
prophetically illiterate

What does it mean, when self-professed Bible prophecy teachers say that we "might" be living in the End-time, or that these "could" be the last days, or that it "seems" that we may be getting close to the time of the Rapture?  It means they don't have a clue, because, in a very substantial measure they are prophetically illiterate.

If they knew what to look for in connection with the time of the Lord's return, according to Scripture, then they would know either that the time is at hand or that it is not.  But they don't know.  So, with them, it's "could be," "seems like," or "maybe."  But if they don't know whether this is the time or not, then how do they suppose they are going to know when the time actually does arrive?  Worse still, how do they know that the time may not already have arrived?  (As a matter of fact, the time of the Rapture has now arrived; which can be proved from Scripture.)

Is this, or not, the time when we should expect the Rapture to occur?  They aren't sure.  But they've got their backside covered (or so they think), with a flimsy little idea called "imminency."  "The Rapture can happen at any time and without any prior warning," they claim.  Well, then, how do they know that the Rapture is not already past?  Furthermore, if that's all there is to say about the time of the Rapture, then what on earth are they filling their own books and videos and prophecy conferences with?  (Never mind what they're filling their pockets with.)

It's utter nonsense.

But don't expect them to stop writing books and making videos and speaking at conferences.  A whole lot of folks want to be stimulated in their minds, by dabbling in the interesting and mysterious realm of Bible prophecy.  What they don't want, though, is to be shown, by straightforward Biblical exegesis, the truth: because, they don't want to hear that God is getting ready to unleash judgment on this present world.

The Seven Seals in Prophecy and in History (here).  For the price of one trip to McDonald's (for three people), you can see for yourself what the Bible teaches about how we can know very nearly when that the Rapture shall occur.  But lest anyone should accuse me of peddling books: you can get most of the information that's in that book, for free, right here on this blog (start here ~ part 1 of an 8-part series).  

Or you can keep on listening to "quite possibly," "maybe," "it could be," "some people think so," "no one can know for sure...."

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