
media madness

Well, at least some do, Mark Zuckerberg (founder and CEO of Facebook).

Back in the day ~ before there was television, or radio, or even widely circulated newspapers (which would put us somewhere in the early- to mid-nineteenth century at the latest), it was not then nearly so easy as it now is to manipulate public opinion.  Power-brokers understand how important it is to manipulate public opinion.  As long ago as the 1930s, for example, Walter Lippmann urged, in his book "The Good Society," that mass media ought to be used (by the elite) for the express purpose of manipulating public opinion.

As recently as the 1970s, few evidently realized the extent to which they were being subjected to manipulation by the likes of well known journalists and newsmen such as the iconic Walter Kronkite (who served as the "anchor man" for CBS's Evening News, until 1981).  In his day, Kronkite was a pop-star of national television; he was America's Oracle.  His (and the CBS network's) coloration of America's involvement in Vietnam, for instance, set the tone for the anti-war movement in America.

As is the case with every other form of Satanic deception, mass-media manipulation started out by employing a far more subtle approach (to mind control via targeted "messaging,") but gradually came to be more and more overt in terms of the directness of its tactics.  No longer does any reasonably mature and thoughtful person believe that any of the major "news" outlets ~ including the ostensibly 'conservative' FOX NEWS network, actually engages in impartial journalism.  Mass-media has always been competitive.  The nature of that competition, however, has radically changed in recent decades.  It used to be more about personal and corporate wealth.  But now it largely centers upon manipulating public opinion, for the sake of the ability of stakeholders and advocates of ideology, to control the reins of political power.

Mass-media thus has become nothing else but a virtual battlefield.  "Cyber-warfare" is no longer a term that pertains primarily to the activities of hackers working in the shadowy world of binary code and machine language.  But contemporary cyber-warfare principally involves the talking heads of the major networks openly engaged in ideological combat.  The grand prize for which they are contending, appears to be nothing less than world domination.  Which makes perfectly good sense, in light of Bible prophecy.

In this still-ongoing war, the scales long ago were 'tipped' in favor of the so-called political Left, in order as the Church in America yielded more and more ground to secularism ~ especially, in the realm of public education (involving that cohort amongst which mind control techniques are most effective).  Secular philosophies, which are inculcated in the youth by means of scientific methodologies used in the public school system, prepare the minds of young persons to embrace the message(s) of the political Left ~ which has controlled public education in America throughout the past three generations at least.  From kindergarten to adulthood, the vast majority of Americans have been (and yet are being) conditioned to go along with the secular agenda.  It is no wonder that the Church in America (broadly speaking,) now lies in ruins.  

Where is America heading?  And what can be done about that?

The recent presidential election in America is turning out to be a watershed event, in that the political Left is working feverishly to make that preeminently a test of loyalties.  Although America has long been a "house divided," yet that division has not (since the Civil War) been as wide and as deep as it now appears to be.  At the core of Leftist (Liberal) ideology is the so-called revolutionary principle, the goal of which is not merely to subvert but to overthrow modern institutions of civil society, in order to clear the way for the formation of a Socialist Utopia.  Thus the Left is purposively seeking to take advantage of ensuing political disunity; indeed, to aggravate that howsoever they can.

By most accounts, Trump's apparent (it is not over yet) win was not so much a victory for Principle, as it was a reaction against the perceived threat of tyranny.  For that reason, Trump's Administration ~ if such may in fact become established, is not likely to turn the "Titanic" ship-of-State, in time to avert disaster.  Lacking widespread consensus pertaining to a clearly defined set of Principle(s), so-called political "Conservatives" cannot muster the political will to defeat so-called Liberal ideology.  The social divide, in other words, is most likely going to worsen in the days to come, notwithstanding a Trump Presidency.  And mass media is the primary means by which Liberals shall persist to foment social disharmony.

Above, I asked, "What can be done about that?"  Not much.  That is to say, not much ~ apart from true Revival.  For, lacking the foundations of Biblical Christianity which used to undergird this nation, the highest principles of our Republic ~ i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, and freedom to vote: each of those great freedoms has become a license to those who wish to destroy America.  Only the Spirit of Christ can impart the will and the wisdom whereby to uphold those aforementioned freedoms, without devolving into licentiousness.

Well, I suppose I got a little off track from addressing the corrupt media.  But it all works together.  And the media is very much at the center of the great spiritual conflict in our time.  Only Revival in the Church of Jesus Christ has any power or hope to bring about meaningful civil reform in America.  I do want to believe that God is raising up Trump and his Administration, in order to give a little space of time for the Body of Christ to finish our work in the earth.  Meanwhile, recognizing how it is that the devil is using the media to further corrupt society, should be helpful to our efforts to turn the hearts and minds of some to Christ.

It's not a little ironic that I am going to put a link to this post ~ on Facebook.

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