

Rabbit trails are everywhere, each leading to a promised Wonderland, somewhere, sometime.  Rabbit trails are easy to identify by certain tell-tale signs along the way -- that is, if you know what to look for.  Unhappily, many don't know how to discern the evidence.

Today, I read an article (here) that sings the praises of Donald Trump's latest "out-of-the-box" idea, for 'making America great, again'.  As part of Trump's cleverly named "Agenda 47", he proposes to create an "American Academy".  Following, is a quote from that article:
Under Trump’s plan, the government will take the “billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining and suing excessively large private university endowments” and use that money to fund a new university — the American Academy.  According to Trump, the mission of the American Academy will be “to make a truly world-class education available to every American — free of charge.”

Sure, he will.  And he will do it under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education: the same federal government agency that, in convoluted ways, controls accreditation (see the link) of every institution of 'higher learning' in America.  That is the same federal government agency that Trump supported during his Presidency.  That is the same rotten bunch that continues to ramrod revolutionary Marxism down the throats of America's youth.

With a Republican-controlled Congressional House and Senate majority during his Presidency, Trump had practically unbridled opportunity to deal with the primary source of Communist indoctrination in America -- that is to say, the public schools in America.  Did Trump abolish the Department of Education?  Of course, not.  Now, Trump proposes to massively expand the power of the federal government to finance and control higher education, by means of his wistful American Academy.

Give me a break.  Trump's campaign trail is so littered with 'evidence' that it is practically impossible to follow, without fouling one's shoes with it.

America needs real leadership.  It used to be that civic leaders in America were substantially constrained by the more or less unified consensus of the Christian churches.  There was a time not long ago, when practically all Christian churches stood in agreement to denounce such things as homosexuality and Communism, for two important examples.  Those days are gone.

Which can only mean one thing: Judgment is at the door.

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