
Why is Satan promoting Revival?

A lot of people are saying that a great End-time Revival is already happening in America!  Are they right?  Is that claim true?
The above image shows what is supposed to be a "TENT REVIVAL".  The setting does look something like a large tent...complete with sawdust!  A number of well known personalities fill the platform.  But who are those guys near the center of the picture, holding large pieces of equipment (two at ground level and one on the front edge of the stage)?  Isn't that a camera crew?  Why, the whole affair was a staged event--a theatrical performance!

Below, is another picture of some who are advertising themselves as modern-day "Revivalists":

Oops.....   I meant this one:

Well, maybe there is some semblance between those two images above: the 'possum makes his living by playing 'dead'; whereas, the fellows in the above photo make theirs by playing 'alive'.  The unnamed individual, kneeling--who is receiving the "Revival Blessing" from the other two well known 'Revivalists', appears to be none other than Todd Bentley...who led the infamous 'Florida Revival'.  

There is, in fact, a somewhat recent and rapidly growing phenomenon involving Revival.  That is to say, there is a whole lot of stuff going on in the name of Christ which is meant to suggest that the Christian Church is even now experiencing a great End-time outpouring of God's Spirit--yet, which things are not from God.  Within the past two decades there have occurred a number of so-called Revivals in America: the Brownsville Revival, the Toronto Airport Revival, the Kansas City Revival, and the more recent Bay Revival and the Florida Revival.  But if America has truly been experiencing such a marvelous outpouring of God's Spirit throughout the past twenty years or so, then why is America in far worse condition, today, than it was twenty years ago?  In fact, the great majority of America's churches are drifting farther and farther from God.  Those so-called Revivals just mentioned were not Heaven-sent, but they were (and yet are) a significant way in which Satan has worked to deceive and subvert the churches.

The recent phenomenon involving a succession of large-scale and widely promoted pseudo-revivals should raise in our minds two very important questions, namely:
  1. Why is the Devil promoting Revival?
  2. How is Satan using 'Revival' to undermine the Church?

Satan is neither omniscient (all-knowing) nor omnipresent

Satan is desperate to thwart the plan and working of God.  Perhaps, that is Satan's only hope to escape eternal damnation.  It is at least certain that Satan is hell-bent on destroying all that he can of God's Creation.  But as it is the case in every kind of warfare, Satan must have intelligence concerning God's plan and his working--especially, as that involves the Body of Christ in the earth.  But Satan is not omniscient (he doesn't know everything there is to know), much less does he know the mind of God.  Nor can Satan be present everywhere at once.  What is the devil to do?  How can he acquire the knowledge he needs in order to thwart (if that were possible) God's plan and work?

It is simple: the devil goes undercover to spy on (real) Christians.  The devil knows that the Spirit of God not only speaks TO Christians but THROUGH them as well.  The Body of Christ has a Head (Christ), and that Head speaks through the true members of His body.  So, the devil sends out his demon-minions to spy on those genuine Christians who walk and talk with God.  When those demon spies return to report what they have severally heard, it may thus be possible for the devil to get a fairly good idea of what God is about to do in the earth.

Which brings us to answer the first question posed above: Why is Satan promoting Revival? Satan knows--by the just-described method of spying--that the Body of Christ is earnestly seeking God for a powerful Revival before Jesus comes to receive the Church to heaven.  Now, the devil intends, if he can, both to preempt and to minimize the effects of such a move of God.  So, the devil, in his efforts to obstruct and confuse genuine Revival, is aggressively promoting his own kind of 'revivals'--replete with every form of spiritual deception, while also appealing powerfully to the flesh (of course).  In that way, the devil hopes to deceive and ensnare in pseudo-revivals multitudes of undiscerning and careless professors of religion, before real Revival comes.  Not only that, but the devil moreover hopes to sow mass confusion among the people, so that when real Revival does come many won't discern the true from the false.

Now, to address the second question posed, above: How is Satan using 'Revival' to undermine the Church?  In addition to the explanation just discussed, there are at least three other important aspects related to how pseudo-revivals are used as tools of deception:
  1. Pseudo-revivals are compatible with the prevailing philosophy of Postmodernism, which makes them acceptable and appealing to an immense number of postmodern religionists.  Pseudo-revivals are based not upon clear and straightforward teaching and preaching of the Word of God, but they are based upon emotional and psychological manipulation.  So-called "worship" amongst the modern churches, is centrally important to "create an atmosphere," or to "set the mood," whereby 'worshippers' may have a subjective (personal) "experience" of an "encounter" with 'God'.  Hyper-emotionalism and paranormal occurrences are common elements not only amongst modern churches but, especially, amongst modern pseudo-revival movements.
  2. Pseudo-revivals are an efficient means for propagating deception.  Pseudo-revivals present highly visible platforms involving mass communication, whereby is promoted: a) false doctrine as new revelation; b) a cast of characters as gifted (chosen) church leaders; c) and, the false notion that God is showing His favor to the American Church.
  3. Pseudo-revivals are an effective device for demonic impartation on a mass scale.  Persons who attend pseudo-revivals subject themselves to the presence and activities of demon spirits.  Such persons are thus highly susceptible to becoming 'demonized'.  That is to say, that in such environments where spiritual deception and demonic activity is operative at a fever-pitch, so to speak, people who attend pseudo-revivals put themselves at great risk of demon invasion into their own lives.  When many such  people 'infected' with demon spirits return home, the malevolent consequences of pseudo-revival is carried into fuller effect amongst local churches.
Would you know real Revival if you saw it?  Do you know how it comes about?  Do you understand its purpose(s) and its effects?  Do you know whether real Revival is even possible, today--given, the gross Apostasy amongst the vast majority of America's churches?

Real Revival only comes through (oftentimes long seasons of) prevailing prayer on the part of Christians who live holy lives.  That qualification alone should alert you to reject every 'movement' that is associated with unholy persons.  Real Revival is always attended by the manifest Presence of God among the people; not a 'presence' which results in all sorts of wild emotional and physical displays, but The Presence of the holy and almighty God which impresses a palpable sense of the fear of God upon the mind of man.  Such a manifestation of God's Spirit inexorably produces profound and widespread acknowledgement of, and repentance from, sin.  Thereupon, follows restoration of interpersonal relationships and restitution for wrongdoings.  In short, real Revival is the extraordinary working of God's Spirit, first, to purify the Church and, consequently, to bring many others to genuine faith in Christ.

Real Revival doesn't look anything at all like the shows which the devil is lately staging--in the name of Christ, for mass consumption.  Remarkably, it appears that even most church leaders in America no longer know the difference between the holy and the profane.  How then can the Sunday morning pew-sitters escape the damnation of hell--in lieu of genuine Revival?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds to me like you have a handle on what's happening as far as the Church is concerned. I do however still maintain that "...even the very elect..." are still holding on to what they know God is doing and desire deeply to further His Purpose of getting all in who will. I agree that churches are "having" revival's quite a bit more and at different times than when God TELLS them to do it. I believe God will alert "THE" Church when it's time and in fact, there will be many churches around the entire earth that will be "notified" that it's TIME!
    "Wormwood" and his group of minions are definitely involved in lying to naive and/or young Christians.
    Love you brother, and your family, may God richly Bless your efforts.
