
mass animal deaths - and the Rapture

In my book, "The Seven Seals in Prophecy and in History," I explain in some detail that the Rapture shall be a hidden event.  That is to say, that those who miss the Rapture shall not realize that the Rapture occurred.  Contrary to popular beliefs about the nature of the Rapture - which beliefs, when represented in images, typically show multitudes of bodies ascending in the air at the Rapture, there shall in fact be no such visible removing of human persons from earth.  Instead, just like in the above photos, the bodies of the then-Raptured saints shall simply fall (dead) to the ground.  For, in that instant -- "in the twinkling of an eye," as Scripture says it shall happen, the spirit of those who will be Raptured will "put off [their earthly, fleshly]...tabernacle" (2 Peter 1:14), and shall in that same instant be "clothed upon with [their] house [glorified body] which is from heaven" (2 Corinthians 5:2).

In light of the foregoing truth concerning the Rapture, consider, if you will, what may be a peculiar effect of the recent phenomenon involving MASS ANIMAL DEATHS (caveat: I do not mean to suggest that God is causing that phenomenon to occur).  In very few cases have the cause(s) of those mass-death events been identified.  And because the mystery involving those mass-death events in most cases has remained unsolved, it seems that people are increasingly desensitized - not to those deaths, as such, but to the mystery surrounding those events.
Thus, it seems that most people are becoming accustomed to two related things occurring at this time in history, namely: 1) the increasingly frequent occurrence of mass animal deaths; and, 2) the lack of understanding the cause(s) of those events.
Could it be that when the Rapture shall soon occur, the sudden (and seemingly random) appearance of human corpses scattered here and there throughout the world may be written off as yet another instance of MASS ANIMAL DEATHS -- only, this time it will be a case involving the human (animal)?  Is the recent phenomenon of mass animal deaths just one more sign of the impending Rapture of the Church....?

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