
splitting society

I saw something in my spirit, tonight, which was so alarming that I could only bear to look at it obliquely, as it were.  I somehow felt that I couldn't look at it too closely, full on; it made me almost nauseous.  If that makes sense.  I'm not making this up.

Perhaps, I'm not the only one who feels compelled to try to understand what is going on in the world right now.  Maybe you feel that way, too.  Although, in my experience, almost everyone that I encounter seems to have little interest to talk about many of the things I think about and, sometimes, write about.  Anyways....  This is not going to be a blog that will be pleasant or easy to read.  But I absolutely believe it is true, and real.  And immensely important.

I'm not a psychiatrist; though I have given a lot of thought and study to understand the nature and working of the human mind.  I know, for example, that certain techniques (involving traumatization) were developed many years ago, which are effectually used (still today) for intentionally "splitting" a human personality, in order to create what is called a "multiple" (multiple personalities in one physical body).

Of course, a psychiatric condition known as "Multiple Personality Disorder" (now called Dissociative Identity Disorder) has long been known to occur spontaneously (that is, without purposeful manipulation of the psyche).  And while the effects or the result of that (unaided) process probably are indistinguishable, in many cases, from "multiples" that are intentionally created by splitting; nevertheless, the ability to create multiples at will has doubtless involved a far greater scope of human experimentation than anyone may be willing to acknowledge.  I have reason to believe there are many more "multiples" now living amongst the human population than most people suppose there are.

Still there is another very important "dimension" related to the existence of "multiples," which I understand, as a Bible-believer, is connected with such conditions of the human mind: which is, that a split, or traumatized, personality is an open portal for demonization of such a soul.  The human being is a kind of "house" which was made to be indwelt by the Spirit of God.  But demon spirits are also capable ~ in the absence of God's Spirit, to indwell individual humans.  

I have never before heard of the idea which I'm about to describe, nor has that idea ever before entered my mind.  Yet, it appears to provide a plausible explanation for a wide range of bizarre and seemingly unrelated circumstances which have lately arisen as if by some unseen, though well coordinated, power and plan: a plan which (as that appeared in my spirit) may have to do with intentionally splitting ~ not an individual ~ but whole societies, en masse.

Yes, I do know what that sounds like.  And ~ were it not for what I understand about Bible prophecy ~ I would say that such an idea is not worth another moment's consideration.  Nevertheless, the convergence of current events in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, turns that otherwise outrageous idea just mentioned into something well worth considering.  As I will next explain.

At the very least ~ and beyond all dispute, there is a tremendous amount of mass-psychological manipulation that is being imposed upon whole societies, especially, by means of mass communication methods and channels.  Whether or not there may be humans that are willfully carrying out some scheme related to "splitting" whole societies (as above suggested); yet, we should know, by the revelation of Scripture, that Satan and his angels are always willing to use every means at their disposal to destroy humanity ~ which, the devils' efforts, not incidentally, aim to subject human beings to demonization.

During the soon-coming Tribulation, the Church shall no longer be in the world.  Neither shall the Holy Ghost then restrain evil in the world.  The bottomless pit ~ wherein untold multitudes of demons are now confined, shall then be opened: out of which pit shall come such hordes of demons that shall blacken the sky (Revelation 9:2); even the "beast" shall then ascend out of that pit (Revelation 11:7), at that same time (during the Tribulation).  There is, moreover, compelling evidence in Scripture, of a phenomenon involving massive, worldwide demon-possession of human beings, during the Tribulation (Revelation 18:2).  Jesus himself testified that the years of that Tribulation shall be the worst period in all of human history past, present and future (Matthew 24:21).

All of which is now at hand.  It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that the whole world (with the exception of faithful Christians ~ and a certain group numbering 144,000 Jews) is even now being given over to judgment, which (in lieu of individuals' repenting) that judgment shall reach its climax in the soon-coming Tribulation.  God is then going to punish both the world (of humans) and devils, together and at once.

It is people, who are giving themselves "over to judgment."  In consequence as they continue to resist the Spirit of God, their own hearts and minds are becoming more and more hardened against God and, thus, they are increasingly opening their spirit to demonic power and influence.  The evidence of which, lately, has appeared as the most bizarre kinds of behaviors.  What's even more bizarre, however, is that societies, as such, are not merely tolerating such behaviors, but those very behaviors are being defended and even broadly encouraged!

In America and elsewhere amongst so-called "developed" nations, social policy is formulated and enforced by means of cooperation among a network, of organizations, which includes: politicians and government agencies; professional institutions, i.e., legal, and medical; academia; and, large corporations (including mass media).  Which means that broad consensus amongst those various groups is strongly implied in the de-facto implementation of social policy ~ of whatever character that may be.

Moreover, the governing and/or guiding institutions (just alluded to) of any society are largely enabled by the consent ~ if not even the cooperation ~ of the "body politic" (the people themselves).  Thus the nature of any given human society is expressed in its social institutions, such as they are.  Is government corrupt?  Are the professional institutions corrupt?  Is academia corrupt?  Business interests, are they corrupt?  Then, one should understand that society itself ~ and not its institutions (as if those were something distinct from the society to which they pertain), is in fact the source of that corruption.

What, then, is happening in American society?  A real "split" is occurring, whereby Christian persons and non-Christians, respectively, are rapidly diverging one from the other ~ with regard to their respective worldview and lifestyles.  Very soon (if it is not actually now the case), those two groups shall be so thoroughly dissimilar as to be utterly incompatible with each other.  I do see that that situation is rapidly deteriorating.

We may have already reached the point, in fact, such that there is no place left in (American) society, for true Christians.  Does a true Christian have any real hope for making a career in politics?  Can anyone reasonably expect to have a career in law or medicine ~ without being subjected to blatantly anti-christian regulations within those professions (the governing bodies of which are bastions of wickedness)?  Education?  Who can fathom the depths of such depravity?!  (Even most so-called Christian schools are deeply compromised.)  Can a true Christian hope to rise in the ranks of any major corporation (all of which support an antichrist agenda)?  Finally, is there any place in the churches, for true Christians?

I am not hopeless.  I'm not even pessimistic.  The reality is that Christians have become alienated by and from "civil" society (which is decidedly uncivil).  What can the future possibly hold, then, for Christian children and youth?  Is no one thinking about that?  Does no one care ~ I mean, really care?! 

I began this essay by saying that I felt that I couldn't look at these things "full-on," in the face of it, as it were ~ without feeling nauseated.  I mean that.  It makes me sick to think about my children trying to grow up and live amongst a society such as America has already become!  To say nothing of what ~ "with mathematical certainty" ~ America is well on its way to become!  How can my children function amongst a society in which the vast majority of my children's peers believe, for example, that young children should be encouraged to question their biological gender?!  Or who believe that homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual deviancy of all kinds deserves not only to be protected but even promoted in society?  Or who believe that feticide and infanticide and euthanasia are normative to civil society?  A society in which the number one killer of persons under age 50 ~ is drug overdose!

We cannot be very far away from circumstances, in America, such that the American public will acquiesce to a national policy allowing the government to forcibly remove children from the homes of Christian parents; which, practice, is already occurring, albeit sporadically.

Do you think I'm joking?  Not for one moment.  Circumstances in American society are already such that writers, such as myself, must be concerned about essays like this one being used in ways to persecute us ~ which is a real kind of persecution in itself.

If it is not high time for a real, powerful, and far-reaching spiritual Revolution in America ~ well....  Honestly, I believe the only real hope at this point, is the Rapture.  No, not so that me and mine can slip out the back door before it gets too hot in the kitchen, as it were.  But, rather, so that Christ's holy army can be clothed with supernatural power, to fight what, in fact, is a supernatural war.

1 comment:

  1. God equips his saints extraordinarily in extraordinary times. We prevail as salt and light when we teach others to stand in His victory.
