

I'll give you three guesses where those young people are, who are pictured above.  Your first four guesses don't count.  Give up?  They're at a "gay pride" parade.  Next.  I'll give you three more guesses how they self-identify.  (Hint: it's neither Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan, Zoroastrian, Humanist, nor Atheist.)  Give up?  They're "Christians."  (You're not very good at this, are you?)  Alright, one more.  I'll give you three more guesses (last chance): What are those "Christian" young people trying to accomplish by holding those particular signs, at a "gay pride" parade?   Give up?   Come on, give up?    Well...?

Yeah, me too.

WARNING: Some images in this post are offensive.

At the risk of offending some of you, I feel it is needful for me to include certain images which all of you should find offensive (though I deeply regret needing to do so).  However, the main point of this essay (as in everything I write) is that ~ if Christians truly want to see real change in society ~ then, Christians themselves must begin to live honestly and with integrity in the sight of God, and with thoughtful purpose, in and toward the real world; and not drift mindlessly along in some pseudo-religious-fantasy world.

I'm going to try my best to keep this as brief as possible.  First.  What is meant by "Christian"?  Who has the authority to define what that term means?  No one.  No one but God, that is.  Good for us it is, that God saw fit to give us, all, a Book.  One Book.  Not too complicated of a book, either.  In that Book, God tells us what it is, and what it means, to be a Christian: "Christian" is whatever the Bible says that it is.  Nothing more, nothing less ~ and nothing else.

Second.  The gospel of Christ.  Christians have a certain message (first, to learn, and also then) to proclaim amongst the world.  What is that message?  Who has the authority to define that message?  Where is that message elaborated and explained?  God defined it, elaborated it, and explained it ~ not merely in the Bible, but more comprehensively: as the Word of God.  God has something to say, which He (urgently) wants to communicate to the world.  Importantly, God has chosen to communicate that message to the world, through the agency of Christian persons.

The "Christian message" is: the whole counsel of God (the Holy Bible).  Any idea, every message, which is contrary to the teaching of Scripture, is a lie.  And "all liars shall have their part in the lake [of fire]" (Revelation 21:8).  The apostle Paul wrote:
"There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision [certain religious persons]: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses [house-churches, in the context], teaching things which they ought not..." (Titus 1:10-11).
The messages which those young persons, in the above photo, have displayed on their signs: Are those messages agreeable with the Christian message ~ that is to say, with the Word of God?  Below, I have restated those young persons' messages (without changing their meaning):
  • "Jesus thinks" not only that those who engage in sexual immorality "are fantastic;" moreover, "Jesus thinks" that those who endorse and support sexual deviants and their immoral lifestyle "are fantastic."
  • "Jesus says" that sexual perverts and their supporters are "beautiful."
  • Apologies are due, on behalf of all Christians and the Christian Church as such, to all who engage in, and/or who otherwise endorse and support, sexual immorality.  Such apologies are due, because of the way that Christians and the Church have "mistreated" such people.
I must say that I agree with the idea that most Christians have indeed "mistreated" not only sexual deviants but sinners of all kinds; though not in the way suggested by those sign-holders ~ but, rather, by neglecting or refusing to tell sinners the truth!

I tried to find online some photos of participants at a gay pride parade, which I could use in this essay.  I thought it might make for a powerful reality-check and a wakeup call.  In the process, my own spirit felt brutalized by seeing those images (I'm not exaggerating in the least).  Very reluctantly, I will include only a couple of such images (which I've strategically 'cropped').  The images, below, are unspeakably offensive!  Yet, there are a zillion more such photos, taken at those same kinds of public events, which are too demonic to be viewed.

Notice, the look of disgust and fear
in the young boy's face, at right --> 

If those images, above, do not make you fiercely angry, then you evidently have nothing of God's Spirit in you!!

You should realize that those young "Christians," depicted at the top of this post, were not merely watching such things as appear in the above photos, (and far worse things than that, which I cannot put on this blog).  (Which acts were and are being done openly, on public streets in many large cities across America!!!)  I say, that those young "Christians" were not only watching such behaviors being acted out publicly; but they were even condoning those behaviors ~ whilst also apologizing for the Church of the living God, as if God's Church were the real offender!

(I did warn you that this post included some very offensive images.  The most offensive one by far, in my judgment, is the one at that top of this post.)

You tell me.  Does Jesus, really, think that such people, as appear in the above photos, are "fantastic" and "beautiful"?  It should not in the least surprise you to know that multitudes of professing Christians would answer that question in the affirmative!  I have encountered many ~ did you hear me? ~ many church leaders, including pastors, deacons, Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, etc., who insist that Jesus (still) loves the devil!!

As a matter of fact, the adult Sunday school teacher (who is also a deacon) at a church I recently attended, argued with me openly (in the presence of his adult Sunday school class), insisting that not only does God still love the devil (along with everyone else who is in hell) but, furthermore, hell itself is the expression ~ no, not of God's fury and vengeance toward those who are in hell ~ but, rather, hell is the expression of God's love toward them that are in hell!!!  Later, when I had occasion to speak with the pastor of that same church, about what that deacon was teaching in his adult Sunday school class (as just mentioned), the pastor himself tried to justify those very same ideas that the deacon taught.

Let me introduce you to the new "orthodoxy" in the American Church:

  • God loves everyone unconditionally ~ (without any conditions, whatsoever).
  • There is nothing that anyone can possibly do, which will make God stop loving them.
  • God loves the wicked just the same as He loves the righteous; there is no difference with God, between the wicked and the righteous.
  • God loves everyone ~ even after He sends them to Hell.
  • God loves the devil.
  • Hell is the expression of God's love.
  • Jesus thinks that sadomasochists, sodomites, and child-molestors are "fantastic" and even "beautiful."
  • Christians are wrong who judge, and who speak out against, sin.
  • Christians should apologize for being judgmental.
  • The churches are doing just fine ~ without Revival.

Such is the new orthodoxy ~ which has been embraced by hordes of church-going orthodoxymorons.  (An "oxymoron" is a phrase which suggests a logical absurdity; for a few examples: "jumbo shrimp;" "open secret;" "unbiased opinion;" etc.)  Those who profess to love and serve a Christ-figure who "loves the devil;" they cannot possibly know the true Christ of God ~ who hates the devil and everything that he does.   Those who profess to love and serve a god who loves sinners as sinnersunconditionally and forever so; they cannot possibly know the true God, who not only created hell as a place of eternal torment for the devil (to which place unrepentant sinners, also, now go), but who (the true God) also sacrificed His only begotten and sinless Son, for to destroy sin out of the lives of all who will truly repent. 
"Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21)" 
"[B]ut now once in the end of the world hath [Christ] appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" (Hebrews 9:26)" 
"He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.  For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil [that is, sin]" (1 John 3:8)
Look again at those young people (with signs), if you will.  Outwardly, they appear to be clean-cut, wholesome, happy youth.  But they are profoundly confused and deceived, at best.  In fact, they have been set-up for destruction in their own lives.  They have opened themselves to supernatural powers which those young persons do not begin to understand, and they are utterly powerless to withstand.

Where did they get such ideas?  

There are three principal sources which actually inculcate (teach and promote) such wicked ideas and practices as I have been describing, namely: 1) the public schools; 2) media and pop-culture; 3) the majority of churches in America.

A moment ago (as I'm still in the process of writing this), someone asked me: "What are you trying to accomplish, by writing such things as that?" (meaning, this essay).  "I'm trying to restore the true, pure gospel of Christ, to all who will hear," I replied.  The churches in America have been overtaken by false doctrine ~ subtle though that most often appears to be.  And someone must take a bold stand for the truth of God ~ for, there is no other hope.

I often ask myself a certain, rhetorical question, namely: What is it that got men such as Jesus, and John the baptist, and the apostles ~ brutally murdered?  I guarantee you, it was not because they went around patting folks on the back and telling them that "Jesus loves you, unconditionally ~ just the way you are!"

God the Father stood by and allowed His perfectly holy Son to be violently slaughtered!! because, that's how much that God hates sin!  That was the price that the Godhead was willing to pay ~ not so that the Church of the living God could gloss over sin, and go on petting and stroking carnality of the flesh!  "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven," is a wildly popular slogan ~ of the damned.  They might as well right out call the Son of God a Liar ~ for His saying: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).

Some people talk a big talk about "sanctification," who turn right around and make excuses for sin, saying: "We're just a bunch of imperfect folk."  As if ~ what? ~ as if there's nothing that can be done about that?!  So, it's O.K. that the church of Jesus Christ is just a bunch of carnal sinners?

Suits and ties and clean-shaven faces are an abomination to God!! when those are used to sugarcoat doctrines of devils!

Fathers, don't send your sons to seminary!!  Mothers, don't send your daughters to those so-called women's conferences featuring such Jezebels as Beth Moore, or Joyce Meyer, or any of the hundreds (or thousands) of others who want to slither their unholy ideas into your daughter's mind.

But send them (by your own example!) to the (true) Word of God! to the living Savior! on their knees in prayer ~ through the agency and power of the blessed Holy Ghost!!!

Or you can just lead them on to hell ~ following in your footsteps.

1 comment:

  1. WoW!This is Exactly what I said Tonight at The Church Picnic.The True Church can not Coddle People!Last Time I Checked HELL was a Punishment.
