

Postmodernism is not so much a philosophy, as it is a phenomenon of mind.

As I have studied Postmodernism for quite some time, I now see it to be like one of those chaotic-looking three-dimensional art posters (called stereograms), which after you stare at one intently for a while, suddenly the whole field seems to shift and there appears within it a recognizable three-dimensional object.  But I don't want you to focus too much on the analogy, lest you miss what I want to say.

Yesterday, while listening to two persons, on the radio, discussing (in a supposedly high-minded, intellectual way) a forthcoming animated movie, suddenly there appeared to my mind--as if in one of those stereogram images, that 3-D "picture within the picture".  In that moment, Postmodernism became, for me, a window through which I was able very clearly to understand certain things about "Reality"--as if hidden within the chaotic mosaic of Postmodernism, as it were.  Do not misunderstand me.  I do not mean that Postmodernism itself opened or enlarged my understanding of Reality, as such.  No.  But in order as I was contemplating the meaning and effects of Postmodernism, in the context of the "conversation" I was then listening to, I suddenly came to understand certain realities pertaining to Postmodernism, in a way I had never before seen that.

Before I proceed any further, I believe it will be helpful if I first define my terms.  As I indicated, above, Postmodernism is more a "phenomenon of mind" than it is a philosophy.  Although I believe there is a real and intimate connection between Postmodernism as a philosophy, and this "phenomenon of mind" I want to explain; yet, in order to avoid using the same term for different meanings, I want to employ a unique term to identify that phenomenon, as such.

Therefore, that "phenomenon of mind," I will henceforth call "Borderlands" (not to be confused with the phrase, "borderline personality disorder").  Let me succinctly define what I mean by that term, as follows:
Borderlands: a characteristic phenomenon of mind--bordering upon madness, insanity; which manifests patterns of thought, speech, and behavior, which collectively exhibit a certain view of Reality: that is to say, the belief that "Reality" is whatever one may want that to be; whereby, Reality, to each individual, is then very largely a creation of that individual's own mind.
Doubtless some will object that my definition of "Borderlands" is too similar to the meaning of "subjectivism", or "existentialism".  But here is how subjectivism is defined (at Wikipedia.com):
"subjectivism is the doctrine that knowledge is merely subjective and that there is no external or objective truth".  
Subjectivism, thus, is a theory pertaining to "knowledge".  Subjectivism makes the individual the sole interpreter and judge of his or her own experiences.  Yet, Subjectivism does not go further to address the question of creating/constructing one's own reality, as does Postmodernism.

And here is the definition of existentialism (also from Wikipedia.com):
  1. "a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will."

Existentialism--let me simply say it this way--posits that each person is his or her own god.  That theory has mostly to do with the individual's perception of himself or herself.  Which, not incidentally, presents a case in point illustrating how that Postmodernism is a radical departure even from Existentialism.  Postmodernism allows the individual not merely to be a self-determining "god"; but, alternatively, for a few examples: a "cat", or a "Borg", or a "female" (in the case of biological male).

To be sure, both "subjectivism" and "existentialism" entail the idea that people may believe whatever they want to believe.  "Subjectivism" essentially rejects the notion of "objective truth," yet, it does not go so far as to deny any shared experience.  Whereas, "existentialism" appears to be less concerned with what may be "known" or "believed" about the world, as that may be experienced by the individual, than it is concerned with the idea of the individual's own existence and the nature of that, i.e.: the question of whether and what one "is" (or, perhaps, not).

I will therefore suggest that "Borderlands" is rather like combining "subjectivism" with "existentialism," and then sprinkling that mixture with a dose of howling madness:
Believe what thou wilt; do what thou wilt; and attribute to everything your own meaning:
and let that be your Reality.
That state of mind is what I mean by "Borderlands".  Truly, those who are in the Borderlands, in their own mind, have already wandered very far from the path of Reason and Sanity.  Though they may not yet appear to have fallen clean off the edge of Rationality, into the black abyss of Insanity (thus, the Borderlands moniker), still, they are fearfully close to that.  Postmodernism is the Devil's KoolAid, so to speak, wherewith Satan has bewitched and befuddled the minds of teeming multitudes of souls, who are now in the Borderlands.  They live in a kind of Alice's Wonderland, full of unusual and entertaining characters and scenarios, but none of which makes any sense in the real world.

The mental condition which I am attempting to describe, presents serious problems not only to individuals afflicted with that condition, but also to human society.  The ability of Borderlands persons to communicate with other persons, is significantly impaired, due to Postmodernism's effect to disconnect them from the "grid", as it were.  In Borderlands, there is no consensus of Meaning, expressible in words or other symbols.  No less important--and for the same reason just explained, it is nearly impossible to communicate with Borderlands persons; as their capacity for rational discourse is seriously impaired.  

Rational persons ordinarily are inclined to interact with Borderlands persons as with other, rational persons.  But that can be problematic--if not even dangerous, for a number of reasons, which are not widely recognized.  Problematic, because, rational persons and Borderlands persons can easily misunderstand each other.  Dangerous, because, such misunderstandings may more readily entail bizarre and/or violent behavior due to a Borderlands individual's potential to act according to his or her imagined "reality".  As later explained, that potential is made even more dangerous, by reason of demonic influences in the Borderlands person.

Borderlands is a little understood and not yet widely recognized phenomenon; notwithstanding, it lately appears to be emerging on a very large scale (in terms of numbers of Borderlands cases).  Decades of effort involving the formulation, widespread dissemination and pervasive inculcation, of ideas related to Postmodernism, have preceded what now promises to culminate in a massive number of Borderlands cases worldwide.

Borderlands is not the terminus of some new mental illness.  Though it is a new phenomenon, yet, it is not a new "game".  Similarly as human warfare has evolved over time, with successive generations inventing new weapons and new strategies; so, too, has spiritual warfare evolved.  Satan has adapted his own war strategies to incorporate modern technologies--far better, it seems, than has the Church.  From videos, to movies, to music, to e-books; on smartphones, tablets, big-screen TVs, and computers: the devil has all kinds of new and powerful tools wherewith to program the minds of untold hundreds of millions.

Those who are in the Borderlands live, to a great extent, in a world of their own imagination (powerfully facilitated by modern electronic devices).  Yet, so long as they have their being (they are yet alive), they necessarily exist in the midst of the real world.  That mental conflict (between what is actually real, and what is imagined to be real) must create immense tension in the psyche.  That tension can easily become a kind of crowbar, as it were, wherewith demonic spirits will seek to create an opening for demonic possession in the spirit of the Borderlands person.  I will venture to say that most (if not all) Borderlands persons are, in varying degree, demonized.

And if they are not yet demonized, they soon shall become so.  For, Borderlands is demonic.  It has as its starting point the rejection of the truth of God.  The ground of the mind is thus prepared to receive the seed of Postmodern ideas.  From a very early age, children (in America, especially) are bombarded by Postmodern ideas in the context of an increasingly Postmodern culture.  The mind is thus conditioned to embrace those ideas as being valid.  Moreover, as Postmodernism gives license to living out one's own fantasies; and, as that, in turn, appears to provide a kind of "coping mechanism" whereby to inoculate oneself against the brutality of living in the "real" world: multitudes are thereby subverted by Postmodernism and led (by demons) to dwell (temporarily) in the Borderlands between Reality and (irrecoverable) Insanity.

Thus the trap has been set, and will soon be sprung: whereby, at one time, vast multitudes shall suffer catastrophic psychological shock, when suddenly the rug shall be pulled out from under their fantasy world, as it were, by reason of some real event(s) which shall soon occur in the real world.  Life in the Borderlands will no longer then be possible, because, the surreal mental infrastructure, in Borderlands persons (already tenuous as a spider's web, at best), shall collapse in that moment.

Psychological trauma (induced by multifarious means) is the technique which is employed by mind-control "scientists", to deliberately create multiple "personalities" in individual human subjects; a condition of the mind now called, by professional Psychiatrists, "Dissociative Identity Disorder" (DID); which was formerly called "Multiple Personality Disorder" (MPD).

Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD--now DID) has been clinically identified as being strongly associated with Satanic ritual abuse: "...most patients who report such memories [of Satanic ritual abuse] have MPD" (Colin A. Ross: "Satanic Ritual Abuse; Principles of Treatment". University of Toronto Press, 1995. Preface, x).  More important, Scripture provides us with true knowledge concerning demonic influences and manifestations, in human persons; whereby (Scripture), we understand much about the relationship between psychological trauma and demonic operations (and opportunism).  The Bible furthermore informs us there is coming a time, during the so-called Tribulation, when there shall indeed occur worldwide, wholesale demonic possession of most of the world's inhabitants (subsequent to, and largely in consequence of, the demon hordes which shall be loosed from the bottomless pit, during the Tribulation; as seen in Revelation chapters 9 and 18).  The phenomenal increase in the number of Borderlands persons, is doubtless due to the phenomenal increase of demonic activity in the world.

The real "Black Awakening", I believe, is not perhaps as Russ Dizdar has envisioned and described that in his book by the same title; although, there may be some truth in Dizdar's description of a planned and soon-coming time when millions of pre-programmed (MPD) Satanic "super soldiers" shall be "triggered" at once to unleash a maelstrom of violence to produce the chaos which (it is supposed) shall be necessary in order to implement the New World Order.  But I believe the real "Black Awakening" is occurring right now, and it shall culminate in that event (worldwide demon possession) as I discussed, above.  That is where Satan even now is leading the whole world of unbelievers--many of whom, already, are living in the Borderlands, very near unto the edge of the bottomless pit.

Borderlands has removed individuals so far from Reason and rationality--not to mention from Truth, that it is thus much more difficult to lead such persons to repentance and to faith in Jesus Christ, by means of rational arguments, including Biblical apologetics.  Christian witnessing, amongst Postmodern culture, is becoming exceedingly difficult.  For, we are now living in that period of time which Scripture foretold:
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away....  [S]o do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.  But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was....
"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived....  I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure [will not tolerate] sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."   (2 Timothy 3 - 4)
In the above passages of Scripture, there are several things I want to point out.  The Bible acknowledges that these days we're living in are "perilous times": as it describes a generation characterized by selfishness, lawlessness, and not merely apostasy (turning away) from truth, but an utter disdain for the truth as well as for those who walk in the truth.  Remarkably, however, the Scripture also says that those, evil persons, will nevertheless "hav[e] a form of godliness", and they will "heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears", though they will not then tolerate the truth!  What great deception!  What awful apostasy!  What a perilous situation, indeed, for the real Christian.

The Holy Ghost would not have construed these days as being "perilous times", if there were only a comparatively few such individuals amongst the culture (including the multitudinous churches which are part of that larger culture).  But the converse must be the case; that is to say, that the warning of the Holy Ghost is meant to "remove the scales from our eyes", as it were, so that we can then see through Satan's great deception and, so, perceive the culture and the world as it actually is, in the sight of God.

Recently, I accepted an invitation from someone very close to me, to attend an event involving several well known (though not to me) "Christian" music groups.  The auditorium, which has a seating capacity of 16,000, was completely full (2,000+ people were turned away).  I could not endure more than a few minutes (literally) of the "performance" which I witnessed in that place; so, I excused myself and promptly left.  Not only the performance, but the whole environment was palpably demonic.

Yet, 16-18 thousand people--many if not most of whom were professing Christians, were there to support those musical performers, whose "Christian" music the throng evidently enjoyed and was willing even to pay for that.  It is not likely that those masses included many who were consciously antichrist; else, they would not have paid to see so-called "Christian" musical artists.

Where are such (deceived) persons, as described in the lengthy passage of Scripture above quoted, most likely to be found?  Are they not, as Scripture portrays them, overtly religious?  We know, too, that the text of Scripture, above quoted--as well as throughout the New Testament, warns against the dangers posed to the true Church, by false professors of Christianity.  May we not then conclude, that the apostate churches are filled to the brim with Borderlands zombies?  (The so-called "Zombie Apocalypse" is not a fiction, but it is all too real; although, it is not like how that is commonly depicted in modern-day horror movies and video games.)

I know this for sure: there were very few of those, 16,000+++, who were spiritual enough to turn their backs and walk away from that hellish environment.  I believe there are likewise not many who are spiritual enough to turn their backs and walk away from the apostate churches.  "From such turn away."  Those are not my words, but God's.

But in "turning away" from the apostate churches and from false professors of Christianity, are we to reject them utterly?  I don't believe so.  For, the Scripture (above) also includes a stern command, namely: "I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge...: preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."  

Demons can and must be cast out!  And pseudo-personalities--which are nothing else but product(s) of the human psyche's desperate attempts to protect itself from inhumane and demonic oppression, can just as well be slain and the true self be healed, by the power of the Word and the Spirit of God.  The Holy Ghost is capable, with the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in His hands, to tread upon those serpents and scorpions which infest the Borderlands, and to recover those--as many as may be willing, from the precipice of  eternal damnation.  

But we must not be "ignorant of Satan's devices".  We must know what we are up against, in the realm of the mind, of the spirit.  We are far too easily deceived by what we think we perceive with our natural eyes and ears.  Appearances can so easily involve deception.  As a rule--and a very solid one at that, the vast majority of people are not really who they (superficially) appear to be.  We must be able, through God, to penetrate the veneer of "respectability" whereby most people intend to conceal the shame of their sin (similarly as did Adam and Eve, with their aprons of fig leaves).  We may only be capable of that, according as we are well armed with a deep knowledge of the Word and of the Spirit of God--as well, I believe, as with a substantially good understanding of how it is that the devil is attempting to destroy men's minds, in this our own generation.  The devil succeeds where darkness prevails.

So, I'm praying earnestly for a great shaking: not one which will destroy people's lives. But one which, somehow, will shake the Borderlands so mightily, that multitudes may be reached with the light and the hope of the Gospel of Christ.  I'm praying for an outpouring of God's Spirit in such demonstration that will shatter the fantasy-world in which so many Americans suppose they can hide from Reality and from their own selves even.

Meanwhile, we must obey the commandment of God, to boldly "preach the word, in season, out of season".  (It's the "out of season" part, which mostly tests the mettle of our commitment to Christ.)  "Black Awakening", "Zombie Apocalypse", "Borderlands", are all scary-sounding names . . . for people who are in very great need of God to touch their lives, with His saving strength.

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