
building Tozer's "new ark"

The first quote, above, exposes a profound truth involving the devil's principal strategy.  To be sure, the devil is interested to destroy individuals, as such.  But his ability to do that was greatly hindered--so long as the Church was strong; and the devil knows that.  Importantly, the devil cannot overtake a whole nation "whose God is the LORD"; for, such a nation God hath "blessed", and not cursed (Psalm 33:12).  In order for the devil to subvert and so to destroy large numbers of people amongst any given society, the devil must first subvert the Church (which is supposed to stand in the midst of culture as a tower of truth and strength).
Let us then dare to come face-to-face with some important questions, as follows:

  • Does it appear that America is enjoying God's blessing?  Or, does it rather appear that America is no longer enjoying such?
    • Every honest Christian person will admit that the latter is evidently the case.
  • What is the reason why God's blessing has been removed from America?
    • It must be due to the fact that Americans, generally speaking, have turned away from God--which, by definition, is Apostasy.
  • Are there significant numbers of new converts coming to Christ, in America?
    • Every truly spiritually-minded Christian knows that is not the case.
  • What is the reason behind so few genuine conversions?
    • It must be due to widespread Apostasy amongst the churches.
  • What is the chief cause of the precipitous moral decline in America?
    • It is due to pervasive Apostasy amongst the majority of churches.

Both of the quotations, shown in the above images, are focused on one and the same thing, namely: they make a critical statement about the state of the Church (in America).  Which is further to say, that both of those men of God, Vance Havner and A.W. Tozer, respectively, perceived that the Christian Church was exhibiting alarming indications of widespread Apostasy--even in their own day!  That was at least 30 years ago, in the case of Havner (d. 1986), and more than 50 years ago, in the case of Tozer (d. 1963).

Do we yet suppose that, somehow, such pervasive Apostasy has nevertheless abated, in the course of the past 30-50 years?  What utter nonsense, to suppose such a thing!  Or, has the Church in America finally come "in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13); and, so, is now prepared for the return of Jesus Christ?  Absolutely, not.

And if we conclude--and we cannot do otherwise, that, generally (albeit not specifically) speaking, the churches in America are Apostate; the question then arises:
What can true Christians then do?
I am appalled at how little holy desire I find amongst professing Christians, broadly (but not universally) speaking.  And does that offend you?  What if I tell you that God Himself is more than appalled, but that He is "furious"! (Nahum 1:2).  I will go even further than that to say, that God will very soon enter into judgment against all such, professing Christians, who continue to ignore the urgent warnings, of the Holy Ghost, to "come out of Babylon"--that is, to come out of, and away from, apostate "Christianity," so-called.  Does not Scripture testify that:
"...the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)
But "coming out of Babylon" is only the first step toward Revival.  
For, it yet remains for true and faithful disciples of Christ to seek to be gathered together as a (local) Body of Christ:
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25)
Notice, if you will, that the above quoted Scripture is not a "suggestion," but it is an injunction, a commandment.  Do we not then deceive ourselves if, while supposing that we are among the "Remnant" of true Christians, yet, we neglect or refuse to obey that injunction?  Or, do we imagine that we are obedient to that injunction, because, we attend "church"?--whereas, in so doing, we have not yet actually "come out of Babylon".

What is the mind of God, concerning the individual Christian, and concerning the Church, in America?  Every true Christian should understand, from Scripture, that God's will--without controversy--entails at least the following:

  • Christians are to be bold witnesses of Jesus Christ, in and among the world;
  • Christians are to bind themselves together in real "community" (not "communes");
  • Christians are thus to love and care for one another (as a Body of believers);
  • Christians are to "have no fellowship with . . . works of darkness"; rather, we are called of God to "expose", to "reprove", and even to "rebuke" all such.
How many professing Christians do you know, who actually obey and practice those principles, above delineated?  The far more important question, of course, is: Do you?

If you answered, "Yes"; then, let me ask you a few more questions:
  • How many people have you "boldly" witnessed to, in the last seven days? in the last month?  And, no, you may not count those instances when you merely "alluded" to Christ, in some vague manner; nor, when you spoke with someone you already know fairly well (you should have witnessed to them long ago.)
  • Can you name every other Christian with whom you are "bound together as a Body of believers", and with whom you then regularly "assemble yourselves together"?
  • Can you describe how that you have reached out to "love and care for" any member of that group, in the past week or two?
  • Can you describe any situation wherein you openly confronted anyone concerning some or other "works of darkness", whether in that person's life or in any way connected with that person?

Reality check!  Are you, then, as obedient and as faithful to the will of God, as you supposed?

Let's go even further.  Why, do you think, does the Bible command us, as Christians, to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together"?  For what purpose(s) are we (commanded) to come together with other Christians?  Is it not in order that we may:

  • pray together: for one another; for souls; and, against the Darkness
  • study and minister the Word, together
  • plan, organize, and prepare ways and means, whereby we may reach out to our local communities, with the Gospel
  • fellowship in communion with each other, in the Holy Ghost

If you are a church-goer; and, you thus suppose you are being obedient to the "injunction" regarding your participation in a local Body of Christ (as I have been discussing that); then, let me ask you yet some more questions:

  • Does your church meet regularly for prayer, explicitly?
  • Does your church provide not only for "preaching", but for corporate "study" of the Word of God?  Importantly, is such Bible study, really, according to the Truth?
  • Does your church purposively meet to "plan, organize, and prepare ways and means"--not merely to get people to come to your church, but to impact your local community with the real-deal Gospel and power of Christ?
  • Does there occur, in your church, genuine "fellowship in communion with each other, in the Holy Ghost"?
If you cannot answer, "Yes," to ALL of the foregoing questions, then, you are still in Babylon; your eyes are not yet opened to the truth.

NEWS FLASH:  You are probably NOT going to able to change the direction in which any given apostate church is headed; that is, not unless you happen to be the pastor of such a church--who is now truly repentant.

Do you, really, earnestly, want God to send Revival?  Do we not understand that God has shown us--in His Word as well as in Church history and in the writings of godly persons--the way to receive that?  There are explicit conditions attaching to Revival!

Or, we can go on as we have been, and hope for the best.  Maybe, Ted Cruz or Donald Trump will get elected, and one of them will single-handedly turn America around.

...as God's anger burns white-hot.

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