
where is America headed?

The late Francis Schaeffer often used the phrase, "with mathematical certainty," when he spoke about the results that must inexorably follow from certain ideologies that in his day (he died in 1984) had already by then taken deep root in American society.  Which ideologies, as Schaeffer eloquently explained, by their very nature are certain to produce disastrous outcomes for individuals as well as for nations.

As it has happened, Schaeffer's dire warnings have gone unheeded ever since the time that he stood pleading for Americans to wake up and to return to embrace Biblical truth.  Schaeffer laid the blame for America's precipitous decline, squarely at the feet of the professing Church in America, whose abject silence throughout the past 40, the last 80, years, Schaeffer said, is "the only reason" why we are in the terrible condition we are in today (in 1982!).  I highly recommend that you should watch the entire video, below; but especially pay attention, if you will, to the portion beginning at time marker 21:20 and onward:

Schaeffer warned that Americans were even then (1982) confronted with their only and last chance to turn things around, else, America would be hopelessly lost.

That was almost 40 years ago.

In the light of which, fact, we come to face the following question: Is it now possible ~ even given the bold and courageous leadership of a President such as Donald Trump, to "Make America Great Again"?  In order to answer that question with any reasonable degree of certainty, I believe it is imperative that two other questions should first be answered, namely: 1) Was Francis Schaeffer correct in his assessment and in his predictions? and, 2) Has the professing Church in America, since the time (1982) when Schaeffer issued his challenge as shown above, responded in any way and measure according as Schaeffer demanded must occur, in order to secure real hope for America's (then future) survival?

In lieu of an in-depth analysis of Schaeffer's speech (which warrants a lengthy treatise), I will simply say that every honest and reasonable-minded Christian must agree that Schaeffer was exactly right in everything he said in that video (above).  I will also say that everyone who knows anything, really, about the past 40-year history of American society, recognizes that the professing Church in America has not merely failed to respond in a positive and substantive manner, to Schaeffer's challenge; moreover, generally speaking, the professing Church, throughout the past 40 years or so since Schaeffer, has moved not closer but demonstrably further and further away from God and the Bible.

Unhappily (as Schaeffer would say), Donald Trump is not in any wise capable of changing that fact.

Where, then, do we stand at this time in history?

We stand at the very precipice of the most unspeakable, catastrophic events that have ever befallen this once great ~ because once Christian ~ nation.

In a recent post, I wrote that I perceive myself not as a prophet of doom but of hope.  So I do believe.  But every true prophet (though I do not claim to be a "prophet" in the Biblical sense) must always speak the truth....

What can explain the recent and seemingly still ongoing wave of patriotic fervor, in America?  Is it, truly, a groundswell involving expressions of love for those same spiritual principles that once served as the Foundation stones for Christian society during a period of America's history now long past?  I seriously doubt that is the case.  What is it, then?  I believe it is rather a groundswell arising from profound desperation, on the part of many who suppose it is possible to return to some kind of nostalgic or romantic era in America's past, yet, without actually returning to those Founding Principles I just mentioned; whereas, a genuine return to those Principles means nothing else but a wholehearted returning to the God of the Bible.  Though I have seen no evidence that such a returning to God is occurring in American culture.

Meanwhile, the most animated proponents of a Humanistic worldview (more often referred to simply as "the Left") are experiencing a "Great Awakening" of a different kind.  That is to say that, having recently lost not power, but (at least temporarily) having lost total control, the Left has awakened to the necessity (as I'm sure they must believe) to ensure that their plans for humanity's future will never again be interfered with, and that never again will there remain so much as the possibility of an unexpected outcome involving Presidential elections.  I mean, that when (not if) the Left regains control of the reins of government, I am convinced ~ based upon a host of evidences, not the least of which is their own madness and hysteria ~ that they will move swiftly and aggressively to silence forever all opposition and erect insurmountable barriers to every peaceful means related to democratic processes.

The hitherto "bloodless Revolution" in America ~ in view of Schaeffer's and, more importantly, in view of Scripture's decrees ~ cannot long refrain from shedding of blood.  Fallen human nature ~ to the extent that individuals are separated from God, is more or less beastly.  Yet when, as increasingly it is the case, that all restraint to evil (which, restraining power, is, the knowledge of God) has hatefully been cast aside, the inherently beastly nature of fallen man thus becomes prey to even darker forces, that is, demonic, satanic.

Now, to the true Church of the living God I speak: We are in the heat of a battle, of historic proportion.  This is not a game.  It is not the future of America, merely, that is at stake.  But the future of this generation is on the line; the consequences of which, struggle, involve life and death, literally.  There are no more important ideas with which we must be fully engaged; there is no more important work to which we must be fully committed: than to face squarely the Word of God, and to decide once and for all whether or not we are on the Lord's side.  For this too, and this ultimately, is a (the) great War that has not yet swelled to the shedding of blood.  Though the Tribulation is now very near at hand.  Concerning which, if you have no knowledge about how the Rapture of the Church relates to the role of the then-glorified saints of God, during the Tribulation . . , you are indeed in considerable darkness, still.

Just a few years ago, I was privileged to hear a revered minister of the Gospel proclaim: "The  [true] Church is ready to awaken the enemies of the Church."  Immediately, by the Spirit of God, I got it.  My concern, today, is that even (most) sincere Christians do not comprehend ~ in a measure that should motivate them to full devotion and to consecrated action, the realities now confronting us, in terms of where we stand on the prophetic timeline, and the implications of that.

There is, as I see it, one and only one hope.  I am sorry to say it is not a hope for America as such.  But there is yet real hope for every individual who will "hear what the Spirit [of God] saith:"
Prepare yourself unto the coming of the Lord.  Seek the Lord while he may be found.  Bring yourself to his Word and yield to his Spirit, in order that God may cleanse your heart and life from every unclean thing and, so, may you then be filled, or refilled, with the Holy Ghost from heaven, who himself will "guide you into all truth" (John 16:13) and who will empower you to be a bold witness of and for Christ Jesus ~ in the midst of this wicked generation.
In a word ~ "Revival," there is yet hope that we may partake of the glory of God, in this generation . . . and in the ages to come.

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