
having done all...

I once stood at the edge of the ocean, face to face with an incoming hurricane.  It was, to say the least, a memorable experience.  An ordinarily occupied beach was empty as far as I could see in every direction ~ except, that one of my sons (who was then in his early twenties) was also with me.  We went swimming ~ in waves that felt like we were being pounded by concrete walls.  The lashing winds were relentless.  The rip tides were like nothing I'd ever encountered before.  We felt that we were flirting with danger.  Not very smart, I know.  But memorable.

The thing I remember most about that day is not the hurricane nor the threat to our safety, which at the time seemed so real.  But I will ever remember how that our hearts, his and mine, were knit together in a very special way, on that day.  I know he felt the same way.  I wouldn't trade that experience I had with my son, on that day, for anything in the world.

We are in such a storm as that right now in America.  We are standing, as it were, at the edge of history, watching the mounting waves groan against the howling winds that push and shove the waters into great heaps and then slam them violently down again.  The social and political upheaval we are witnessing is like those massive waves striving farther out on the deep ~ which powerfully affects things much closer to shore (that is to say, within the sphere of our personal lives).  At one moment circumstances beyond our ability to control seem to pound us; the next moment, rip tides of depression and despair try to carry us out to sea.  Wave after wave of tribulation finds us doing all we can to stand our ground and keep from being pulled under.

People who live close to the shore take extra precaution when they see that a real storm is approaching.  Those who have some experience with storms know best how to prepare. There are numerous signs of impending dangerous weather.  The very atmosphere is noticeably different, in advance of a large storm.  Local TV and radio stations send out alerts; sirens may even be sounded.

There are some truly godly people in America who have experience dealing with the storms of life.  Christian men and women have been saying that it's time to take extra precaution, spiritually, to protect your own soul and the souls of your loved ones.  Importantly, there have been plenty of (other) signs, warning that a really big storm ~ which has been growing in intensity, 'out to sea,' is about to make landfall in America.  Something about the spiritual atmosphere is truly different...

The Holy Ghost, knowing what we must do in order to withstand in these days, gives us the needed instruction:

"[B]e strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 
"Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints..."  (Ephesians 6:10-18)
I draw special strength from the fact that the Holy Ghost did not invite me, as a Christian, "to stand."  Rather, He commands me to stand.  Not only that, but there is no other option that is even suggested as a possibility, but "to stand."  "Stand therefore," the Holy Ghost repeats the command!  God did not say, "Stand, if you can."  Or, "Stand as best you can; or, as long as you can."

"Be strong in the Lord, and in the power" ~ not of my own strength, but "of his [the Lord's] might."  Another command!  But, again, that is not possible to us, no, not in our own selves.  What to do?  How to be strong in the Lord?  How to stand?  The Holy Ghost gives the answers:  "Put on."  (There's something I must do!)  Put on what?  "The whole armour of God."  Not part of that, but everything that God has provided in His Word and by His Spirit.

OK.  So, I'm geared up; armour on.  Is this how I'm supposed to "be strong" and "to stand"?

That were all the same as if a soldier geared up for battle ~ and then just stood and admired himself in the mirror!  Of course, we are not to "put on the whole armour of God" ~ so then we can just "stand" around ~ and do nothing.  The "standing," of which the Holy Ghost speaks, involves standing ~ in battle!  And not only for oneself!  But, "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."  Note the superlatives, associated there with prayer: "Always. All. All. All."

Gear-up; so you can come to the battle prayed-up; so then you ~ and others whom God puts in your life ~ can stand-up to all the meanness of the devil!

One of my dear Christian brothers has a wise saying, viz.: "Unbelief is not weakness; it is wickedness."  God not only wants us to be strong.  But He needs us to be strong in the Lord.  Some in your circle of influence, no doubt, depend upon you to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.  Multitudes, perhaps, do.

The Holy Ghost's injunction, "to stand," is predicated not only upon the imperative to "put on the whole armour of God;" but, then, "having done all."   "Having done all. Stand."
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On that particular day which I just mentioned, above, I knew when to remove myself and my son from that beach ~ before that our lives might have been in any real, imminent danger.  I would never knowingly nor willingly subject my darling son to any real danger.

Likewise, our heavenly Father, you can be sure, is keeping a very close eye on whatever storm you or I may be facing.  Certainly, too, He knows what shall be in America's future.  And there will come a time when that our Father will say, "Come on, son (or daughter), it's time to go home."

Meanwhile, Father is with us.  He ordained us to this generation; to this time in history; and, to whatever place it is where He has planted us.  He knows all.

One day ~ whether in this life or in the world to come, we will be able to look back on this time and realize how it was that being in these circumstances ~ with God at our side, somehow, caused our heart to be knit together with our Father's heart, in a way that would not have otherwise been possible.  Then, we will surely say, "I wouldn't trade those experiences I had with God, on that day, for anything in the world."

We will for ever remember these times, Church.  Though not the evil of these times will we remember.  But, rather, the goodness, the faithfulness, and the love ~ of God.

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