
elite prepper

(Thanks, Jeff.  Not only for the idea for this essay, but for being a true-life example of it.)

In the last handful of years or so, there has arisen a widespread phenomenon involving so-called "preppers".  In a nutshell, "preppers" are folks who believe in the venerable Boy Scouts motto: "Be Prepared".  All the time.  For anything.  There is no standard by which to judge whether or not someone is a prepper.  It is not so much about how well outfitted or how well supplied one is, which serves to identify who is, and who is not, a prepper.  To be a prepper, is more of a mindset than it is anything else.  Preppers self-identify.  Thus, a 93-year old man who grew up during the Great Depression and learned to never throw anything away, and to somehow make use of everything, would likely not think of himself as a prepper.  Whereas, a much younger fellow with a 9mm pistol, a backpack, and a two cases of energy bars, might say he is a prepper.

But it is the "prepper" phenomenon, as such, which speaks something very, very important to us -- if we have ears to hear. . . .

That "phenomenon," says: "Something really bad is coming...soon".  The fact, that everyone can perceive that such a phenomenon is occurring, strongly suggests that a far more widespread movement is in fact occurring, involving persons who are making preparation -- at least mentally, in expectation of looming disaster.

The one thing that every prepper I have ever spoken with or read about would agree is the primary factor which motivates preppers, is the fact that they all believe things are going to get a lot worse in America -- and soon.  Some think the economy is going to tank, while others believe we are headed toward tyranny and martial law.  Still others fear that some cataclysmic natural disaster may be imminent; while yet others are expecting the government to reveal they have been working for years, behind the scenes, with aliens -- who now want to interact more openly with humanity.

Importantly, it appears that some of the world's major religions, and some influential religious leaders, are endorsing the idea that there is about to occur a sea-change in the geopolitical condition of the world.  A substantial number of Christians happens to be among that group.

Generally speaking, preppers believe that -- regardless of what may be coming, it might be possible to survive the coming holocaust; the chances of which, survival, may be significantly increased by reason of early preparation (thus the name "prepper").  Accordingly, individual preppers try to identify what they believe shall be necessary or, at least, useful in order to survive in a future time when common commodities (food, water, fuel, etc.) may not be available, possibly, for an extended period of time.

I have already alluded to the fact that preppers come in all shapes and sizes, so to speak.  Statistically speaking, there is probably something like a "median," in terms of which a large percentage of preppers are concerned to achieve a similar level of preparedness.  Emergency management personnel often recommend the wisdom of having enough supplies of food, water, basic medical and assorted other necessities, so as to be capable to sustain life for at least a handful of weeks, in the event of serious disaster.

But as it is true in every field of human endeavor, there are always those exceptional individuals who go all out, in whatever they do.  Advanced preppers, let us call them, are prepared not only to take care of themselves for more extended periods of time ranging from weeks to months, but they are usually equipped to assist a larger number of other persons as well as themselves.  Some advanced preppers are very interested and active in teaching others how to equip and prepare for emergencies.

There is indeed a growing sense of apprehension amongst the general population, pertaining to the future.  Among preppers, many seem to be preoccupied (some would say obsessed) with thoughts of how to prepare, not for the possibility, but for the eventuality of large-scale calamity, of some sort or another.  The Bible itself foretold that, as the world draws nearer unto the end of this present Age, that time would be characterized by a pervasive feeling of dread and even of despairing -- so much so, in fact, Scripture says, that "men's hearts [shall then be] failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth" (Luke 21:26).  "Perilous times" -- as the Bible calls those days: no, they are not 'coming,' but they are in fact already here.

But, then, there is the "elite prepper".  This individual -- and I stress the word, individual, is in a class apart (if you've ever watched any of the lately popular television series involving so-called survival experts -- like "Bear Grylls," for example, you will understand what I mean, by "a class apart").  Those guys are so good; and, just to prove how good they are, they purposefully put themselves into situations in which practically anyone else would literally die.  Elite preppers are so well trained and prepared, in fact, that they don't stock up on anything at all, except, they stock up on knowledge: knowledge of how to survive in any situation.  Elite preppers have pretty much only one thing on their mind: that is, they live in a state of continuous expectancy, of possible danger, and of an uncertain future in a profoundly troubled world.

Elite preppers travel 'lite'.  They know that flexibility and mobility can be critically important, thus, they must be ready to move out on a moment's notice.  Their "equipment" typically consists, at a bare minimum, of a very dependable knife, and something wherewith to start a fire.  They stay alert at all times; for, they understand that life-threatening dangers tend to appear suddenly and unexpectedly.  And they keep themselves physically and mentally fit.

Much more could be said about preppers, generally, and about elite preppers, specifically.  But I want to put all of what has been said, up to this point, about preparing for the future, in proper perspective, viz.:
If the Bible is true (and I'm sure that it is true), then, NO ONE IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO SURVIVE WHAT IS SOON COMING ON THE EARTH, during the so-called Tribulation.
But do not misunderstand me.  I'm not saying that, therefore, it is vain to try to maintain some level of preparedness for possible disaster.  Nor am I even suggesting that it is somehow wrong to have the mentality of a "prepper" (although, I strongly caution against the danger of being overwhelmed by fear, in the context of that mentality).

On the contrary, I want not only to encourage EVERYONE to strive to become an "elite prepper" (albeit, not in the sense you may suppose).  I furthermore want to provide you with inside information on the only way to escape -- and, so, to "survive" -- what I just said shall be an "un-survivable" time on earth.
The kind of "elite prepper" I'm talking about -- which shall be able to "escape all these things that shall come to pass" (Luke 21:36), as I've just mentioned, is, in fact, an alien -- a creature, or a being -- that is not of this world.  Yes, you read that correctly; there are, really, aliens among us (that is, among the world)!
Mere mortals are not going to be capable -- by any means of their own devising -- to survive the soon coming holocaust which, Scripture asserts, shall destroy nearly all human life on earth.  Though a very small percentage of earth's current population shall survive, yet, none will survive, except, only those whom God may permit and thus enable to survive.

Those of you who profess to be Christians, should know what I'm talking about.  I mean, that those who truly have been "born again," and who thus are "not of this world," they are the "aliens" I above referred to.  True Christians are not "mere mortals," but we have "eternal life," as God promises us, in His Word.

BUT -- even among professing Christians, there is a class of "elite preppers": that is to say, there are those, Christians, whose mind is completely possessed of preparing themselves for the future, according to the will of God, as that is revealed in Scripture.  The Bible has much to say about what such preparation entails.  Here are a fe passages of Scripture, which speak to that issue:
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44)  
". . . [the time of] the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready" (Revelation 19:7)
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21:36)
Spiritual "elite preppers" are preparing themselves not only for that unspeakably important future event called the Rapture of the Church.  But, preparation for the Rapture involves really only one thing, namely: one must prepare himself or herself to be eternally united with that divine Person, the Lord Jesus Christ!  How better can I say that?  

Very few Christians, I am convinced, think very deeply about what that last statement means.  Are you kidding me?  To be "eternally united with" -- God, in the Person of Christ Jesus?  I do not pretend to understand everything that may mean.  But I do understand -- and believe -- the essential meaning of that.  It means that I MUST BE HOLY.  My life must be "without spot, or blemish".  I didn't say that; God Almighty did:
"Christ...loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:25-7)
Are you that kind of "elite prepper"?  Are you traveling "lite," ready to move out "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye," when the trump of God sounds?  Does your everyday essential "gear" include your trustworthy "knife" (the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God) and something wherewith to start a "fire" (are you full of the Holy Ghost)?  Do you commit yourself, daily, to train and to prepare for such a time -- as which even now we find ourselves confronted with?  I mean, do you faithfully seek God in His Word and in prayer?  Do you discipline your mind and body, according to the will of God?  Are you laboring -- in meaningful ways -- to win others to Christ?

These things are basic to Christianity 101, so to speak.  What does it mean, therefore, to be an "elite prepper," in Jesus Christ?

The Holy Ghost will tell you, if you will listen. . . .

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