
the countdown has begun

The guy in the above photo is the successor to Yasser Arafat, and he is the current head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).  You can tell from his own words, quoted above, that he is deeply committed to representing the Palestinians as Israel's "peace partner" in the Middle East.  Never mind that his term expired eight years ago, as the Palestinians' elected Chairman of the PLO.  But everything is just about to change.  Abbas represents the "old Order."  But the time for the new Order has come.  So, Abbas is very soon going to be shown the door.  The countdown has begun ~ to Armageddon.

It will be helpful if you will first read this article which was just published at DEBKA's website (here).  It reveals some very important information about President Trump's new peace initiative involving the Palestinians (and Israel).

Whereas Obama ~ who, I am convinced, is a pure postmodernist if he is not also a Muslim incognito, refused to acknowledge the realities, of the Palestinians' culture and leadership.  Trump, on the other hand, appears to be willing to confront those realities head-on.  His willingness moreover to give members of the Arab League a star role in dealing with Abbas and the Palestinians, I believe, is the match that will light the candle of a pseudo-peace, in the very near future.

Of course, (Shiite) Iran is not likely to appreciate the fact that several (Sunni) nations will probably be reasserting their influence more directly in the so-called West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Jerusalem.  Nevertheless, we know from Scripture that a coalition between certain Sunni states and certain European states shall arise amidst the smoking rubble of the soon-coming Ezekiel's War ~ in which Iran and her allies shall be that "smoking rubble."

The geopolitical situation truly is tottering on a razor's edge, so to speak.  And I have good reason to believe that more serious things are going on behind the scenes in the Middle East than what is publicly known; concerning which I have no details, though I can make some educated guesses.  All of which, however, points to one and the same thing, namely: the first of the great wars which, according to the Bible, are going to occur in the Middle East, could happen as soon as sometime later this year.

The coming seven months, I predict, are going to involve the most momentous events that anyone in this present generation has ever seen.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your "ear-to-the-ground" reporting. There are many who cannot connect the dots, which, in the perilous times we indeed live in warrant some sort of connection and action, if only awareness. Thank you brother for your out welcome diligence.
