
is it right for Christians to bear arms?

Article associated with the above image, at:

"Then said he [Jesus] unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."  (Luke 22:36).

"Oh, but Jesus didn't really mean that!" some fool will say.

Now, DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME: I DO NOT advocate for Christians to take up arms, in this present world, for the purpose of undertaking any kind of insurrection against lawful authority.  On the contrary, Christians are commanded, in the Word of God, to be obedient and submissive to all lawful authority.  Civil government--as an institution--is "ordained" of God; it is God's will.  That is not to say, however, that this or that particular government is therefore ordained of God.  Oh, no.  For, if that were the case, then God must have been guilty of 'ordaining' (approving and empowering) Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime.  Why, that were all the same as attributing the very works of Satan, to God!  And is that not what Jesus identified as being the "unpardonable sin", that is, to attribute the devil's works to the holy God?

But when it involves the question of self-defense, there is no question at all that Christ is willing for Christians to defend not only themselves but other innocents as well.  God ordained civil government, saying, of the civil ruler (ideally), that he "beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil" (Romans 13:5).  Now, if God is willing for civil rulers to revenge--which, by definition, means to "execute wrath" upon evil doers after their evil deeds were done, then, is God not also willing for those same civil rulers to prevent, by all means, evil doers from carrying into effect their evil plans, in the first place?  Indeed, God is willing.

Yet, civil rulers cannot be everywhere present at once; they are not omnipresent.  Does God not then allow ordinary people to defend their own selves, as well as others, against the intentions and actions of evil doers--especially, in the case that no civil power is at hand to help?  Of course, God is willing for individuals to defend themselves; it were pure stupidity to suppose otherwise.  God is not willing, however, for individuals to avenge themselves, after the fact.  God has ordained civil government for that specific purpose.

Furthermore, if your heart does not rejoice when you read a true story, such as the one for which I provided a link with the image, above, then I suggest that you urgently need to read the ninth (9th) chapter of Ezekiel: for, in the mind of God, those who do not oppose the wicked are no less guilty than the wicked themselves.  You may want to reconsider whether your pacifism is acceptable with God.

Doubtless, some fool will say that Jesus never defended himself or anyone else.  But that false supposition is utterly opposed to the truth of Scripture.  Jesus more than once 'defended' himself against evil doers and their evil intentions.  But I will leave it to those who don't know Scripture well enough to discern what I am referring to, to search out for themselves those instances.  It will be good spiritual exercise for you.  Moreover, Jesus also defended others besides himself.  I will at least give the Reader a hint: consider what Jesus did to defend his disciples when they were gathered in the Garden of Gethsemane, on the night when armed soldiers came to arrest Jesus.  It is true that Jesus did not employ carnal weapons, in any of those cases where he defended himself and others.  But he is God Almighty.  We are not.  Jesus said, "Buy a sword."

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