
America on trial

It requires no genius to see that Donald Trump's presidency has ignited a political revolution in America, one that appears to be affecting the whole world.  For the majority of Americans who voted for Trump ~ as well as for many others who, though they did not vote, yet they are glad for Trump's victory, it is not at all difficult to understand the essential meaning of this revolution.  In voting for Trump, a considerable majority* of Americans expressed their disapproval of the direction in which America for too long had been moving.

[*The widely reported claim that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote neither takes into account the doubtless large number of votes cast by illegal immigrants nor does that claim account for the Democrats' well-known propensity for encouraging and facilitating other forms of voter fraud.]

Nor is it difficult (for discerning Christians, at least,) to understand the profound animus, on the part of those who oppose Trump, which has lately been exhibited in various (sometimes violent) ways and places throughout this nation.  I say it is not difficult to understand their animus; though I do not mean to suggest that Trump's antagonists are morally justified in their hatred, much less in their hostilities, towards Trump and his supporters.  Throughout several decades prior to Trump's presidency, the so-called political elite in America worked, largely unopposed, to create (what Francis Schaeffer called,) "a totally humanistic culture."  The success of those efforts may in some measure be judged by the visible, widespread reaction against Trump; although, the true scope and intensity, of those reactionary forces, remains to be seen.  So far, this has been a (nearly) bloodless revolution (the blood of 'only' a few of Trump's supporters having been shed, thus far).

But I do not intend in this essay to focus on the possible socio-political outcome(s) of this revolution.  Rather, I am more interested in understanding the less apparent spiritual dimensions related to the current political situation in America.

It seems obvious to me that Trump's presidency has depended, though perhaps unwittingly, upon divine intervention.  While a number of significant examples in support of that idea may be given, yet, I will mention but one, that is abortion.  In light of America's generation-long support of abortion-on-demand, the Trump administration's recent actions to curtail abortion-on-demand strongly suggest that God has indeed raised up Donald Trump.

But why?  And why now?  What is God doing concerning this nation and concerning the true Church in America?  Those questions are relevant not only in order that we may gain some insight regarding possible near-term, future events.  Far more important is our need to rightly understand what is the will of God concerning the Body of Christ in America, today.

There appears to be practically universal agreement amongst Christians, with respect to the belief that God is using Trump in some extraordinary ways to minister mercy and grace to America.  But why would God be willing, now, to demonstrate such remarkable mercy and grace to this nation ~ which for so long a time has virtually turned its back (and worse) to God?

There is a discernable pattern in Scripture as well as in the history of nations, in which pattern it may be seen how that God evidently moves in exceptional ways to lead nations to repentance ~ before that God must ultimately enter into judgment against those nations that refuse His manifest mercy and grace.  In view of America's Christian heritage, which has essentially been renounced by this present, decadent generation of Americans, broadly speaking; and, in view of what I understand concerning Bible prophecy: I believe that the manifestations of God's mercy and grace, which in various ways are apparent in the Trump administration, represent God's final effort to call America to repentance.  How that Americans, in general, will respond to God's mercy and grace (though I do not imply that everything Donald Trump does is according to God's will), must largely determine how that God will then deal with America in the coming days.

In other words, I perceive that America right now is standing at trial before the throne of God.  Frankly, I expect that the outcome will not be good for most people now living in this country.  Whereas numerous, purportedly Christian, leaders in America have loudly proclaimed their belief that America will soon enjoy the blessings of spiritual Revival ~ which, in turn, they say, will then lead to national revival (meaning, a return to morality and general prosperity); yet, I cannot agree with that prophecy of theirs.  On the contrary, I deeply lament the fact that America is desperately lacking courageous leaders who truly understand and love the Word of God.  In support of that statement, I offer the following example.

Just a few months ago, a nationally-known Christian leader, Dr. Tony Evans, heavily promoted an event called, "The Gathering: a National Solemn Assembly" (see the website portal for that event, here).  A short (2:20 minutes) video trailer titled, "National Revival is Coming," appears (here) on Evans's YouTube channel, as part of the advertising campaign for that event ("The Gathering").  That video trailer announces the purpose of The Gathering involves "a plea for believers from every...denomination to come together as one...."  Doubtless that is the case.  Among the roster of speakers for that event were the following:
  • James Robison ~ who together with a cadre of infamous heretics has been working to advance the ecumenical agenda of the Roman Catholic Church (see my video, here), and my series of essays titled, "New Apostolic Reformation" (here);
  • Samuel Rodriguez ~ one of the more charismatic members of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement, the parent organization of which adheres to so-called "Dominionism theology" (see my video, here), which theory also embraces so-called "Replacement theology" (which rejects the prophetic significance of modern-day Israel), while Dominionism also rejects the Biblical doctrine of the Rapture;
  • Dr. Richard Land ~ former president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC): under whose leadership the SBC promoted the construction of mosques in the United States (among other heretical policies and practices);
  • Dr. Ronnie Floyd ~ former president of the SBC, and currently Chair of the Executive Committee of the same (see previous entry);
  • Nick Hall ~ founder and promoter of the "PULSE" movement, which serves to advance the ecumenical movement, especially, amongst America's youth.
Although I could, yet, I will not elaborate more concerning "The Gathering," its speakers, and its purpose, except, to say that the gaggle of well-known Christian leaders who participated in "The Gathering," comprises a significant example of the apostate nature of Christian leadership in America.

Important for my purposes in this essay, those above-mentioned ~ and many others like them ~ are representative of the kind of so-called Christian leaders who are working hand-in-hand with Donald Trump and his administration.  America can rejoice because numerous "Christian" leaders ~ such as Kenneth Copeland, for example ~ have laid their hands and conferred their blessings upon Donald Trump!  While the inimitable Paula White (one of Trump's reputed "spiritual advisors") gave her blessing at Trump's inauguration.  Et cetera.

America should fear, and not rejoice, if such is the nature of Christian leadership that is privileged to have the ear of those in Trump's administration.

America, I believe, is on trial.  But I further believe that God is doing something else in America, besides trying bring sinners to repentance.  Which is to say, that I believe God is moving powerfully in answer to the prayers of a comparatively small Remnant of true disciples of Jesus Christ.  That necessarily being the case, then, I am greatly encouraged by (my awareness of) that reality, not only to commit myself to more far-reaching and more earnest prayer.  But I hope hereby to encourage you, dear Reader, to understand that God is moving powerfully in America ~ but only because there are some real Christians that are praying!

What are we (now) praying for?  Pray is not an exercise in generalities.  Nor is God, ordinarily, willing to grant specific answers to non-specific prayers.  The Body of Christ in America prayed (at least) that God would somehow prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming the next President of the United States.  Moreover, not a few genuine Christians prayed specifically that Trump would win that office.  Evidently, God answered those specific prayers.  Some, no doubt, would object that a majority of voters were responsible for Trump's victory.  But Trump's success in his campaign for President came as a real surprise even to his most ardent supporters.  They were hopeful, to be sure; but, none of them could in all honesty say that he or she was altogether confident of the then-anticipated outcome of the presidential election.  "It was a God thing," is a phrase which can still be heard from the lips of many.  

What will God next do in America?  I say, that largely depends upon what we, the true Body of Christ, will pray that God would do.  How, then, can we know what to pray for?  The answer is simple: the Bible tells us, in 1 John 5:14-15:
"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him."
One of the most important keys to answered prayer, therefore, is, to ask God for those things which agree with his express will.  Is genuine Revival agreeable with God's will?  Is it in accordance with God's will, to pray for the return of Jesus Christ?  Is it also God's will that Christians should pray for America's leaders, in order to the peace of this nation?  There is a great deal about which we should pray ~ and pray according to God's will, as he has revealed that in his Word.

These are at once both hopeful and "perilous" times.  America has no hope whatsoever of standing safe and secure in the light of God's judgment ~ except, there may actually (and very soon) be widespread spiritual Revival.  Such Revival (as I have long labored to teach), may only come in answer to the earnest, prevailing prayers of the faithful Remnant of true Christians.  I am persuaded that Donald Trump is today the President of the United States, because real Christians have prayed.

We are on the cutting edge of the long-awaited fulfillment of Bible prophecy which leads to the Rapture of the Church.  Although there is much contained in Scripture, which things lie beyond that momentous event of the Rapture, yet we do know that the Rapture is now very close.  And God is working to prepare his people ~ not only for the Rapture but, also, for to give a powerful demonstration of the reality of God, before we leave this world.

Ask largely of God, Church!  This is not the time for us to be weak-minded or timid in our approaching unto God in prayer.  We must have real Revival.  We must have it!  We must have a world-shaking outpouring of God's Spirit.  If God in his mercy and grace will give such as Donald Trump to this backslidden and as-yet-unrepentant nation, then, I suppose it is not too much to ask that same God, in mercy and grace, to give us such a Revival in answer to our most heartfelt prayers.  Not to be forgotten, is our need to pray that God will raise up godly and courageous leaders in America.  "God, grant it, for your glory and for Christ's sake," is my prayer.

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