
a new thing

"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."  Genesis 1:2
(Disclaimer: The words appearing in white letters as part of the above image, are from a bible-substitute; which things I do not approve.  But the image itself suits my purpose.  Note, that the bible-sub states that "the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters".  Like a drone, I suppose.  What nonsense!  The Bible says, rather, that "the Spirit of God moved upon [acted upon] the face of the waters"-- in creative power!  That's the true God, and the true Word.)

When the Bible is opened to the very first page, the divine revelation begins thus: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".  That verse is followed immediately by the one quoted, above; which, in the opinion of some, seems to suggest a great mystery.  Does that verse of Scripture (verse 2) merely indicate the primordial condition of the earth, from the moment of earth's creation?  But if so, then, why did God create the earth in a state of darkness?  And where did the waters come from, which covered the whole earth (indeed, which, later in Genesis chapter 1, appear to have extended even to what is now the upper atmosphere)?  Or, did some terrific judgment of God occur in the unknowable past -- after Genesis 1:1 and before Genesis 1:2; whereas, the Bible is silent concerning such possible judgment as well as what might have preceded that?  We do not know.

But what we do know, is, that the Spirit of God was there, "in the beginning," when nothing but darkness covered the earth and its "waters".  Otherwise, the earth was "without form, and void"; there was no life at all, besides God.  Yet, in the midst of such gross darkness, the Spirit of God was moving -- to bring about a new thing....

In the Bible, certain words are often used as symbols to represent something else.  One such symbol is the word "water(s)", which word is sometimes used to represent 'multitudes of people,' as in the following example:
"The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues."  Revelation 17:15
As it happens -- though, certainly, not by accident, the events briefly described in Genesis 1:2 and following, have a tremendously important parallel in Scripture, that is, in the prophecy of Isaiah.  In the 60th chapter of Isaiah (near unto the end of that book), the prophet wrote concerning certain conditions and events leading up to, and including, the Second Coming of Christ.  That chapter begins, thus:
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."  Isaiah 60:2
Do you see the parallel between Isaiah 60:2 and Genesis 1:2?  In both of those verses of Scripture, we see that the whole earth is covered in darkness.  Specifically, that darkness shrouds -- in Genesis, the "waters"; which, in Isaiah, it is the "people" of earth.  In both cases, too, the Spirit of God is not only present but he is also moving.  Isaiah refers to that as "the Lord" and "his glory".

Here is the beauty of the revelation:  In both instances in Scripture, that is to say, in Genesis chapter 1, and in Isaiah chapter 60, respectively, the Spirit of God is shown not only to be present but, importantly, also to be moving (working) to bring forth an entirely new order on the earth -- and, at a time when the whole earth (and its peoples) is covered in gross darkness!

We are right now living in that time of which Isaiah prophesied!  Darkness does indeed "cover the earth, and gross darkness the people".  But what saith the Spirit of God by the prophet?
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee."  Isaiah 60:1-2
Does he say that we, God's sons and daughters, should wring our hands in fear and dread of what is coming?  On the contrary! God calls us to rise up in hope and faith -- at just such a time as this, and not merely to stoically face the threats and dangers which surround us.  Rather, we are called by God to demonstrate the "light" and the "glory" -- that is, the Presence and the power of the Lord, in and to this darkened world.

"In the beginning," when there was as yet no man, God moved alone, to bring forth a new thing, a new world.  But on this side of Calvary, of the Resurrection, and of Pentecost, God is committed to work in and through the "Body" of Christ, as the Spirit of God moves, yet again, to bring forth a new thing, a new world.

So, instead of fear, the Church is to have faith; instead of despair, hope; instead of darkness, we have the ability and the responsibility to be, through Christ in us, "the light of the world".

"Arise, shine!" is God's command to me, and to you who want to be identified with Jesus Christ.   That command is not as if the Father were encouraging his child who were just learning to walk, "Come on, you can do this".  But the Captain of the LORD's host has in fact given the command to every one in his army: "Arise, shine," thou soldier of Light!  Preach the gospel; speak the truth; cast out devils; heal the sick; bind the wicked, and loose the prisoners (those who are captive to sin--but don't want to be).

What are you waiting for?  For someone's permission?  Do you need someone else to tell you what you can -- or, what you may -- do through the power of Christ in you?  Do you desire for God to use you to win souls? to heal the sick? to rebuke the devil wherever you encounter him? to comfort and encourage the poor in spirit? to bring Revival to your family, your church, your community -- even, to your nation?

You don't need seminary training (you're much better off without that!).  You don't need some organization to give you a liense (you're far better off without that, too!).  Does Christ live in you?  Are you full of the Word and Spirit of God?  If you are, then you should be full of holy desire toward God and toward souls.  Then, let God have you.  Hold nothing back from Him.  Be the Christ-like person God wants you to be, and do whatever He leads you to do.

You will neither be disappointed nor ashamed.  But you will be amazed by what God will show you, and by what He will do in and through your life.

P.S.  Greetings and blessings to you -- in Russia, in Alaska, in South America, and around the world -- who read this blog.  The Lord knows.....

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