
God's hand

The cards have been dealt all around and anticipation hangs thick as smoke in the room.  Moves and countermoves have been made, and bets have been placed.  It's a high-stakes playoff.  Finally, the time has come for the two opponents to show their cards.

The devil smugly begins to reveal his hand.  He starts off with a Jack of Clubs: a blitzkrieg attack against Israel which results in a shockingly catastrophic regional war in the Middle East.  Next, the devil lays down a Jack of Diamonds: the subsequent emergence of a politico-economic consolidation of ten nations from Europe, north Africa, and the Middle East, united to dominate that large region of the world.  Followed by the King of Spades: a convergence and consolidation of apostate world religions headed up by the False Prophet.  Then another, the King of Diamonds: who (the False Prophet) controls the now-unified global economic infrastructure.  It's a strong hand so far.  A hush comes over the room as the devil lays down his final card: Joker! ~ a wild-card world leader (Antichrist) who appears preternaturally gifted and supernatural in his prowess ~ behind whom is united the geopolitical force of that new super-block of nations, together with the False Prophet at the helm of the new world religious and economic order.  "Let's see you beat that!" the devil smirks.  As he greedily reaches out his hands to rake in the huge pile of chips sitting between him and his opponent.

"Not so fast!" God said, in a commanding voice which seems to shake the whole room.  The spectators are breathless.  What does God have amongst men, which can overcome such a strong hand as the devil's?  One by one, God begins to show his own cards.  Ten of Hearts: a political revolution suddenly arises in the United States (which actually appears to play right into the devil's own plans involving Europe and the Middle East).  "O, yeh? that's rich!" the devil laughs; "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that!"  Queen of Hearts: a solitary man appears on the eastern shores of the Mediterannean.  "What on earth are you going to do with that?" the devil raucously laughs.  At which point muffled snickers are heard here and there amongst the onlookers.  The Jack of Hearts is then displayed: scores of thousands of people apparently fall suddenly dead, without any apparent explanation (except, as that is then widely supposed, as a secondary result of the effects of nuclear and biological fallout from the cataclysmic regional war in the Middle East).  "Three out of five~and nothing matches!" shouts the devil, as he rears backwards and nearly tips over his chair while giving out a boisterous belly-laugh; not noticing the emerging pattern of cards....

But when the Ace of Hearts next is laid upon the table, the devil suddenly stops laughing.  The crowd grows dead silent, though a nervous excitement can be felt like electricity in the air.  Notwithstanding that the only thing that happens, then, is that another solitary individual appears~who promptly joins the former individual on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean; yet, the pattern is now clear to everyone.  Something exceedingly rare may be in the cards!  Could it be?  But no one could see it coming, until now.

God smiles.  The crowd is panicky.  Thick beads of sweat appear on the devil's wrinkled brow as he slowly, hopefully, moves his hands closer toward the booty in front of him....

Then, something...ominous.., something...never before seen...begins to stir in the heavens above the place where they are seated.  Suddenly, everyone in the room is blinded by a brilliant Light which leaves not a single shadow of darkness in that room!  The devil screams: "No! it can't be! it's impossible!"  As God at last reveals ~ you guessed it: the King of Hearts: as legions of white-robed beings descend from heaven in wave after wave, like mighty, rushing rivers of living light.  It is a straight, royal, FLUSH!

You see, that first solitary individual who appears "on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean," turns out to be the prophet Elijah ~ whom God promised he would send back to earth at a time shortly "before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD" (Malachi 4:5).   Whereas, those "scores of thousands" which suddenly and inexplicably fall 'dead,' at about the time that Elijah appears, is the only visible thing which any earthling shall then observe ~ of the Rapture Event.  Then, that other lone individual who appears "on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean," and who shall then join up with Elijah, is the second of those "two witnesses," spoken of in Scripture, which shall: call down fire; and, turn waters into blood; together with a host of other global plagues and disaters, during the first half of the Tribulation.  Last, but by no means least, Jesus Christ and the then-Raptured and glorified saints of God shall descend from heaven (probably at a time soon after the Tribulation's mid-point, when that Antichrist begins to demand that he be worshipped as God).

It may not look like it, right now; but God has already set in motion the beginning of what shall be a rapid succession of End-time events which shall all transpire over the course of the next seven-to-ten years or so (as I firmly believe).

The "Great Transition" ~ "between two Ages," as I have elsewhere described that (here~scroll down), has already begun.  God is doing great things.  While far greater things are yet, and very soon, coming.  "From this point forward" ~ as Donald Trump famously said, during his recent inauguration speech, things will never be the same, again.  Elijah is coming.  The Rapture is coming.  The Tribulation is coming.  Jesus Christ is coming.  The Millennial Kingdom Age is coming.  As if on a freight train.

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