
the DAY of the LORD

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.   (2 Peter 3:10)

That is not how that "great and terrible day of the LORD" (Joel 2:11, 31) is going to end.  But that is how it is going to BEGIN.  Peter said the day of the Lord will "come" (not "end") as a thief in the night.  The Apostle John said the same thing:
"The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up."  (Revelation 8:7,8)
The day of the Lord shall BEGIN with a great, global cataclysm of fire and hail of stones, from heaven.  Scores of millions will die.  Peter compared the coming judgment of the world (following the Rapture), to the judgment of God in the Great Flood, thus:
"But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." (2 Peter 3:7)
But that is just the beginning of God's wrath.  After the initial rain of fiery asteroids, comes this:
"And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed." (Revelation 8:8,9)
Check out the following video (it's only 5 minutes long).  At about the 2 minute marker, it explains why a very large asteroid impacting the ocean would be even more devastating than one falling on land:

Why is it, do you suppose, that, lately, we are seeing a phenomenal increase in the number (and size) of asteroids in the earth's atmosphere?  And why are so many people talking about things like "Planet X", or "Nibiru", or "Wormwood"?  Type in any of those words on YouTube and see how much information there is online.

Is it just a coincidence that there is such an awareness of, and interest in, these phenomena -- and at just this time in history?  Is it only a coincidence that so many people are taking these prophecies very, very seriously: when, merely a handful of years ago, hardly anyone gave any serious thought to the subject?  Is it nothing but a coincidence that all of this is occurring at the same time when there is also a phenomenal increase in the number of large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions -- all around the world?

Only the foolish and the spiritually blind cannot see that the day of the Lord is literally at the door!  There has never been another generation in the history of mankind, like this present generation.  I should not need to reiterate a virtual 'grocery list', as it were, of signs indicating that this is that generation, of which Christ himself said, "This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled" (Luke 21:32).

I recently purchased a sophisticated software program which can be used to create realistic simulations of the interactions of objects (stars, planets, asteroids, etc.) in space.  I spent hours working with various models of our solar system, trying to figure out what kind of a scenario might be required, in order to produce the kinds of effects (involving the earth) which are described in the Bible.  Specifically, I wanted to know what it would take to cause the earth to be removed from its present orbit around the sun: a situation which the Bible does plainly foretell that shall occur (it is a "plain", but obscure, prophecy--which explicitly occurs in at least two different places in Scripture, and is supported in several other passages).

I discovered that it shall have to be a very massive object (many times larger even than Jupiter), passing very close between the earth and our own sun, in order to pull Earth out of its orbit.  In the process, as some very massive celestial body (a so-called "brown dwarf" star?) passes very near unto our planet, ALL of the circumstances described in the Bible as being God's judgments at the BEGINNING of the Tribulation, would be produced by such an event as I've just described.

I discovered something else, too.  That is, that by the time even such a massive object can be seen in the sky, it would already be causing very great devastation on the Earth.  (I am convinced that its distant approach is already causing the dramatic climate changes we have been experiencing throughout the past couple of years.)  Also, I discovered that, by the time such an object enters close enough to be seen from Earth, the actual fly-by event (at which time shall occur the rain of hailstones and fire, above mentioned) shall occur within a few weeks from the time when the intruder may first be seen.

I'm beginning seriously to think that the "final harvest" of souls, for which a number of Christ's ministers in America have so long been praying, may in fact be possible only during that very, very brief window of time between the first, verifiable evidences of the approach of (what I shall herein call) "Wormwood" (which is what the Bible names that "star"), and the Rapture -- which shall occur in the midst of the great shaking associated with Wormwood's near approach.

If that is correct, then, that means we may have a few weeks to a handful of months, at most, during which time multitudes of souls may then be so profoundly shaken out of their present fantasy-world mentality, that their fearful and desperate hearts and minds will be turned to seek the mercy of God in Christ.  

Yet, I also believe -- as I have been saying (and writing) for a long time, that God will not then hear the pleadings of multitudes of those who have trifled with the grace of God.  (Even as I write these words, I seem to have a very strong witness of the Holy Ghost, affirming the truth of that.)  We have boldly and often said that:

 "Revival is coming, but it is not coming to (many of) the churches".  
Could that be the reason why it is not coming to the churches?  Could it be that the Rapture is so very near (which would then mean that the approach of Wormwood is very near), that the "Revival" which some (few) have earnestly been praying for, shall be limited to those few weeks or so after Wormwood shows up?

We have heard, from a true prophet (as well as we have heard it in our own spirit), that we are going to have a narrow window of opportunity to reap the end-time harvest; and, furthermore, that, during that brief time, we are going to be "so busy, that we won't have time for anything else".  How else could it be, other than what I am now revealing?

I tell you the truth -- those precious few of you who read this blog: If I ever felt as if the Spirit of God was giving me a word of prophecy, this is it! 

This is a very fearful thing in my spirit: that God is ready (if He hasn't already) to cut off the apostate churches.  He said that His Spirit will not always strive with man!  God's wrath -- RIGHT NOW -- is burning white hot, against the hypocrites and apostates that fill the churches in America!

Yet, I also believe that God's Spirit is still willing to extend mercy to many who are outside of the churches; that is to say, those who have not been hardened by hypocrisy and deception in the guise of religion.

David Wilkerson said -- as long as 30 years ago, that America had "crossed the line", of God's long-suffering; and, henceforth (from that time forward), there would be NO POSSIBILITY of national revival (turning America around).  Those words, I am absolutely certain, have proved to be true.  Nor do we perceive that there is any hope of national Revival -- in the sense of a spiritual "Revival" sweeping the entire nation, which would result in turning the churches around: that is not going to happen!

What, then, remains, as the hope of the Body of Christ?  ONE THING, ONLY: that is, that God will grant a final (and a great) harvest of souls -- from out of the world; and, that we all (the true Body of Christ) may be filled and glorified, by the Holy Ghost, and thus prepared for the Rapture.

I see NOTHING else for us in this world.  There is absolutely NO HOPE of rebuilding the social infrastructure of American society.

Selah (stop, and think about that).

There is also NO HOPE of reforming the institutional churches.


A close Brother in Christ has been working hard for a number of weeks, to organize and prepare for a coming together of churches in the Cincinnati-Dayton, Ohio area.  He wants Christians from all denominations to gather together and pray, and then march through the main streets of a large metropolitan city in this area.  He has spent many hundreds of dollars out of pocket, for this event.  He has already contacted almost 300 churches -- the majority of which he visited in person.  As part of the planned preparation for the upcoming march (still a few weeks away), the pastors and members of those churches were invited to meet for prayer, this past weekend.

Not one person (besides that Brother and myself) showed up for prayer; no, not even one member from his own church!  Not even his own pastor showed up for prayer!  Who yet believes that Revival is coming to the churches?

The FUTURE of the true CHURCH must now be focused upon preparing for the Rapture and -- from that point forward, to rebuild the WORLD.  Oh, yes, I mean that most sincerely.  The Rapture of the Church is not only so that Christ's faithful shall be spared the horror of God's wrath during the Tribulation:

But the Rapture shall serve to exalt and equip the saints, to engage in a level of spiritual warfare hitherto unknown to the Church.
After the Rapture, the then-glorified saints (we) are going to carry out God's judgment upon this present evil world (see, Psalm 149).  God is actual going to USE the Tribulation as the means whereby the vast host of the world's inhabitants who will then swear their allegiance to Satan, shall thus be marked (literally) for destruction.  And God is going to subdue all the kingdoms and powers of this wicked world, during that very brief span of time, called the Tribulation.

Very few people take the time to research current events.  And, no, I'm not talking about wars, or terrorism, or politics.  I'm talking about things which are occurring in real-life, which make science-fiction movies look like amateurish cartoons in comparison.  Mankind is on the very threshold of making himself God-like.  But his (Man's) cleverness has utterly deceived him actually to believe that Man is God.  Here is a video in which a world-class scientist looks right into the camera and declares: "We are going to become gods.  Period."  You need to hear what he says, next:

Meanwhile, most of the churches are playing tiddly-winks -- if they are not in fact openly cavorting with the Devil.

Imagine, if you will, ONE MILLION (ten-hundred-thousand) souls.  Now, imagine that same number of souls, seven-thousand times over.  Then, add another half-BILLION to that number.  When the Bible, in the Revelation, states that "one-third" of that number shall be killed: that's about TWO-THOUSAND-MILLION people who will die AT ONCE!  That is the same as if WorldWarII occurred 33 times -- at once.  And that is just one of the judgments, during the Tribulation!

What are we doing, Church?  What--in God's Name--are we doing?  While the world is on fire?  I visited a large, mainstream "Pentecostal" church, this morning.  The "worship service" consisted of one song.  For fully 20 minutes (I kid you not), the "worship team" (about seven people on stage) led the congregation in singing: "I can hear the sound, I can hear the sound, I can hear the sound, I can hear the sound, I can hear the sound, I can hear the sound . . . ", ad nauseam.  Finally, the music stopped.  But the drums kept right on.  And so did the mind-numbing mantra: "I can hear the sound, I can hear the sound . . .".  A thirty-something-year old man took off running around the church (I wanted to run, too).  One young girl was standing out in the aisle, lost in her own wildly gyrating world.  It so happened that that church was "test driving" a candidate for their new pastor.  He never missed a beat.  He came right out of the gate, saying: "The Presence of God is so thick in here this morning, you could cut it with a knife".

After the service was over, I stopped in the vestibule to ask him one question:
"What do you think about the Church of God urging your churches (I showed him the article in his denomination's own magazine) to embrace something called 'Alternative Worship', which makes use of black ceilings, strobe lights, fog machines, and holding lighted candles while walking a labyrinth [like a maze]?"
"I don't know; but I'm not against technology," he replied.  The Associate Pastor promptly grabbed him by the arm and literally pulled him away from me.

It's a dark day in America.  But God is still on His throne.

I'm terrified for the apostate churches -- and even more so for their leaders.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize that the time for revival could be so short. May the Holy Spirit be unhindered during that time. It makes perfect since that it may be only between the discovery and the impact or near miss of a near earth object
