
collapse of civilization

The above image is from the futuristic, post-Apocalyptic movie titled "Mad Max".  Post-Apocalyptic means "after the destruction of the world-as-we-know-it".  Though I have not seen that movie, yet, I do know (from having seen snippets in ads) that it portrays human survivors of the Apocalypse (nuclear holocaust?) as beasts, in terms of what they do to survive, including the way they treat other humans.  "Mad Max" is Hollywood's version of what the collapse of civilization looks like.  But that is a wicked deception.

The collapse of civilization looks nothing at all like what is depicted in the "Mad Max" movie.  By creating extreme and completely unrealistic images--in many different movies--supposedly involving the collapse of civilization, Hollywood has effectually OBSCURED, from the public consciousness, any meaningful and realistic understanding of what really does constitute the collapse of civilization.

As a matter of fact, the collapse of civilization looks exactly like what we see, right now, everyday in America.  The devil--using Hollywood and other vehicles of popular culture, has waged a very effective propaganda campaign against the American mind.  In truth, American "civilization" is already in TOTAL RUINS.

Is is "civilized" to slaughter unborn babies?  How about 60+ Million of them?  That is equal to the total number of fatalities in WWII.

Or, is it "civilized" to facilitate and to promote gender "reassignment" (surgically and pharmaceutically turning men into women, and vice versa)?  

Is it "civilized" when State governments mandate that boys may use girl's restroom and shower facilities--and vice versa?  That practice is being legalized and instituted on a State-wide basis, in several states in America.

Is it "civilized" to use the national system of public education to indoctrinate children and young persons to embrace every form of sexual perversion, and to embrace secular humanism, atheism, and communism?

Is Black Friday (at the retail stores) characteristic of a "civilized" culture?

Is a culture that openly glorifies sex, in every kind of public media and forum, civilized?

Here's a recent quote from an ABC News source:
"Pornography has grown into a $10 Billion business — bigger than the NFL, the NBA and Major League Baseball combined — and some of the nation's best-known corporations are quietly sharing the profits. 
"Companies like General Motors, AOL Time Warner and Marriott earn revenue by piping adult movies into Americans' homes and hotel rooms, but you won't see anything about it in their company reports."   (Source: link) (emphasis added)
Is that what a "civilized" culture looks like?

The guy pictured in the photo at the top of this essay: I see an increasing number of people who actually look like that, walking around on the streets of America; it is becoming the "new normal".

Is a culture which revels in death, "civilized"?  From so-called "gothic" (or "goth" for short) -style dress; to so-called "vampire" subcultures; to your average "soccer-mom" or "football-dad" who sports something with a skull or skeleton (or other symbols related to death) on his or her apparel; to so-called "death-metal" music: everywhere, death is celebrated in America.

Is a society in which more than half of the population is addicted to some or another form of drugs and/or alcohol, "civilized"?

I could give enough additional examples of debauchery, involving American culture, to fill several pages!  But I hope I've made my point!
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In light of the FACT that American culture is anything but "civilized", I want to ask one, important question, namely:
How are (supposedly) Christian persons
conducting themselves
in the midst of uncivilization?

From everything I can see, it appears that by far the majority of professing Christians are basically living just as they were 40, 50, or 60 years ago!!  (I was there; so, I know.)

I am utterly convinced that practically every Christian in America (with very, very few exceptions), believes that American society and culture is "civilized".  But NOTHING could be further from the truth.

In the midst of this wicked culture I have barely begun to describe (above), how are the churches in America going about to rescue souls from the midst of such a decadent culture?

Many churches in America evidently believe that collecting Easter eggs in the churchyard once a year may entice a few lost souls to come to church on Easter Sunday.

Other churches believe that selling Starbucks Coffee in the lobby of the church will encourage some American heathens to come to church--to get their coffee.

While a rapidly increasing number of churches believe that by putting on a good stage show--and by limiting the number of weekly meetings to "1", will prevent godless Americans from being "turned off" by church.
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I'm praying that God will judge America -- and her churches.

I'm praying that God will shake America to its very foundations; in the hope that some may wake up before it's too late.

I'm praying for a Revival among the youth; as I find--almost universally--that "grown-ups" in America are not the least interested in God.

I'm praying that God will empower the teeny-tiny Remnant of truly godly persons, in America, to absolutely blow the doors off of the devil's decrepit kingdom.

The door of mercy is already swinging shut for multitudes of Americans, who don't know and don't care.  Tragically, a very great number of those are in churches throughout America.

And they'll still be there -- after the Rapture.

It's HIGH TIME that genuine Christians -- whose eyes and hearts God has opened, must come out of Babylon -- not just out of the apostate churches, but out of the godless American culture, altogether!  And live as unto God, in all our ways!

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