


"Listen to me!" you'd smile and say;
then, on your little guitar you'd play
a stumbling three-note melody.
I'd smile right back, "That sounds so sweet,
"you hardly even skipped a beat:
"what a love-ly symphony!"
As time went on, your talent grew.
And all the while I somehow knew
you had a very special gift.
I watched you play, long hours, alone.
Your music filled our busy home
with joy that did my spirit lift.

One day, you met me at the door ~ 
I will remember, ever more ~
"I've got big news to tell:
"A song I wrote has hit the charts!"
And, all at once it seemed, my heart
with pride and sadness swelled.
"You don't need to change your name;
beware, of seeking worldly fame...."
But you still did it, anyways.

I sit and listen, long hours, alone;
your music fills my empty home ~
and I will never forget
those days.

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