
the path to immortality

It's simple, really.  But isn't that so often why we miss the point?  Because, the answer appears so simple as to be simplistic.  So, we look for something deeper.  And we miss it.

The Question should by now be obvious: What, really, is the agenda and the driving force behind the transgender Movement?  How ought we to understand the nature and meaning of such a large-scale social Movement, which seems to have sprung from out of nowhere to become an international phenomenon, practically overnight?

Spoiler alert: The answer to that question is suggested in one word, immortality.
But how does one make the intellectual leap to connect individual behavior which appears to be self-absorbed with concerns about sexual identity (transgenderism), with what is arguably a global phenomenon focused on discovering a path to immortality?  And why should that matter to anyone?

Let's begin with the following premises, namely:
  1. Death is antithetical to life and, so, death is repulsive to the human mind;
  2. The vast majority of the modern world's inhabitants have rejected every notion of obtaining immortality as a gift from some divine Creator, and have instead embraced belief in Evolution.
In view of which premises, the necessary conclusion is that modern man is compelled, by his fear and loathing of death, to seek for a way to achieve immortality; while at the same time, his searching is also constrained within the framework of certain ideas (because, in his own mind, those ideas are) firmly rooted in Evolution.

Modern man has allowed himself to become bound in his own mind, by a grand fiction called, Evolution.  Thus, in his desperate efforts to escape death, modern man can look to no other god but himself, for help; for, he has made himself to be the only (and rightful) god, given, his belief in Evolution.

How, then, can Evolutionary Man achieve immortality?  Only, by becoming something other than what he now is (human).  Furthermore, being a devotee of Evolution, he perceives himself as being comprised of nothing other than material and/or energy.  And as there is no substance or state known to man, which is not susceptible to decay: Therefore, the form of his being (his body) must be transmutable (subject to alteration, modification), whether organic or inorganic.

Just "what" form man must create or discover, which shall be amenable to sustain his immortal existence, is as yet unknown.  But one thing is certain, which is, that (Evolutionary) man must evolve (change) to become something other than what he presently is, if he may have any chance to live forever.

Transgenderism ~ and in a more direct manner, transhumanism, I am convinced, is the result of modern man's conscious effort to take control of his own, Evolutionary development leading, as he supposes, toward the achievement of personal immortality.

There is, however, in modern man's Evolutionary belief system, one other possible path to immortality: Aliens.  If untold eons of Evolution have produced man, on earth; then, is it not possible that there may exist other beings, which may yet aid mankind in his quest for immortality?  Thus, modern man would doubtless embrace "intelligent," though non-human life, as "Savior."  Even if it should turn out to be the Devil himself.

The transgender (and transhuman) Movement is the result of modern man's conscious efforts to deconstruct the "human being," as a necessary (as he supposes) first step toward directing his own Evolution, specifically, toward immortality; or, at the very least, toward becoming something other than what he perceives himself now to be.

But in reality, his efforts involving deconstruction are nothing other than self-destruction.  Nevertheless, in his own mind, he has no other choice.  Not unlike one who is terminally ill, who is offered the opportunity to be the test subject for a new, experimental drug....

It is so pathetic, that so many are willing to allow in their own minds for the existence ~ and even super-intelligence ~ of non-human beings; though they refuse to allow for the existence of God the Creator.  That fact testifies to what the Bible refers to as "the power of darkness."

The rapidity whereby transgenderism and transhumanism have become prevalent amongst diverse cultures, globally, testifies to the fact that we need Revival now more than ever before.  People are losing more than just hope; they are losing their minds.

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