
idolatry in the churches

Do you recognize the man in the above picture, that is to say, who he is supposed to represent?  Here's a hint: the thing he's swinging above his head is meant to be a whip.  No, it's not Indiana Jones.  And, no, he's not racing horses down the throughway of a Moroccan bazaar.  Here's another hint: he's swinging his whip AT PEOPLE--in the vestibule of a large, Middle Eastern church....

The man pictured is supposed to represent Jesus, when he drove the money-changers out of the Temple in Jerusalem and overthrew their tables, in his anger.  You can read about that incident in the Bible (John 2:13-16).  Notice, in that passage of Scripture, that Jesus made the whip himself.  It must have taken him several hours to gather the materials and put it all together: which means that his outburst of anger was not a knee-jerk reaction, but it was smoldering the whole time he was fabricating the whip and contemplating what he intended to do with it.

But don't confuse the Jesus of the Bible, with the modern-day 'Jesus' who wouldn't harm a flea.  Oh, no; they are as different as light is from darkness!  The Jesus of the Bible violently drove out the moneychangers from the Temple; whereas, the modern-day Jesus blesses the churches' money-making enterprises, i.e.: coffee (and/or wine) bars in the church vestibule; registration fees for conferences; merchandise of all kinds.  The Jesus of the Bible created as well as he sustains both Hell and the Lake of Fire; whereas, the modern-day Jesus pooh-poohs the very idea of Hell.  The Jesus of the Bible "commandeth all men every where to repent" (Acts 17:30); whereas, the modern-day Jesus merely suggests that men ought (sometime before they die) to say the 'sinner's prayer'.

The Jesus of the Bible actually hates certain people.  Lots of them, as a matter of fact (Leviticus 20:23; 26:30; Psalm 5:6; Hosea 9:15--and many others).  Whereas, the modern-day Jesus loves everybody, "unconditionally".

The Jesus of the Bible says that many people's prayers are an "abomination" to the Lord (Proverbs 15:8; 28:9).  But the modern-day Jesus hears everyone's prayers--saints and sinners alike, without any qualification whatsoever: for, God just loves it when people pray!  (And why not? since God loves everybody!)

The Jesus of the Bible said that he will "spue" (vomit) out of his mouth those professing Christians who will not serve him wholeheartedly (Revelation 3:16); whereas, the modern-day Jesus "understands" and thus overlooks the wicked lifestyles of his 'followers'--so long as they "love" him.

The Jesus of the Bible shall judge every man (Acts 17:31); whereas, the modern-day Jesus forbids that anyone should ever be judged by another.

The Jesus of the Bible is to be feared and reverenced, especially, by his own people (Psalm 2:12); whereas, the modern-day Jesus just wants to be everyone's best friend (some--including myself--would dare to say that the modern-day Jesus is effeminate).

The Jesus of the Bible not only destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by raining fire and brimstone down upon them, but he furthermore said, in Scripture, that the destruction of those cities is intended to stand as an everlasting memorial and warning of God's wrath against evil-doers.  The modern-day Jesus, on the other hand, is willing that homosexuals may serve as ordained ministers in the churches: and God forbid that anyone should be so unloving as to tell sinners they must stop sinning, before they may be allowed to join the church!!

The Jesus of the Bible--who once held a whip in his hands to drive hypocrites out of the church, now holds the keys of death and hell.  He sits on the throne of God, judging everyone and everything.  He said that "without holiness, no man shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14).

The modern-day Jesus lives to make all your dreams come true, and to help in any way he can to "fulfill your destiny".  The modern-day Jesus does not judge you; for, he has already forgiven you for every sin you will ever commit, past, present, and future (according to a vast number of modern-day preachers).

If you have been worshiping the modern-day Jesus, you are an idolater.

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