
forgone conclusion

The above photo was captured from a video of President Trump's recent speech in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where there were gathered numerous heads of state.  The above image reveals something very significant, in the writing on the plaque directly in front of Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority.  Central to what has been called Trump's "Monotheism Tour" (visiting the capitals of the world's three monotheistic religions, i.e., Islam, Judaism, and Christianity; in that order), is Trump's goal of making peace in the Middle East, by brokering a deal between the Israelis and Palestinians.  It appears, however, judging from the above image as well as from many other indicators, that the "STATE OF PALESTINE" is a forgone conclusion.  Break out the champagne; cue the music; hand out the gas masks; let the dance begin!

Students of Bible prophecy have long been anticipating the signing of a peace treaty involving Israel and her Muslim enemies; a treaty which, Scripture says, will be endorsed by "many."  Which suggests that the soon-coming peace deal will at least have the backing of a substantial number of Muslim countries, if not the backing of the United Nations.  Importantly, among those "many" will be the Antichrist himself.  Yes, that's how close we are to the Lord's coming.

But though the creation of the "State of Palestine" may be a foregone conclusion in the minds of certain world leaders, yet, that may be a pill too hard to swallow, for many Jews in Israel.  Only those who are closely watching Israel may be aware of the sea-change of feeling and of opinion that has lately occurred in Israel, as the result of Trump's flip-flopping Middle East policies.  "On day one," Trump vowed, he would do such-and-such for his "good friend, Israel."  Among which, promises, Trump pledged that he would relocate the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem ~ which, during his campaigning, Trump rather freely referred to Jerusalem as Israel's "capital."  Today, however, Trump doesn't even want to be seen visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem, with Israel's prime minister.  And many Jews are now wondering, Why?

Or, maybe, they're not really wondering.  Trump began his Monotheism Tour by dutifully stooping to receive Saudi Arabia's Bauble of Appreciation medal, for Trump's multi-Billion-dollar commitment of U.S. military support to the Saudis.  And Trump doubtless will wind up his Tour by kissing the Pope's ring; though we may not get an 8x10 glossy of that event.  Or, perhaps, we will; considering, how that Trump has surrounded himself by so many Evangelical ring-kissers, who may have a real interest in such a photo being prominently displayed in America's churches!

Sandwiched between those two End-time bedfellows (Islam and apostate Christianity), on Trump's Tour, is the pesky and rather insignificant Israel.  Well, Israel would be insignificant ~ if not for the m-a-s-s-i-v-e amounts of oil and natural gas that have recently been discovered in Israel.  Besides, Trump's orthodox Jewish son-in-law (kippah-less Kushner ~ who is a billionaire) has his billionaire father-in-law's ear.  And at least one other billionaire Jewish businessman has Trump's other ear.  So, Israel's upper-middle-class Prime Minister, Netanyahu, has only himself to talk to.  Pretty much.

It should be rather easy for anyone to see that the status of Jerusalem is now coming to have a very prominent role on the stage of geopolitics.  What concerns me most about that, however, is that the Bible reveals that all who "burden" themselves with Jerusalem (in these, the last, days), shall be "cut in pieces" (Zechariah 12:3).  And there is President Trump not merely dancing, but he is the one orchestrating the ballroom festivities.

But there's a catch.  The peace treaty we should be looking for may not have anything to do with the so-called Palestinians.  Think about it.  Why would the Saudis or even the Jordanians, for example, be willing to the establishment of a sovereign, Podunk-Palestinian state ~ smack dab in the heart of one of the world's soon-to-be largest oil- and gas-producing regions?  I don't think so.  In fact, we know from Scripture that Israel is now in possession of some or another kind of booty (which Scripture calls, "spoil" and "prey"~ Ezekiel 12:8), which a very powerful coalition of nations (including Iran, et al) is soon going to attempt to capture.  The play for Jerusalem is not about the Temple Mount; it's about Israel's strategic location, and Israel's strategic reserves of oil and gas.

What happens when someone lights the fuse of, say, a case of dynamite?  Kwaaboom!!!  Right?  Nope.  Instead, instantly, everything gets real quiet ~ as everyone runs for cover and then waits expectantly for the Big Bang.

It's about to get real quiet in the Middle East.  To be sure, lots of folks will mistake that little season of quiet ~ for peace.

Big mistake.

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