
unveiling the Rapture (part 6)

I'm committed, now.  I've totally painted myself into a corner, so to speak.  My hands are tied, handcuffed.  For, I've dared to put my finger on a very specific time in history which, I say, is the generation during which the First Seal was actually "opened": that is, the generation spanning, approximately, the mid-nineteenth century (~1835-1885).

My 'hands are tied' for all of the following reasons:

  • the (historical) events associated with those Seals which have already been "opened," must correspond to the symbolic description of those events, as they are given both in the Revelation and in Matthew 24;
  • those historical events must occur in sequential order, just as they are represented to occur, in order of time, by the Seals and in Matthew 24;
  • those events must be substantially distinctive in their respective class, in order to be capable to be discerned as part of "the sign" of Christ's coming;
  • the types of judgments associated with each Seal must be substantially persistent (ongoing);
  • the collective "signs" must occur during a specific and limited window of time: neither too remote from, nor too near unto, the Rapture ~ in order to serve as "signs" to that generation which shall actually witness the Rapture Event.
The First Seal was opened in the mid-nineteenth century.  That Seal entails unprecedented spiritual deception (rider on white horse, with bow and crown, going forth to conquer) arising from within the professing Christian Church ("Many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ"), and having the (Satanic) objective of subverting and destroying the Christian Church, from within.  I believe that the facts of history very well correspond both to the symbolism of the First Seal, as well as to the straightforward characterization which Jesus provided in Matthew 24.

And is that form of judgment associated with the First Seal still ongoing?  In other words, is there still "unprecedented spiritual deception" coming against the Christian Church ~ from within the professing Church?  The Apostasy screams, "YES!"

If I am correct in my identification of the First Seal, then we should now be able to identify something: a) very significant (in its class); b) during a time (shortly) after the opening of the First Seal; and, c) which corresponds to the description of the Second Seal ~ which speaks of extraordinary wars and turmoil amongst nations and kingdoms.  What about World War I?  The time frame is right: 1914-1919 (shortly after the First Seal). And no one will deny that WWI was indeed "very significant" (or "substantially distinctive"), compared to everything else in its "class" ~ meaning, that WWI was unlike any wars which had ever occurred before in history.

Is that form of judgment associated with the Second Seal still ongoing?  What about WWII?  What about the unbroken cycle of wars ever since then?  What about the increasingly destructive nature of modern weapons and warfare?  What about the prospects of a soon-coming WWIII?  Bingo.  Two down.

Next up: Third Seal: FAMINE.  According to an expert on global food security ~ who works (still?) for a United Nations agency dealing with those issues (references in my book), the greatest epoch of famine since the time of Christ, occurred during the period from 1920-1969 ~ after the Second Seal was opened.  Distinctive in its "class"?  Oh, yeah.  Is that form of judgment still ongoing?  Indeed, it is ~ although, Americans know practically nothing of the global food security problems.  Consider, for example, how that recent mass-migrations must be affecting food security amongst vast populations.  Do we need to look any further for a strong correlative to the Third Seal?

Fourth Seal.  You will recall that the Fourth Seal (fourth horse with two riders, named Death and Hell) is suggestive of two diverse elements or components.  Matthew 24:7b identifies "pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places," in connection with the Fourth Seal (Luke 21:11 says "great" earthquakes, etc.).  "Death" and "Hell" doubtless suggest unprecedented demonic activity in the earth.  And what are "pestilences"?  It means more than merely 300Million deaths due to smallpox (in the early- to mid-20th century).  It means more than the worldwide AIDS epidemic.  It means "pestilences" such as a worldwide epidemic of substance abuse, and sexual perversion, and a horrific glut of pornography, and abortion-on-demand, and psychoses, and social disintegration, and many other expressions of demonism.  Since when?  When did all of those things seem to begin?  Those who are old enough to remember the 1950s, very well know when it "all" began: in the mid-1960s ~ after the Third Seal was opened.  Not incidentally, that's about the very same time that there began to appear a large increase in the number of large and very large earthquakes, globally.

Are the judgments associated with the Fourth Seal still ongoing?  What about global climate change, with extremes of weather, and exceptional numbers and divers kinds of "natural" disasters?  Is demonism still increasing in the earth?  Are any of the multifarious "pestilences" brought about by "Death" and his buddy "Hell" abating?

Now we come, with great sorrow, to the Fifth Seal ~ persecution and martyrdom of Christians.  By the end of the last century (1999), that century earned the infamous distinction of having been by far the bloodiest century since the time of Christ, in terms of Christian martyrs.  Since the year 2000, the rate at which Christians are being killed, worldwide, is more than double the rate of the bloodiest century in history.

I am frankly offended and appalled by the senseless claims of those who insist that the judgments of the first five Seals shall not begin to be fulfilled until sometime yet in the future, after the Rapture of the Church!

It has taken more than 150 years, for the Apostasy (beginning with the First Seal) to become what that now is.

It has taken fully a century, for World Wars and regional wars to claim the massive toll (many scores of Millions) in human life that those have entailed, in connection with the Second Seal.

It took more than a generation to starve upwards of 75 Million souls (and still counting ~ at the rate of about 21,000 deaths every day! as the result of the Third Seal.

Untold Millions have died as the result of powerful demonic forces having been unleashed in the earth, since the Fourth Seal was opened in the mid-1960s.  All kinds of "Hell" is virtually destroying civilizations around the world: sickness, diseases, psychoses, drugs.  Abortion alone is responsible for more than 2 Billion (with a 'B') deaths in the past 40 years!  While (un)natural disasters are wreaking havoc on a scale and at a rate never before known.

How many Millions of Christians have been slaughtered during the past generation alone (since about 1965)?  THOSE ~ THOSE are they who, right now! are crying out from "under the altar" (which means they have not yet been resurrected), "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou NOT judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" (Rev. 6:10).  If the savagery of ISIS~and the trenches and streets which are literally filled with the blood of hundreds of Christian martyrs at a time ~ if that does not qualify in your book, as fulfilling the Fifth Seal; then, I am at a loss for words to describe the blindness of your heart.

The Tribulation is a time ~ not of God's mercy, but of God's wrath poured out in great fury!  There shall be no "Christian" martyrs during that time: for, all the Christians shall then be gone from the earth.  And there is NOT going to be ANYTHING like a "Revival" during the Tribulation!  I can hardly think of a more blasphemous idea than that: which leads people to believe they can miss the Rapture but still have another chance to be saved ~ during the Tribulation!  That's a doctrine straight out of the pit of Hell.  And I defy those so-called "preachers" and "ministers" and "teachers" who embrace and advocate such abominable lies as that!  The LORD rebuke you!  What kind of a Bible are you reading?


  1. That's Powerful!

    1. Pass it on, if you believe it is the truth of God.
      The Church desperately needs to know the truth.
