
repost of a Caroline Glick article

I don't recall that I've ever before highlighted another author's article on this site.  But this is a must-read.  Caroline Glick's very important article titled, "Avigdor Lieberman vs. Israeli Democracy" can be found at this link.  Glick's article brings to light some monumentally important information regarding Trump's Secretary of Defense, James "Mad Dog" Mattis, and, especially, the woman whom Mattis wants to appoint as his undersecretary of defense for policy, Anne Patterson (pictured, above, though her name is misspelled).  Patterson is Trouble ~ with a capital 'T'.  What does that say, then, about Mattis?  Glick's article also pinpoints certain strategic weaknesses in Israel's government, namely, Israel's Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman.

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