
when the restrainer is withdrawn

There is soon coming a day when, as the Scripture says: "He [the Holy Ghost] who now letteth [restrains] will let [restrain], until he be taken out of the way.  And then shall that Wicked [Antichrist] be revealed" (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8a).  For thousands of years, God has restrained the devil from fully having his way in the world.  But one day soon, God is going to allow all hell to break loose on the earth ~ for a little while.  But that day has not yet come; and, so, God is still restraining the devil.  Do we (the Church) not appreciate what that means?  God is still restraining the devil!  Why?

As long as God is restraining evil in the earth, it must mean that God is still willing to be merciful to those who will repent.  Moreover, if God is still restraining the devil, while yet desiring to show mercy to those who will repent: that must mean that repentance is still available to mankind (at least, to some).  And if repentance is still available (from the Lord); and, if God is still restraining the devil: then, it must be true that God still desires to send Revival to the Church.

When the Holy Ghost shall be "taken out of the way" of the devil, the effects of that will make the breaking of a physical dam (as shown in the above image) seem like a minor inconvenience.  None can possibly imagine just how profoundly the psycho-social aspects of human existence shall be affected, when the Holy Ghost will cease to restrain evil in the world.  The phrase, "hell on earth," shall not then be a mere epithet, but it shall be an unspeakably horrifying reality.

But I don't want to focus on the withdrawing of the Holy Ghost.  Rather, I want to emphasize the meaning ~ and the great importance ~ of His present willingness to bind the devil from doing everything he (the devil) otherwise would want to!  The natural (carnal) mind is actually predisposed to expect defeat.  The world is bad and getting worse; that is true.  But God is still able and willing to save.  And He still delights in the prayers of the upright (Proverbs 15:8).  And who is "upright?"  The "upright" are those who seek to know and to do God's will.  Prayer is God's will.  Revival is God's will.  Salvation is God's will.

People are lately talking a lot about the so-called "Trump Effect."  Of course, there are two sides to that 'coin.'  Some believe that the election of Trump forebodes doom for America and the world; whereas, others (those more sensible) believe that the election of Trump is evidently a miracle from God.  Which is it?

If we thoughtfully consider that the Holy Ghost is still restraining evil, then we may embrace at least the possibility that God has enabled Trump to prevail ~ in order that the Church may have a little space, and a measure of grace, sufficient to seek God for, and to carry through with, an End-time Revival.

And that makes great good sense to me.

For, only in light of a great End-time harvest of souls ~ which shall ultimately divide "light" from "darkness" and which, movement, shall culminate in the Rapture of the Church ~ does that "sea-change," on the part of God's removing all restraint of evil, then appear, to me, not only reasonable but perfectly righteous.

But we dare not waste this brief opportunity!  How can we walk with God if we are not diligently seeking to know His mind and to understand what is His will?

God wants to pour out His Spirit in Revival power!  Well, then, why doesn't He go ahead and do just that?  Because, God requires that we must come to Him, in order to receive from Him, on His terms.  He has come to raise us up to live and move as sons and daughters of the Most High God.  God is not O.K. with weak-mindedness.  A dear Brother likes to say: "Unbelief is not weakness; it is wickedness!"


The promises of God are to the "overcomers:"  "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he [or she] shall be my son [daughter]" (Revelation 21:7).

Whatever else it may be, the 'Trump Effect' is but one, important way in which God has once again shown great mercy not only to America but to the whole world; but especially to the Church.  I don't know whether Donald Trump has lately (as that has been reported) become a true Christian.  But, then, God has oftentimes used unsaved persons in ways favorable to accomplish the purposes of God.  All the earth ~ including its inhabitants ~ are the Lord's to do with as He will, according to His divine goodness.

No one less than God himself is restraining the devil ~ for a little while longer.

This is our time to pray, and to believe God for great things.

For, soon, this Age of the Church and of the Holy Ghost shall have ended.  Where after, God is then going to judge and punish the world.

"Today is the day of salvation."  And I'm so glad.  Therefore, I'm going to be faithful to God, to press on to receive that which He has promised: His Spirit poured out.  Does Revival seem impossible, to you?  If it does, may I suggest that you are not looking at the situation from God's point of view?

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