feeding practices,” and it’s not their blood-drinking that’s the real problem here — it’s the fact that they have to worry that other people will judge them for their blood-drinking."
God forbid that anyone should presume to judge real-life-blood-sucking vampires...and, so, offend their sensitive natures.  (Besides, aren't there Christians enough around to vilify?)

But just as wicked as literal vampirism, are those persons who urge that vampires should be tolerated among society.  We should never forget that, until merely twenty to thirty years ago, it was repugnant to most people even to speak about homosexuality.  But in proportion as advocates of homosexuality became more numerous and more vocal, homosexuals themselves were--and yet are--increasingly emboldened to insist that "we as a society start accepting people who choose to identify as..." whatever.  Sound familiar?

The scope of demonic activity in the world, during this present generation, far exceeds anyone's ability to fully describe that.  Nevertheless, the Bible contains ample descriptions of world conditions which shall obtain within the timeframe of a single generation--that is to say, the one which shall witness the Rapture of the Church and, a handful or so of years later, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Beyond all doubt, this is that generation.

In fact, a spiritual war of cosmic proportions appears to be reaching its climax.  Even the earth itself seems to be groaning and convulsing, as though struggling against a burden of overflowing sickness.  "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge...?" is a cry which is coming into God's ears right now at this very moment in history! (2)  At the same time, the living Body of Christ, in every part of the earth, is lately seeking for Christ's return, and with a fervor hitherto unknown.

The churches....  Oh! the churches!!  "Wretched!" is the particular word which Jesus Christ chose to describe the 'Laodicean' spirit of the (vast majority of) churches in this generation.  It is absolutely heartbreaking to see and hear what is going on in most (professed) Christian churches, today.  Importantly, apostate churches exhibit the very same spirit which evidently motivates Dr. Williams and his team of researchers, namely: that spirit of antichrist, which loves the darkness and desperately wants no one to "judge" anything but, rather, to be "accepting" and "tolerant" of even the most heinous acts--and of those who commit them.

The devil wants the whole world--but, especially, the Church--to be accepting and tolerant of every evil thing.  Tragically, the Christian Church, for the most part, now appears to be in league with the devil: which is to say, most professing Christians detest confrontation so much that they prefer indifference and resignation to any expression of righteous indignation.  'Political correctness', 'social etiquette', 'politeness', 'tolerance'; all of those, words and ideas, are really spiritual weapons intended to serve one supreme purpose, that is, to muzzle the Church.  How full of reproach the churches ought to feel themselves to be!  Whereas every kind of torture and slaughter could not silence the Christian Church, throughout every century since Christ--until a generation or so ago; today, however, mere words (and not so much threatening, as they are condescending, words) are effectual to cause most professing Christians to avert their gaze and turn in silence away from every situation which might put them at risk of being called a "hater", or "judgmental", or (Heaven forbid), one might even be accused, publicly, of being a "Christian".

In Isaiah 10:13-14, we find the devil boasting of his exploits among men, while reviling the timidity and apathy of his victims, saying:
"I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man: and my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped."
Well, Mr. Devil, those were obviously hens you robbed.  But there are some roosters among us--and that is quite a different matter....

One important difference between real Christians and pretend Christians is this: Real Christians yield to Christ to open their mouth, at his will; whereas, pretend Christians yield to the devil to open the bottomless pit, at his will.

(1) Internet article at URL http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421108/vampires-identify-study-discrimination obtained July 14, 2015
(2) See, Revelation 6:9-11; also, see, Randy Wills, The Seven Seals in Prophecy and in History (Cincinnati: Ascension Multimedia, 2014)

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