

Amongst all the (other) faces in that crowd, there is a look of curiosity, or anticipation, or perhaps even a sense of need expressed in those many faces.  But that kid ~ the one in front with his hand outstretched, is different.  He clearly has a look of desperation.  I feel like I'm that kid.

In the year 1901 A.D., G.H. Pember, a leading cleric in the Church of England, wrote the following words in the opening lines of the Preface to one of his books titled, "The Church, the Churches, and the Mysteries":
"At a time when momentous changes are taking place in the Ecclesiastical world, and our National Church [the Church of England] is not merely commencing, but has almost accomplished a retrograde [backwards] movement from Bible light to Mediaeval darkness...."
His meaning is clear: Pember ~ who at that time was in a position to know the situation, evidently believed that the whole Church of England had by then (1901) degenerated to the point of rank apostasy.  And yet . . . 

Merely three years later, in 1904 ~ and within about 100 miles or so of where Pember then lived, there occurred one of the greatest Revivals in modern history, that is, the great Welsh Revival of 1904-05.

During that same time period, another Englishman (who was then a teenager) was growing up near Sheffield, England ~ about 150 miles or so from where Pember lived.  Charles S. Price, in the course of his thirty or so years of ministry (in the years following the publication of Pember's above mentioned book), was mightily used by God in the salvation and healing of "tens of thousands" of people around the world.  Judging from Dr. Price's own writings as well as the testimony of many other eyewitnesses, including many notable church leaders who knew and worked with him, Price's life and ministry was characterized by a ceaseless flow of God's Spirit in Revival power, of historic proportion.  In view of which facts, the following words written by Dr. Price, in his book titled, "Two Worlds," published in 1946 (one year before Price died), appear to be at odds with Price's experience in his own ministry:
"We are living in the AGE OF LAODICEA!... The plain, unadulterated truth is that we are living in the FINAL STATE OF APOSTACY" [sic].
So, which is it?  Are we living in the time of the End-time Apostasy?  Or are we living in the time of a great End-time outpouring of the Holy Ghost in genuine Revival?


By which I mean that both of the above are occurring at the same time; though, obviously, not in the same place(s).

Thus, the reason for my desperation.  For, I have come to understand that the Apostasy ~ although that is plainly foretold in Scripture as being one of the most important signs indicating the end of the Church Age; the Apostasy, I say, is neither God's will nor is it of God's doing.  Whereas, I am no less certain that Revival is God's will.

What, then?  Are we bound to perish with the multitudes who are being carried away with the tsunami of Apostasy?  Or is there truly hope that we may yet receive from God his mercy poured out in Revival?

There is hope ~ in God ~ for Revival (which is from God).

Apostasy is not inevitable.  It is not irresistible.  It is not some invincible (unconquerable) force.  It is the spiritual condition of those who are tempted, and then led away from the truth, by "seducing spirits and doctrines of devils."  It is the result, however, of a preponderance of careless, compromising churchgoers and their leaders.  And therein (the latter) lies the greatest hindrance to obtaining real Revival; together with the fact that many professing Christians are largely ignorant of God's will concerning Revival.

What incomparable joy and peace we have forfeited!   Because, we are evidently content to go on "living" without the manifest Presence of God in Revival.  Those who have studied Revival, whether in Scripture or in other sources dealing with Church history, understand something about what great joy there is when God's Spirit is being poured out from on high, and multitudes are thus wonderfully blessed and helped.

What surpassing strength and power we have relinquished!   Because, we have loved the world with its trifling pleasures and allurements ~ more than we have loved Jesus Christ and his glorious kingdom.

What everlasting treasure we have spurned!  Because, we love our own selves supremely, with little regard to the needs and the suffering of our own family members ~ much less do we care about our neighbors or strangers.

What ingratitude and indifference we have shown toward God!  Because, we fail to appreciate the price that both God and Christ paid at Calvary, for the redemption of souls; and, we have so little fear of God in our hearts; and, we are not valiant for the honor of God's Name.

I have believed that I am desperate for Revival.  My own words are searching me out....

We ~ all of us ~ truly are in a desperate state of affairs.  But whether we, individually, are at all desperate for God to move as in former days of Revival; well, that is quite another matter.

G.H. Pember testified of the gross darkness and spiritual deadness that had at length overtaken the whole Church, in his world.

When only a few miles away from where Pember lived, God was preparing to do something historically great, and within a mere handful of monts ~ well within Pember's own lifetime....

I don't want to miss what God is wanting to do ~ in the very midst of this present darkness.  I don't want ignorance, or unbelief, to stop me from seeking for Revival.  I don't want to allow myself to be overwhelmed and discouraged, by the scarcity of support from other professing Christians.  I will not bow down to the devil's relentless attacks.  God helping me, I will not draw back from believing and seeking God, because of opposition and adversity ~ or because of SEEMING absence of answered prayer (which is exceedingly hard to bear).

I believe there is a way for me to enter in to where I can truly hear the voice of God, and receive from him what he is willing to give to me, and through me.  I think I could not live, otherwise.

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