
America shipwrecked

America was shipwrecked quite some time ago.  That is merely to state the obvious.  It is so painfully obvious, in fact, that I will expend no effort to substantiate it.  The one question which now should be forefront in every American's mind is not, "Can the ship be saved?"  Yet, that seems to be the illusory hope of many, who suppose that a new President at the helm of the "ship of State" may be able to steer America on a different course.  But that makes about as much sense as if a smartly dressed Captain should climb up to the bridge of the beached skeleton, pictured above, and call out, "Helmsman, turn hard to port, and full-ahead!"

I chose the analogy of a shipwreck because such (as is pictured, above) was likely to contain a large number of passengers.  Those passengers who were aboard the "American Star" (pictured above) did not foolishly ask, "Can the ship be saved?"  Rather, they each asked, "How do we get to safety, _(somewhere else)_?"  And that is the question which every American should now be asking: "Where do we go from here?"

Did I (twice) say "every American?"  Silly me.  Those whose own policies and agendas actually caused the shipwreck see this rock-strewn coastline and believe they have arrived at their desired destination.  In their minds, America is not really shipwrecked.  Instead, they believe that America's future shines brighter than ever~now that an International Socialist Utopia appears within their grasp.  They long ago threw overboard the ship's compass (the Constitution): "We won't be needing that.  We know where we're going~and it's not that way."  The ship's engine (a sound economy) they've dismantled and scavenged its parts for NASA's next trip to Mars.  Now, what to do with the rusting hull?  The EPA or, perhaps, FEMA may have some ideas. . . .

Many other Americans also seem perfectly content to have arrived at this "port of call"~ where nobody works, everything is free, and where it's "always Happy Hour."  Those Americans don't want to go anywhere from "here."  "Shipwrecked?  Not my problem. Hey, where's my tequila?"
And lately, this broken-down ship is becoming "home" to all sorts of passengers who seem to care nothing about the condition of the ship itself, so long as those "birds of a feather" can hang together somewhere they won't get their feet wet.  A shipwrecked hull will do just fine; it doesn't have to be going anywhere.  They surely don't want to go anywhere else from "here;" here is where they're flocking to.

Who's left on the boat, then, who sees that America is, in fact, shipwrecked?  Not as many, perhaps, as you might have supposed.  Think about it.  It's not as if some great storm drove this huge ship (America) aground.  Nor was this ship disabled and brought to ruin by some external attack.  What else then can that mean, except, that the Captain (President/s) and his crew (Congress/Courts) must have been complicit in steering a course right into the rocks?!  And not only that.  How many passengers onboard must have seen what was happening but, rather than doing anything to avert the impending 'disaster,' they joined ranks to keep others from being able to remove the Captain and his crew from the bridge?!

One might have thought there would have been a mutiny~especially, given the history of America's origins.  Oh, but this generation knows nothing, really, about the Puritans (except, that they were 'prudes and bigots'); or, about the Pilgrims (except, they brought with them the notion of 'white privilege').  Whom do have to thank for inculcating such monstrous ideas as those, in the minds of this generation of Americans?  We can thank the Church.  Yes, the Church.  Statistics reveal that between 75-85% of all adults in America are self-professed Christians (prior to the recent hordes of immigrants).  America's public education system~which is the principal mechanism of indoctrination of America's youth, could not even exist without the support and participation of the vast majority of "Christian" parents~and of those parents' "Christian" leaders.

America's largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), is reportedly encouraging mass immigration of refugees to America; furthermore, the SBC is reportedly encouraging and even assisting the construction of mosques in America (link).  Like I said, we can thank the Church for this shipwreck.

There has indeed been a mutiny in America, but not against ungodly leaders and their ungodly policies.  Rather, the great majority of "passengers" onboard this metaphorical "ship"~in league with the Captain and crew~have mutinied against the owner (God) of this once great luxury-liner called, America.  The ship's "manifest" indicates the destination was supposed to have been somewhere near a place called "Paradise."  Nevertheless, the Captain, the crew, along with most of the passengers, decided they wanted to go to "Shangri-La," instead.

(There.  I've 'gone and done it,' anyways.  I mean that, without intending to do so, I nevertheless "substantiated" the fact that America has been shipwrecked.  I really only wanted to mention the fact, and then move on to say something far more important even than that.  I suppose that will have to wait for another time. . . .)

Well, here we are.  We have arrived.  How should we celebrate our success?  "I know," says the Captain: "let's all get toasted!"  (As he stealthily climbs into the only life-raft onboard....)

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