
unveiling the Rapture (part 3)

In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I showed some of the proofs that the seven seals, in chapters 5 thru 8 of the Revelation, signify events which occur prior to the beginning of the Tribulation (pre-Tribulation).  We are now ready to discuss the meaning of each of the seven seals in order.  I don't intend to write, in this blog, another book-length treatise of the subject; seeing, that I've already written such a book (here).

The above image (artist?) depicts what are often called the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse".  Those horses and their respective riders correspond to the first four of the seven seals.  As they appear in order (from right to left), the white horse stands for the first seal, the red horse for the second seal, the black for the third, etc.  The above image, it should be observed, involves a significant discrepancy, viz.: whereas the fourth horse (above, left) is shown with only a single rider, the text of Scripture indicates there are in fact two "riders" associated with the fourth horse.  Importantly, the Bible also reveals the "names" of those two "riders" connected with the fourth horse (the fourth seal).

The significance of that latter fact immediately becomes apparent, as we begin to consider the meaning of the first seal.  Who is the "rider" on the white horse?  What is meant by all the symbolism associated with the first seal?  It is almost universally taught (and believed) that the "opening" of the first seal indicates the appearing on the world scene, of the personal Antichrist ~ and, thus, the beginning of the seven-year Tribulation.  But that is impossible.  And the reason why it is impossible, is very easy and simple to deduce.

If the "rider" on the first horse (white) is to be understood as being fulfilled by an actual person (the personal Antichrist), then, who is the "rider" on the second horse supposed to be ~ and the "rider" on the third horse? and on the fourth?  "Uh-oh.  Houston, we have a problem."  "Go ahead, Odyssey."

 The Bible itself gives us the names of the two "riders" on the fourth horse....  Let me just say, that I wouldn't want to run into two guys, walking in a dark alley late at night, one named "Hell," and his buddy named "Death."  What kind of parents would name their kids that, anyways?

All joking aside (it's hard to do, given the absurdity of the situation created by 'expert' prophecy teachers...); I'll get right to the point.  Since it is self-evident that the "riders" on the fourth horse are not meant to be understood as being real persons, then, what kind of twisted rule of Biblical exegesis gives anyone the license to "interpret" the meaning of the first seal ~ or any of the seals, as indicating their respective "riders" are real persons?

Consistency is to Biblical hermeneutics (interpretation), what logic is to mathematics.  If we are to understand that the "rider" on the first horse means some real person (as that is widely supposed), then, what real persons are we to look for, in fulfillment of the remaining four "riders" on their respective horses?  Looking at the same question from the caboose-end, as it were: If the "riders" on the fourth horse are unquestionably not real persons, then what is the basis for supposing that any of the other "riders" somehow are real persons?

Enough.  I'm about to cry, but not from laughing.  For, that one grand mistake is like a lock which, someone having forcibly tried to use the wrong key in it, that key was broken off inside the lock mechanism ~ so that, now, even the right key can't be fitted into the lock in order to open it!  What I mean, is, that I have the "right" key to open the "lock" of the true meaning of the first seal: but, that 'lock' has someone else's "wrong" key...permanently stuck inside the lock.  You get my meaning, I hope.  It may sound goofy.  But I'm completely serious.

And the consequences of that one "mistake,"
in Bible prophecy teaching,
are growing increasingly deadly.

For, that one "mistake" then opens the door ~ yeah, rather, it serves to focus the mind, like tunnel-vision, in one direction, that is, in the wrong direction; where from then follows a host not merely of wrong inferences but, truly, of deadly ones.  (Which I shall explain in due course.)

The "rider" on the white horse, of the first seal, is NOT the personal Antichrist.  THEREFORE ~ because the opening of the first seal does NOT mean the "appearance" of that non-person, the "opening" of the first seal does NOT indicate the beginning of the Tribulation (as that is almost universally supposed to be the case).

Hey! Guess what!  We finally managed to remove the broken key!  Now, we can begin to take a fresh, new approach to try to unlock the mystery concerning the true meaning of the first seal.  This much we know already: the first seal does not signify any real person.  And that much is very important.

But that mystery now appears as an enigma wrapped in a thick shroud of darkness supposed to represent the general scheme of mainstream ideas involving Bible prophecy.  How to proceed?  One step at a time.

We have a white horse.  That seems simple enough.  White universally represents both purity, and peace.  A white flag is everywhere recognized as the sign of a truce, that is, a request for peace.

But the "rider" on that white horse is seen with a bow ~ a weapon of war ~ in his hand.  And, he has a crown on his head.  But, oh, wait!  That crown was "given" to him (Rev. 6:2).  And he "went forth conquering, and to conquer."  What can be the meaning of one who rides upon a symbol of purity and of peace, while wielding a bow (and wearing a crown) and going forth to conquer?

Some have guessed that the first seal represents the Lord Jesus Christ.  But that is easily refuted.  If it did represent Christ, then, how should we understand the larger context in which the first seal appears?  If Christ "appears" first in the sequence (and, we are certain that all of Revelation chapter 6 is prophetic, that is to say, future), then, we should conclude that Christ is "coming" at the beginning of the Tribulation.  But that cannot possibly be the case.  For, how, then, could the "beast" prevail against the "two witnesses" and kill them ~ if Christ were then present?  Not to mention the little problems which that theory must encounter later in the Book, where Christ does actually appear in great power and glory to destroy the armies of the Antichrist, etc.  Besides, we already proved that NONE of the "riders" are REAL persons.

The first seal is not the Antichrist.  And it is not Christ.

Who...I mean, What, then, does that "rider" signify?  Well; "what," may we suppose, is signified by the two "riders" on the fourth horse?  Let's start with "Hell."  Does that mean the  actual place?  Of course, not.  Neither can "Death" there mean Sheol.  But "Death" and "Hell" ~ together with every other rider on those four horses, stand for demonic SPIRITS.  The seals do indeed signify aspects of God's judgments upon the earth ~ though not yet in that period of Tribulation.  For, as I have already shown, the seals are all pre-Tribulation.  They all (except for the seventh and last one) occur while the Church is still present on earth.

The time period in which the seals are opened, is called, in Scripture, the "beginning of sorrows" (which I will soon discuss).  That time period is compared to that brief period of time when a woman begins to experience "labor pains," in the course of birthing her baby.

The "rider" on the white horse is a demonic spirit.  It's purpose is to "conquer."  It is on a mission of conquest.  It holds a "bow" ~ a weapon of war which, spiritually speaking, its meaning is unique: a bow launches "arrows" ~ heavenward, into the "air".  Arrows (and the bow) thus represent spiritual weapons, i.e., in the form of WORDS, IDEAS, THOUGHTS, SPEECH.  The rider on the white horse is waging a campaign of WAR, of CONQUEST ~ by SPIRITUAL means.  Furthermore, he is riding forth on a SYMBOL of purity and peace ~ meaning, the rider is using DECEPTION as an important part of his battle-plan.  Importantly, he is doing all of that . . . while the Church is still present on earth!

Who, do you then suppose, is that powerful DEMONIC SPIRIT waging WAR against?  This is all happening pre-Tribulation, remember?  Oh, and you will recall that he was "given" the Victor's crown which he gleefully wore as a sign of his successes.  Who "gave" him that crown?  Why, the very ones whom he fought, spiritually, to conquer; that's who!

The "rider" on the white horse is not THE Antichrist.  But it truly is that antichrist "spirit" which the Apostle John warned the Church, two-thousand years ago, it was already even then in the earth and waging war against the Church.  But, now, we are shown, in Scripture, that that "antichrist spirit" would come forth in an unprecedented onslaught against the Church ~ at a time shortly before the end of the Church Age, and, so, shortly before the beginning of the Tribulation.

Have we seen ANYTHING happening in the church-world that seems to answer to that kind of "unprecedented" spiritual attack against the Church ~ consisting of great spiritual DECEPTION being used to DECEIVE, so as to DESTROY (if that were possible), the true Body of Christ?  Duh.  Has anybody ever heard of the 'Postmodern, Emerging, Seeker-friendly, Ecumenical, Apostate, Hip-Hop, "Church"?

Ah, but that is what we NOW see as the RESULT of the DECADES-long campaign of that rider on the white horse.  But it is exceedingly important that we must discern, somehow, when it was that the FIRST SEAL was actually "opened," in historical time.  For,

  the Seven Seals are given to the Church,  
  as God's prophetic time-clock, 
  ticking down the time until . . . 
  the Rapture.  

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