
between two Ages (part 5)

In the last post in this series (part 4), I said that I intended to look ahead to the future, in this part 5.  Yet, we cannot move forward if we are still tethered to things in the past which hold us back.  A newborn baby, if it is to thrive, must have the umbilical cord severed.  God is truly ready to bring forth a new thing in the earth.  Here come the scissors. . . . 
"Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God."  (Isaiah 66:9)
In saying that God is ready to bring forth a new thing in the earth, I do not at all mean to suggest that Christ or the Gospel is outdated, or that the true Church is a thing of the past.  But I do mean to say that the mission of the Church, at least in America, has been and yet is sorely hindered, and for several reasons.  And, furthermore, that in order for the true Church in America to rise up and prevail over all of those factors which have opposed the Kingdom of God, we must first see that whatever we have been doing (or failing to do) hitherto, has not been adequate to fulfill that mission.  Only when we understand the nature of the problem, may we then be willing to search diligently for answers and solutions.

One of the greatest obstacles which has hindered the Body of Christ in America, has to do with the fact that we Christians have for too long failed to perceive the real nature and scope and effects of the Apostasy (which is why I write so much about that).  For that reason, many sincere Christian persons are either still stuck in the morass of some apostate denomination or church; or, in the case of others who have come apart from all of that, yet they now feel isolated and impotent because there does not appear to be any viable alternative to that model which has long been associated with what "church" is supposed to look like.

Human nature is ever a factor, even where honest Christian persons are concerned.  (Keep in mind that I am talking about the relationship of "perception," to reality.)  There are numerous commonly held preconceptions related to what "church" is supposed to be.  Those commonly held ideas tend to create a mental "model" in most people's minds, which they identify with "church."  Here are are few of those ideas:
  • If there is no "church" building, then there is no "church."  Such a building, moreover, should have certain features, in order to have the appearance of a "church."
  • If the "pastor" has not attended seminary or Bible college, then he is not qualified to be a pastor.
  • A group of less than, say, a dozen or so persons ~ is not a "congregation" of a "church."
  • A "church" must have a name, and a street address, and literature, and be incorporated, and. . . .
  • A "church" must be affiliated with a "reputable" organization.
Many more such beliefs could be identified, none of which have any foundation in Scripture.  But where such beliefs are prevalent (as they are throughout America), they greatly hinder the work of the Holy Ghost amongst the people of that region or culture.  I must mention one more such false belief, which greatly hinders the Body of Christ, viz.:
  • Most people who attend "church" are Christians.
In fact, most people who sit in the pews of some or another "church," on any given day in America, are NOT Christians.  Nevertheless, the whole thing ~ that "model" ~ is very widely perceived as representing what "church" is supposed to be.  If you are a Christian, then you are supposed to participate in, and contribute to the 'success' of, that model.  Whereas, if you reject that model, then YOU (and not those who embrace that model) are thus presumed to be an apostate.

But I insist that that model is irremediably broken and needs to be replaced with something new, something different, something real and alive in God (as A.W. Tozer prophesied, more than 50 years ago).  And it must be replaced, because, it is not amenable to be reformed; that "model," I mean.  Apparently, the image of that model of "church" is so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Americans, that its meaning cannot be substantially altered without changing the form, the structure, of that mental model.

Satan understands what I'm talking about.  And he uses that knowledge to his own purposes and advantage.  The phenomenal success of the so-called "Emerging Church(es)" has largely been achieved by offering, especially to younger persons, some substantially different model(s) of "church."  Instead of pews, there are sofas and easy chairs.  Instead of a pulpit and a choir loft on a raised platform, there is now a "stage" complete with interchangeable props and high-tech lighting, to facilitate the intended "performance" at any given time.  Rather than the staid culture associated with the "conventional model" of "church," a more laid-back or even a "hip" "environment" is purposively suggested by means, for instance, of a coffee (or wine) bar in the lobby, and by other means (lighting, music, casual dress code, etc.) used to create an "atmosphere" which is designed to be inviting, accepting, even entertaining.  The (carnal) success of that approach speaks for itself.  Now, practically all of the denominational churches are rushing to imitate that new "model."

Unsaved persons generally are loathe to visit any "church," because, they suppose they know what that is (ritualistic, formal, cultish, etc.).  Aware of that fact, architects of the "new model" (Emerging Church leaders) typically survey the opinions of those who live in an area where those Emerging Church leaders intend to plant a new "church," in order to determine, so they can then cater to, the preferences of that local population.

Yet we must be wiser than the devil.  I mean, we must recognize that Satan is employing not only the "new model," but he is the one who perverted and is still using the "conventional model" as well.  The diversity of "models" employed by the devil notwithstanding, they all (old and new) have some very important things in common, namely:
  • No one is expected, much less required, actually to meet any real standards identified with true Christianity; meaning, they would never have to give evidence by their manner of life, that they are truly "born again" ~ as a condition of being part of such a "church."
  • The supremacy (divine Authority) of the Word of God is not truthfully upheld.
  • The Holy Ghost is not truly reverenced and obeyed.
  • Soul-winning (especially, locally) and Bible-based discipleship is not a true priority.
Most of the discussion thus far in this essay has focused on form and structure, and the necessity to cast aside existing "models" (both old and new) of "church."  There is a well known adage which states: "You don't throw the baby out with the bath water."  About 40 years or so ago, when alluding to the apostate condition of the "conventional church" model, and with reference to the aforementioned adage, Francis Schaeffer famously said: "I've diligently searched in the water for the baby, but I can't find one!"  Meaning, of course, that he couldn't even then (40 years ago) find anything of genuine Christianity amongst (Western) Christendom.  It's time to "cut the umbilical cord" (of manmade tradition, and of popular opinion), in order that we might then get down to business to discern, according to the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Ghost, what ought we, true Christians, to be doing at this present time, to accomplish the mission of Christ.  That, and that alone, is my real purpose.  

We can none of us, alone, accomplish that mission.  By God's will, the ministry of the Gospel entails a united, group effort.  The Body of Christ is supremely important to God.  I have identified and exposed to your view how it is that our uncritical acceptance of what I herein have called the "conventional model" of church, has prevented the Body of Christ, firstly, from separating ourselves from the "mixed multitude" (sinners and saints, together, "doing church").  Secondly, our uncritical acceptance of that "model"~as normative~has also kept Christians from coming together to work together along different lines.

Among those "new things" which I believe God is going to do in the closing days of this present dispensation, is to separate and purify the Body of Christ, in order that such a purified Church can then be used by the Holy Ghost to manifest the glory and power of the risen Christ.  You can be sure it will not be a weak, broken, and compromising Church that shall suddenly be endowed with immortality and ascend to meet Christ in the air, at the Rapture.  

Clamp.  Cut.

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