
Andrew Wommack ~ in his own words

I learned a long time ago that being a faithful shepherd is sometimes a very lonely career.  But I fear the Lord and, so, my first and highest duty is to serve and to please Him.  By the grace of God I am what I am: a watchman and a shepherd.  "Beware of wolves who come to you in sheep's clothing," the Master warned.  First, "Beware."  That means to be alert, watchful, careful, discerning.  Of what?  Of the devil's agents (wolves) who DISGUISE themselves as Christians (sheep), so that they may thus infiltrate the flock of God (the Church) in order to "steal, kill, and destroy."

A couple of days ago, in the course of doing other research, I came across Andrew Wommack.     Although I had occasionally heard his name, yet, I had never gone out of my way to learn anything about him.  So, I spent a couple of hours watching some of his teaching videos.  Let me first say, that having invested many thousands of hours in studying the Bible, over the course of several decades; and, having spent many thousands of hours more in researching a wide spectrum both of teachers and of their teachings: thus I have developed the ability (in keeping with the 'shepherd' metaphor) to spot a "wolf in sheep's clothing" probably more readily (if not also more surely) than can most.  It is something that comes with much experience.  I must say, too, that true and faithful shepherding is most needful to the well-being of the Body of Christ ~ especially in these times of Apostasy and great deception.

What I heard in that brief amount of time I spent listening to Wommack, was sufficient to convince me that he is a false prophet and a deceiver.  Since then, I have invested even more of my time to research Wommack's teachings ~ albeit not for my own sake (for, I was already convinced, else, I never would have publicly identified Wommack as being a "deceiver").  But for your sake, dear Reader, I am willing to give myself, without any benefit to myself, except, for the love that I have in Christ to your soul. 

Following, then, are a number of quotes from Andrew Wommack's own books and/or teaching videos; together with my comments interspersed (in blue highlighted areas).
"When Adam and Eve submitted unto Satan, they are the ones that empowered Satan.  In a sense, man made Satan: God created Lucifer, but man made Satan." (see video, here, @ time marker 0:00)
The above statement makes God to be wicked.  For, Wommack plainly suggests that "Lucifer" was not "Satan" until that Adam and Eve sinned.  In that case, (good) Lucifer's lying to Eve; his discrediting and disparaging the Word of God; and, Lucifer's accusations against God's Person ~ all of which occurred prior to Eve's "submission:" could not then have been the fault of Adam or of Eve.  Therefore ~ according to Wommack, "Lucifer" (who was not yet "empowered" as "Satan," by Adam and Eve's submission), was only doing what God had created Lucifer to be and to do!  Wommack's statement furthermore makes God to be wicked, by suggesting that God made man ~ who in turn made Satan!  Therefore, God created man as an evil creature.  For (according to Wommack), it was man that corrupted God's beautiful archangel Lucifer!  Finally, Wommack makes the Word of God to be a lie, and Wommack himself to be the revealer of truth ~ by teaching ideas which indisputably are contrary to the plain teaching of Scripture.
"[God] spoke everything into existence.  And when He had [past tense] absolute authority and power ~ He hadn't delegated it yet to His creation, He just spoke Adam and Eve into existence, and they came into being.  But after He had created them, He turned the control, the authority to rule and to dominate this earth, over to physical human beings.  And now that mankind had yielded themself [sic] to the devil, how was He [God] going to create the second Adam [Christ]?...  He [Christ] needed the physical body, but he needed to be sinless.  And, so, there needed to be another creation, similar to the way that Adam was created.  But God no longer was in absolute control: so, He couldn't just speak him [Christ] into existence.  What He [God] had to do was flow through people, and get people to speak the things that needed to be said, so that Jesus could come into this earth. (video, @ time marker 6:25) 
The above statements are blasphemous in the extreme.  Firstly, God did neither speak Adam nor Eve into existence.  Wommack thus makes God's Word to be a lie.  Secondly, Wommack suggests that, in delegating authority to Adam (man), God thereby divested Himself of His own authority!  Yet, by definition, "delegated" authority subsists only by reason of some higher (and continuing) authority which thus extends (but does not surrender) its own power to a subservient agent.  God gave up none of His own power and authority over His own Creation, when he "delegated" authority to man.  But Wommack explicitly states that "God was no longer in absolute control."  How then, does Wommack suppose, can God ever hope to regain the control He supposedly lost?  Remember, that Wommack said it was man who "empowered" Satan; it was man who "made Satan."  Christ's defeat of Satan, therefore, could have had nothing to do with God regaining control FROM MAN.  One can only logically deduce that ~ according to Wommack's twisted theology, God still does not have "absolute control" over His own Creation.

Wommack's "god" cannot be the God of the Bible.  For, the God of the Bible did not "speak" man into existence; nor did the God of the Bible surrender or lose any of His divine authority at any time.

The blasphemy of Wommack's teaching goes deeper still.  For, Wommack's "christ" could not possibly have been the eternal Son of God.  Rather, Wommack's "christ" was literally created by some (unstated) number of people who themselves "spoke" "christ" into existence.  Andrew Wommack teaches that heretical system of dogma which is called "word of faith."  In that same video (here @ time marker 0:44), Wommack says that Satan is the one who crucified Jesus ~ and then "took him to hell."  That false and blasphemous idea is classic 'word of faith' teaching.

Now, this same Andrew Wommack is going to teach the Church of the living God the truth about God's grace and God's salvation?  I don't think so.

Wommack uses a lot of Biblical words, names, and phrases.  But he is very, very far from teaching the truths of Scripture.
"So, this answers that question: Why did Jesus have to become a man?  Couldn't God have done things another way?  No, because, God is a spirit.  God had to become a man, [in order] to come down into this domain [earth] and have power and authority." (video, @ time marker 7:33)
Above is yet another example whereby Wommack distorts so as to belittle the nature of God, His divine power and authority.
You've been forgiven of your sins - past, present, and future! That's what "eternal redemption" means. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 50)
"Eternal redemption" ~ as that is taught by so many Calvinistic teachers, is heretical.  The Bible nowhere admits that "future" sins have already been forgiven.  In fact, the Bible is very clear in saying that there are some sins which may not ever be forgiven (see, Mark 3:29; 1John 5:16; Acts 8:18-22).  The Bible moreover contains several examples of some who once walked with God but who later became apostates.  Besides, if all future sins were already forgiven, then the fearful and abundant warnings, of Scripture, against backsliding and apostasy, were then meaningless.
When I do fall short, sin doesn't have dominion over me the way it used to because I know now that God has already forgiven me completely - past, present, and future sins. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 69)
This is nothing else but licentiousness.  If it is not, then, licentiousness is undefined. 
I was ministering to a woman once along these lines. She struggled with sexual immorality.... She felt defiled. So because she saw herself as defiled...it became like a self-fulfilling prophecy in her life. She was going out and reliving this defilement by giving in to sexual immorality. While praying for her, the Lord gave me a picture to share with her. He told me to tell her that He saw her in the spirit clean and pure -- just like a bride in total white and completely virginal. ("Grace, The Power of the Gospel," 2007, p. 106)
Wommack's "religion" is mysticism and witchcraft.  God does not "see" anyone who is continuing to live in sin, as being "clean and pure," etc.  Wommack mocks God's holiness, while Wommack fears not to give false hope based upon lies, to an admittedly unrepentant fornicator. 
"The bottom line is, if you've got a problem in your body [sickness], you don't understand the gospel; you don't have a revelation of it, or there would be power in you for healing.  If you've got poverty in your life, you don't understand the gospel, or you would have the power to be able to prosper." ("Marrying God's Grace With Our Works" time marker 3:38)
According to Wommack's perverted teaching, neither the Apostle Paul, nor Epaphroditus, nor yet Trophimus then understood the gospel.  For, even Paul left Trophimus in Miletum, sick (2Timothy 4:20).  Nor, evidently according to Wommack, did Jesus, Peter, or John understand the gospel: for, none of those men possessed any wealth.  Actually, this teaching of Wommack's is just another facet of the 'word of faith/prosperity-gospel.'  Which is no gospel, but it is doctrines of demons.
God will never leave you nor forsake you. He’s already forgiven you, so don’t fall for the deception that He doesn’t love you or that you’ll lose your salvation. ("The New You and The Holy Spirit," 2008, pp. 25,26.)
God also told the Israelites that He would never break His covenant with them.  Nevertheless, when the Israelites broke covenant with God, He did then forsake them and, in fact, turned to fight against them.  Are you going to put your faith in what Wommack says about those eternally important doctrines ~ after what you have thus far seen of his teaching????   Wommack has become rich (you can bet he's not impoverished, according to his own teaching) peddling his false teachings ~ in his books, DVDs, television and radio programs, conferences, and in his very own 'bible' school.  I will tell you the truth: Wommack is lying about "already being forgiven for future sins," and about not being able to lose one's salvation.
I have good news—what God does in the spirit always remains constant and unchanging regardless of fluctuations in your performance. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 37)
Let me put his above statement in much plainer words, viz.:  You can live any way you want to and still go to heaven; according to Wommack.  The phrase, "regardless of fluctuations in your performance," is a euphemism for "S-I-N."  In other words, according to Wommack, "[W]hat God does in the spirit always remains constant and unchanging ~ regardless of one's perpetual sinning!
When you fail in any area of your life after being saved, the rottenness, uncleanness, and defilement that comes to your body and soul don’t penetrate your spirit. This Holy Spirit seal keeps the good in and the bad out. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 41) 
Sin and its effects cannot enter into your spirit. When you sin your spirit does not participate. It retains its original holiness and purity—and will for eternity. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 42)
The righteousness you were born again with stays uncontaminated. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 45)
Your spirit has been perfected forever—for all time. You don’t lose your right standing with God if you sin. What a radical, wonderful truth for the church today! ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 51)
Your born-again spirit never needs to be re-cleansed, re-purged, or born again, again. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 47)
Your spirit has been sealed, sanctified, and perfected forever. Its righteous state doesn't fluctuate with the holiness of your actions and attitudes. Since salvation depends solely upon putting your faith in Jesus and being born again, your sin doesn't affect your relationship with God. He fellowships with you based on your faith in Christ alone. ("Spirit, Soul and Body," 2010, p. 62)
I'll lump together all six of the above quotes, and treat them as one; since they all basically deal with the same perverse doctrine.  Wommack hasn't any clue whatsoever about the nature of man ~ much less of the truth of the Word of God.  According to Wommack's doctrine, any professing Christian could sin with impunity, without any concern whatsoever for offending the holy God.  Wommack explicitly states: "[Y]our sin doesn't affect your relationship with God."  What 'bible' is he reading?  I can assure you, it is not the Holy Bible.

Andrew Wommack is a very dangerous individual.  He is dangerous, firstly, because he teaches lies from hell.  Secondly, because his appearance and demeanor is very disarming to those who are not on guard, spiritually ~ especially, to those who don't have a strong foundation of knowledge of Scripture.

Oh, but Andrew Wommack is very well known and widely respected.  Yeah.  Which just goes to show you how pervasive and how deep is the Apostasy.


  1. You said a lot of contras up there yet we would appreciate if you strengthen yours with scriptures that agAinst the scriptures he has been using. What kind of Bible are you reading? Im curious.. God bless you

  2. Since about 15 years ago, I will only use the King James Bible. I will be glad to provide Scriptural support for my claims ~ if you will check back to this site in a couple of days; I'm trying to finish up a big project. Thanks!

  3. Yeah this man has defiled some of the local churches of the town I live in, I never believed them but so many do and even pastors. This man is extremely dangerous he is sending people to hell I guess.

  4. No one is sent to hell, they choose hell. No one can fall into hell by accident.
