
look up, and lift up your heads

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."  (Luke 21:28)

In the above verse of Scripture, there is an explicit and proximate (close) relationship said to exist between the occurrence of certain "things" ~ and our "redemption," that is to say, the Rapture. 

The above-quoted text is rich with revelation and with hope.  For, it suggests, firstly, that the Bible must have identified what are those "things," which we should look for their "occurrence," their coming to pass.  That means that we must be capable not only to know what those "things" are but, furthermore, that we must also be capable to perceive when they shall occur (or, perhaps, that they have already occurred).  The Rapture is not "imminent," in the sense that many have claimed.  Which is to say, that it is not true that the Rapture can occur at any moment without warning.  In fact, there are definite signs revealed in Scripture, which we are instructed to watch for.  Before we discuss that topic, however, let's see what else is contained in the above-quoted verse.

Secondly, the Scripture says: "And when these things begin to come to pass...."  We are thus encouraged that we shall not have to wait until that those "things" (whatsoever they may be) have fully run their course, before we may be capable to perceive that "they" are in fact coming to pass.  Moreover, those "things" shall very quickly terminate (for those Christians who are ready,) in the Rapture.  In other words, those who may be capable to perceive the "beginning" of those "things" coming to pass, shall be the same persons who shall witness the fulfillment of their own "redemption" (viz., the Rapture).  Both the (perception of those) "signs," as well as the Rapture, therefore, pertain to one and the same generation.

"When these things begin to come to pass, then look up...."  One cannot "look up" and at the same time look 'around' or look 'down.'  To 'look up' means to look heavenward, spiritually speaking; to fix our gaze upon Christ and his soon coming.  Scripture has instructed and admonished Christians in every Age, that we must "set our affection on things above, not on things on the earth" (Colossians 3:2).  But especially now must we turn our desires away from earthly pleasures, and prepare our hearts for the coming of our Lord from heaven.  And not our desires only.  But to "look up" also means not to be preoccupied with worldly cares and problems.  The parable of the Sower, in Scripture, mentions the seed which fell among thorns: which are said to represent "cares," as well as "riches and treasures" (Luke 8:14); and that seed was choked out.

"...and lift up your heads."  The implication suggests a time when Christians "heads" would be hung down, as if burdened, or troubled, or, perhaps, even despairing.  "Lift up your heads," means to resist the temptation to despair or even to be sorrowful.  At such a time as this, when the grossest darkness which shall ever be in the history of humanity is overtaking the hearts and minds of those who know not God, the sons and daughters of God are called to shine forth the light of God's glory (Isaiah 60).  What is the reality of that "light," and of that "oil," spoken of in the parable of the Ten Virgins?  Is it not the light which shines forth from the countenance of those in whom the Word and Spirit of the living God dwells?  If we don't believe the promises of God; if we don't have tangible hope of Christ's saving power; then, what have we to offer to those around us?

"...for your redemption draweth nigh."  That "redemption" is not a reference to the New Birth; but it is explicitly a reference to the Rapture.  "Look up, and lift up your heads; for" the Rapture is drawing near!  Oh, boy, is it drawing nearer every day!  For the longest time, I have been living very much "one day at a time."  Today, someone said to me that, lately, he is living almost "hour-to-hour."  I have been feeling that way, too.  I vividly recall that, about eight years or so ago, I told some close friends of mine that, in order as the Rapture draws nearer and nearer in time, we shall have a correspondingly increased awareness of the imminency of the actual Event.  I will tell you that, in all my many years as a Christian, I have never before now had such an overwhelming sense that the Rapture is just about to happen at any moment.

I have seen the occurrence of those "things," which are only alluded to in the above-quoted Scripture.  I know what those "things" are, which the Bible reveals ~ with sufficient detail and specificity, to be the "signs" of the soon-coming Rapture.  Indeed, the Bible goes even further than merely to identify what are those "things;" but ~ deeply hidden in Scripture, there is a kind of "Event Clock," which, for those who have understanding, signifies a veritable "countdown" to the Rapture.

Do you know what to look for?  Do you understand how it is that you can know ~ on the authority of God's Word, the fast approaching time of the Rapture?  Or, do you only think that you know, based upon what you have heard others repeat ~ from things which they, in turn, heard others repeat....?

There are skeptics everywhere ~ in the Church, mostly.

But there are some (very few) who have knowledge of the deep things of God....

And we are willing to share that knowledge, with whomever may truly care to know.

This shall be a sign unto you: When you see me ~ or any of a few others whom, I happen to know, also have knowledge of the secret things of God, you will find us "looking up," and with our "heads lifted up."  And rejoicing in the goodness and faithfulness of our God.  Even at such a time as this.

For, the time truly is now at hand.  No kidding.

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