

I suppose that by now many are aware that the United Nations Security Council just passed Resolution 2334 (full text here), condemning Israeli "settlements" in so-called "occupied territories," etc.  It appears that the Obama Administration not only colluded behind the scenes to assist in that Resolution's introduction; but it is certain that Obama was the key to that Resolution's passage.

But Israel is not going along with the game.

What did the U.N. expect? that Israel would just sit quiet amidst the hatred and violence that is continually heaped upon her by her enemies, and that Israel would react with humility to appease the hypocritical indignation of the "international community?"  The Jews have moved past the point of all that (thank God!).  They have evidently awakened to accept the reality that they are going to have to stand and fight alone if need be, to defend themselves and their national interests.  But they are not alone; nor shall they ever be without the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Barak Obama has been eyeing the Tiger in the cage, for a long time now, trying to understand the secret of Israel's legendary and inexplicable prowess ~ not unlike the Philistines who in Biblical times surreptitiously spied on Samson, because they were as perplexed as they were desperate to know how they might defeat such a singularly dangerous foe.

I strongly suspect that Obama ~ given his narcissistic tendencies, was more than simply annoyed, but that he was intimidated by the fact that Israel's leadership would not kowtow at the cracking of Ringmaster Obama's whip.  At any rate, and for some compelling reason, Obama obviously felt that he couldn't walk away from the cage without giving the kitty one, last poke to the ribs.

It is widely believed that Obama wanted to be identified with a certain "legacy" associated with his Presidency, namely: to have succeed where all of his illustrious predecessors failed, with respect to making peace in the Middle East.  And it is no secret that Obama disdains President-elect Trump.  Whether for the sake of his own imaginary legacy; or, because he wanted to stir up a pot of witch's brew for the incoming Trump Administration; or, both: in any case, Obama's recent ill-advised actions involving U.N. Res. 2334, cannot have a good outcome ~ at least, not in the way that Obama and the U.N. hoped it would.

But Israel is not taking the world's sardonic hypocrisy, lying down.  Saner minds prevail in Jerusalem, in contrast to the lunacy that prevails in Washington, D.C..  Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasted neither time nor words, in his answer to the United Nation Security Council's Resolution; where Netanyahu said that not only will Israel not abide by that Resolution (2334) but, furthermore, Israel will henceforth stop funding U.N. institutions.  Finally! one world leader is demonstrating the clarity of mind and the courage of will to do what should have been done many years ago by every reasonable-minded national leader, that is, to quit the United Nations ~ that "moral farce," as Netanyahu recently called the U.N..

It is amazing to see how quickly so many geopolitical factors are coming together to fulfill Bible prophecy.  In light of the new U.N. Resolution above mentioned, many political and business leaders doubtless will believe they may henceforth with impunity treat Israel as a pariah nation, and with hardly a thought that anyone will care to do anything about that.  The nations of the world have now crossed a threshold, beyond which it would be very difficult for any country in the world to enjoy "normal" relations with Israel, without thus incurring the censure (or worse) of a majority of the U.N.'s member nations.

At the same time, however, I perceive that God is moving on the behalf of Israel to strengthen the resolve not only of that nation's leaders but of Israel's citizens as well.  I seem to sense, in fact, a rising confidence among Israelis in general.  As one notable Bible prophecy teacher, Amir Tsarfati ~ himself a natural born Jew and citizen of Israel (see his website at BeholdIsrael.org), has convincingly explained it, the people of Israel have probably never felt more safe and secure than they do at this present time.  Israel is prospering economically; whereas, there is widespread fear of recession throughout most of the rest of the world.  Israel is strong militarily: as a world technology leader, Israel has developed some of the world's most advanced weapons systems.  Not least important, even though it is still a largely secular society, Israel manifests respect for the dignity of human life, including family and even national life, in ways and in a degree practically unknown anywhere else on earth.

I believe that U.N. Res. 2334 will have the opposite effect from what the U.N. intended.  Which is to say that, instead of corralling the Tiger (Israel) further into a corner, Res. 2334 may turn out to be the key which unlocked the cage door; or, to employ a different metaphor, it may be the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back," so to speak.

Obama poked the Tiger, while the U.N. unlocked the cage door.  Big mistake.  But it's not really Israel that Obama should be worried about (I doubt that he's losing any sleep over the affair ~ yet).  You see, Israel holds a very special, a unique, place in the heart of God: in Whose eyes "all nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity" (Isaiah 40:17).

Obama thought to pick a fight with tiny Israel; knowing not, or at least believing not, that now he will have to contend with Israel's God ~ the One who gives the Tiger his stripes, his teeth and claws, his cunning and stealth, and his fearless heart.

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