
mystical jesus

Everybody knows Mystical Jesus.  He's quite popular on Facebook.  Mystical Jesus (MJ for short) is so well known and liked, in fact, that his fame makes lots of people lots of money in lots of ways.  For instance, MJ packs out stadium-sized conferences and Christian music concerts, from America to Australia.  Needless to say, he's the one that is most often worshiped ~ in mystical ways, of course ~ in most churches.  Mystical Jesus is the one represented on the left-hand side, in the above image (as if you didn't recognize him!).

Whereas, the real Jesus is represented on the right-hand side of the above image.

The whited-out image that resembles an open Bible, in the background behind the image of Mystical Jesus, is actually very important to his persona; it's a big part of his mystique.  MJ wants to be associated with the Bible; for, that association is what makes him unique.  But he doesn't want the Bible to distract anyone from himself.  Thus, although the Bible is present (in the background) in the above image, nevertheless, what the Bible actually says is not all that important ~ at least, not to MJ and his followers, who believe that the Bible is supposed to be mysterious; it's a book of mysteries.  It's a divine book of mysteries.  And, of course, everybody interprets the Bible differently, anyways; as they suppose.  But that's just the point: that's what makes Mystical Jesus...uh..., mystical.  He can be whoever anyone wants him to be ~ as long as Mystical Jesus is always good and kind and forgiving and merciful and will love people no matter what they do and he'll always be there for them.  (That's why he's so popular.)

The actual Bible (not the whited-out one), on the other hand, contains a lot of thou shalts and thou shalt nots.  Besides, it presents Jesus in a way that doesn't leave any room for people to make him to be whomever they want him to be.  Rather, the Bible presents Jesus as he is.  Take him, or leave him.  Most folks leave him ~

. . . for Mystical Jesus.  MJ never tells anybody how they must live; he doesn't ever judge anyone; he is non-confrontational and non-judgmental.  And he loves a good time: get-togethers, fun crowds, good music, food, maybe some activities, self-help groups, seminars, good speakers.  You know.  MJ never gets too much in people's business; he doesn't cramp their way of life.  He's just ~ there ~ if and when you need him.

The Bible has a special name for folks who worship Mystical Jesus:  idolaters.

And the Bible says that the real Jesus is going to cast all idolaters into the lake of fire.

But, then, that's just my interpretation of what the Bible says.



  1. Greetings friend. I second the AMEN! I don't recall how I became aware of your blog, but I have been reading it for about a year now. Many times, I have wanted to write something to express my appreciation for your labor in publishing the articles you write. I always find the articles helpful, challenging, convicting, enlightening or some other adjective which describes a positive benefit. I am very surprised at how few comments are posted here. I probably won't comment again for quite some time, if ever :-). But, I'd like you know know that there's at least one brother lurking on your blog who is blessed by your ministry.

    I must say that the way you used the concept of "MJ" was brilliant. Well done. /DM

  2. Having no other means to respond to either of you privately, let me here say that your encouragement means much, much more to me than you may suppose. Some day, soon, I hope to have "headjanitor.com" up and running ~ with a chat room and lots of other amenities. I would appreciate it if you will share this blog site with others. God bless you. I look forward, by God's grace, to meet you in glory. Until then, be very bold for Christ; for, his coming is right at the door.
