
immortality (part 2)

I feel almost giddy.  I don't know if it's from a lack of sleep, or the adrenaline surge I feel every time I peel back another layer of this huge transhumanism-onion, or ~ which is the one I really want to attribute my excitement to ~ my sense that the Lord's coming is now so near that it's as if he's even now descending through the upper atmosphere!  I honestly do think it is the latter.  There seems not to be enough hours in each fleeting day, to accomplish all that needs to be done before we leave here....

I've posted three blogs, today (I think that's a record for me).  But, believe me, it's not because I have nothing else to do.  It's just that important things keep flooding my mind, like a tsunami.  If you haven't yet had a chance to read Part 1 (here), it will really be helpful to you, to do so.

If you will then click anywhere on the above image (or here), you will be redirected to a very important video, in which Jeremy Howard, a "deep-learning researcher, and entrepreneur," gave (in 2014) a fascinating TEDtalks lecture on the subject of machine-learning.  Machine-learning has to do with processes (called "algorithms") by which machines (computers) are capable, in a very real sense of the word, of "learning."  The implications of that are unspeakable, unimaginable.  (Lately, I feel as though I'm wearing out the word "profound," by overuse.  How about "breathless?")

As you watch that video, keep in mind that that video is now almost three years old!  I highly recommend, too, that you should watch it all the way to the end.  The things which Howard reveals about the functionality and progress of emerging technologies which enable computers to "learn," powerfully reinforces the predictions suggested by others who are laboring feverishly to create the Singularity.

My choice of the word "feverishly," was not incidental.  I am certain that there is a worldwide race to achieve Singularity, which is being driven by a kind of Gold Rush-mentality, without equal in history.  Whoever wins this Gold Rush, will be in control of practically limitless power ~ and wealth.  And judging from what I've observed thus far, that could turn out to be not any nation-state, but GOOGLE.  Maybe.  Or even some much smaller group that figures out how better to do certain things....

Still, the bio-nano-AGI-techno "pie" is big enough that a whole lot of folks already are grabbing a piece of it.

If you don't watch the above-linked video very closely, you'll likely miss some very important things.  For instance, Howard very briefly, but very convincingly, argued that about 80% of all jobs in America are going to disappear ~ very soon, and very quickly.

This I do know: that since the turn of this century, the world has entered, as it were, the mouth of a Time-Warp Tunnel ~ which is sucking everything into its belly at exponentially increasing speed (Ray Kurzweil has stressed that phenomenon, of exponential acceleration). I also have the sense that everyone is feeling themselves pulled at, as if by some unseen force which cannot well be resisted and which seems to be loosening their grip ~ even on reality itself.  There is a growing and disquieting feeling of unreality, concerning everything.  Nothing seems stable; which, ironically, is seeming to cast a pall over the things that ought to exhibit stability; morality and family, to name two of the most important ones.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is going to Israel, and to Mecca, and to the Vatican ~ to make peace in the world.

Imagine that.  The world is filled with "coincidences," these days....

In part 3, I want to re-examine certain Bible prophecies ~ in light of these developments.

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