
don't buy the lie

The above picture is disgusting, not merely for the obvious hatred and physical violence it portrays, but far more disgusting is the fact that at least half or more of the crowd in the vicinity of the combatants is passively photographing/filming the "action"!  I have observed that that is very often the case in similar kinds of situations.  In fact, I am convinced that the vast majority of such scenarios are staged events.  I don't mean that the violence is not real; only, that such situations and confrontations usually are prearranged.  Which means that such agitation is meant to serve someone's agenda ~ and you can be sure that that "someone" can always be traced back to the devil and his hatred of humanity.

The devil and all the hosts of darkness perpetually seek the destruction of humanity; concerning which, the destruction of civil society is but the precursor to far more deadly ends.  Fomenting fear and hatred is the devil's modus operandi.  Whereas, Jesus Christ said that to love one's neighbor is akin to loving God.

The Word of God also foretold that, in the last days, "because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax [grow] cold" (Matthew 24:12).  To be honest, I find it is very challenging to maintain within myself a commitment to demonstrate compassion and concern for the multitude which comprises such a degenerate culture and society as America has become.  Nevertheless ~ for the Lord's sake, I continually strive to subdue, through Christ, every temptation to do otherwise than Christ himself would do.  It is one thing to hate the evil that men do.  It is quite another thing to hate people.

The devil uses lies, fear, and loathing to drive wedges between people.  Remarkably, though that strategy of the devil's is very ancient and also very simple in its design ~ yet, it still works effectually to divide people and to set them against each other.  It just goes to show how susceptible to demonic influence is fallen human nature.

If the devil can successfully tempt Christians either to fear interacting with the world around us, or to yield to a sense of contempt for people in general, then the result is that such Christians cannot ~ because they will not ~ be bold and effectual witnesses for Christ.  And this world needs bold and compassionate witnesses for Christ, now, more than ever before.

Don't buy the devil's lie.  Don't give in to the temptation either to fear or to hate people.  But purpose to renew that all-important aspect of your Covenant with God, in Christ and for his sake, which calls us, individually, to live sacrificially in this present world, in order that we may be faithful ambassadors of the One who gave his own life that he might be the Savior of the world.  To condemn individuals is Christ's prerogative, alone.  But to warn them of the wrath of God against sin; and, to point them in the true direction of God's salvation: that is a most important way in which we are to express the love of God to humanity ~ which is our solemn duty.

Jesus came "not to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17).  Christians are to be radically different from the world, especially, with respect to our perspective of the world, and to our role in it.

Revival will never come, unless true Christians are totally committed, for Christ's sake, to fully engage the world ~ which is hopelessly lost without Christ; of whom, we are to be his servants and ministers.

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