
between two Ages (part 7)

American news media will not dare to show images which are even mildly upsetting or provocative.  In a way, that's really too bad.

Not that I approve of graphic images which show things such as the aftermath of beheadings; or, real photos of mass slaughter of innocent civilians, by machete-toting gangs; or, actual pictures of drug-crazed 'zombies' cannibalizing their still-living victim's face.  I apologize even for speaking of such damnable things.  But that the American public is prevented from viewing anything even remotely suggestive of such horrific events, which are increasingly occurring throughout the world (yes, including America), is a vital part of Satan's strategy ~ to maintain the fiction, in Americans' minds, of "normalcy."

America is the land of city-sized amusement parks (think Disneyland, Disney World, Cedar Point, Kings Island, Six Flags, et al); and, of 50,000+ seat sports arenas in practically every major U.S. city; and, of shopping malls so massive that USA Today referred to a number of those as being "tourist destinations in their own rights"(link).  But that's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

Vast numbers of Americans (especially those under 40 years old) live in a complete fantasy world: where winning the lottery is actually possible (as they believe); where every day is filled with shopping, eating out, sports, drinking, "tweets," texts, YouTube videos ~ and a myriad of other distractions.  But even the older generation of Americans is by no means immune from the pervasive effects of this spiritually dead culture.

The consequences of the Apostasy of the Church in America are devastating.

I have zero hope that America may experience anything like a national revival, either politically, economically, or spiritually.  For, the ethical and philosophical foundations of this nation have been completely destroyed.  How do I know?  Because, for many years I have made it my life's work to know such things.  Is there, then, no hope?  I wouldn't be writing, if I thought there was no hope.

What is the nature of my hope, if, as I just said, I have "zero hope" of national revival?  My hope is centered in the idea that God may yet be willing (notwithstanding His fierce anger) to give to this generation such a mighty demonstration of His Spirit that multitudes will experience deep conviction of sin and, so, they will turn from their sins to seek the Lord with their whole heart.  My hope, in other words, is that Christ may receive a great End-time harvest of souls ~ and that we may have the privilege and joy of being a part of that harvest.  After which, I'll then be ready for the promised Exaltation (the Rapture), and for the "honor" (as that is described in Psalm 149) of "executing the judgment written," upon the enemies of Christ.

Until then ~ and until that God may mercifully pour out His Spirit upon this nation one more time before the Rapture, there is something which we MUST do, that is, if we will be faithful to Christ.  We must earnestly strive to find that place in prayer where that God will be pleased to send forth His Spirit in the power of Revival.  There is no other answer that I know of; and I've searched very diligently (like an Olympic athlete in training), for answers. 

Doubtless some Readers of this blog believe yourselves to be "Christians."  You are who I am desperately trying to reach.  Informative, insightful, even provocative essays are a total waste of my time and of yours, unless they instruct and motivate us to seek God ~ earnestly! for this generation, for our own communities, and for our own families.

I've tried in many ways to explain that the root of the problem is the apostate condition of America's churches.  If I'm wrong about that, then, who has a better, a truer or more reasonable answer?  I sincerely want to know.

If the Apostasy of the Church is the principal reason why America is falling under God's judgment (as I believe); then the next question should be: Am I part of that Apostasy?

If I am not part of the Apostasy, then, what am I doing in Christ's Name and as one of His ambassadors in the midst of what has become a nation of heathens?

Do I have reason to believe that Jesus will soon look at me, face to face, smile, and say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant"?

Well done?  Good? and faithful?  Servant?

How am I serving Jesus Christ?

I've often told a parable to my children, of a wealthy man who left home for a period of time. When he returned, he found that his favorite candy-apple red sports car was now - blue!  Irate, he demanded to know of his servant how that such a thing happened to his favorite car.  His servant replied, "Sir, I wanted to do something nice for you, to show you my appreciation.  I even paid for the paint job, out of my own pocket."  His seeming good intentions notwithstanding, did the servant do his master's will?  Did he thus please his master?  He did not.

Likewise, many Christians suppose that they do God service by any number of different activities.  They go to church.  They sing in the choir.  They put money in the offering.  They don't cuss (well, hardly).  They don't smoke or drink.  They, uh, go to church.  And, umm, listen to Christian music, mostly.

But pleading with God for real Revival?  Or spending more than a few minutes in prayer?  Or intentionally seeking out truly godly companions who will covenant with them to seek for a move of God?

A young man told me, yesterday, that the next time someone asks him if he is a "Christian," he is going to answer them thus: "No, I'm sorry to say that I'm not.  Else, if I were a Christian, then the dead would be raised, the sick would be healed, and the devil would be cast out, everywhere I go.  No, I'm not yet a Christian; but I'm striving to be one, that is, to be like Christ."

"You may never get the chance to say that to anyone," I replied.  "When is the last time anyone asked you whether you are a Christian?"

If you will, go back to the top of this page and look at the picture.  That's the vision I have of what real Christianity looks like, in the spirit.  Do you want to know what inspired such a vision of Christianity, in my imagination?  The Bible, that's what.  

And do know what I believe about that vision?  I believe that is exactly how God sees the Body of Christ.

Are you serving the "Captain of the Lord's host" as part of a team of spiritual warriors?

Why not?

And why is there blue paint on your hands. . . .?

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