
David Wilkerson: A Call to Anguish

Here is someone who knew something about suffering anguish in the spirit.  If you don't know anything about that, please, at least don't point your finger at someone whose heart is burdened and broken; whose eyes are bloodshot from crying through sleepless nights.  No, of course, someone like that is not very entertaining company.  People aren't comfortable being in the presence of someone who agonizes over the Apostasy, over the lost condition of multitudes both inside and outside the Church.  Which, rejection and isolation, only adds to the heartache of such a burdened soul.  Someone like that is not to be envied.  But neither should they be despised.  Dare I say? as Paul did say, that God is at work pouring out, and filling up, what is left behind of the sufferings of Christ.  Sermon link here.

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