
confronting the mountain

Buckle up.  I stopped all my other work, to write: It's surging up from deep within me and I need an outlet....

I've spent hours of mental effort today, toward creating a radical new business model.  The problem is that it refuses to stay within the bounds of a 'business model.'  Every time I've tried to develop some aspect of it, I soon found myself face to face, as it were, with a living, breathing monster banging the walls desperately trying to escape into the world.  It's downright scary.

The name of the enterprise, as well as the concepts behind it, all seem harmless enough: OHIO INVESTORS GROUP.  The premise involves bringing investors and business owners together with mostly young entrepreneurs ~ but with an unusual agenda.  The principal objective of the enterprise is not only to develop financial wealth but, more important, it is to develop both the Leaders and the Infrastructure necessary and sufficient to effect substantive cultural change.  Young adult entrepreneurs would receive intensive Leadership Training as part of a more comprehensive, on-the-job, skills-development Program, teamed with competent mentors at every step of the way.  The Plan includes providing financial backing for future endeavors of those entrepreneurs once they complete the Leadership Training and mentorship Program (12 to 24 months).

(Do you hear that sound of a banging noise in the distance...?)

Leadership training.  That's the beating heart of the monster.  Leadership training ~ for what?

To change the course of America, if that may be possible.

It takes time to discern major patterns and trends in society.  But once those become apparent, it is then possible to fairly accurately forecast the future based upon the trajectory of those trends.  Anyone who has been paying attention to what has been going on in American society throughout the past ten years or so, knows very well that America is rushing headlong toward unprecedented disaster.  Yet, even in the churches ~ the one place above all others where Truth and courage ought to be boldly proclaimed, there seems to be hardly a whisper of concern, much less of righteous indignation, expressed.

From pre-school thru graduate school, America's youth are being cajoled and bullied and deceived to embrace the most hideous ideas.  Morality has come to be widely hated in American society.  Degeneracy is not merely tolerated but it is openly advocated by leaders amongst every social institution.  You tell me how it is that any "grownup" will stand aside for young children to be coerced to "change" their gender!!  Yet, school officials, judges, medical "professionals," lawyers, politicians, you name it: multiple thousands of them are willingly complicit in such crimes against children!

This is not going to be a rant.

Every time I return to work on OHIO INVESTORS GROUP, I end up looking squarely into the face of that Beast ~ no, not the one that is trying to destroy America.  I mean the greater, more powerful, more dreadful Beast that is hungry to destroy the hordes of demons that are ruthlessly devouring America's children and youth.

"The end is not yet...."

The Rapture is not God's plan for getting the godly out of harms way during the Tribulation.  We are the harm that is coming to bring Tribulation upon the world.  The Tribulation is not about God turning the world over to the devil to have his way for a little while.  No!  But it is about Christ returning to rid the world of all rebels; to take full control over all the world; and, to restore the earth and its (remaining) inhabitants to a state of sanity and peace.

If that is what Christ is going to do in the very near future, then what may we suppose is God interested to do, today, and in the days leading to the Rapture?  I reckon that we, Christians, ought to have a far more optimistic view of the mind of God concerning his own Creation.

Lately, the Biblical character named Phinehas keeps coming to my mind.  There was a young man whom I greatly admire.  One day, he just couldn't take it anymore: the shameless partying and carousing, the debauchery; the blasphemy against God ~ right in the camp of Israel!  And that by some of Israel's leaders!  At the risk of his own life, he took it upon himself to do something about it.  He took the most extreme action.  And God blessed him very greatly for it.

I think we professing Christians in America have become so conditioned, thru long years, by an Apostate church, to keep our mouths shut and close our eyes to evil, that we think that is actually what we are supposed to do.  God help us!

Back to the cave where the Beast lives....  Imagine it: A growing group of business owners and other investors who commit themselves and their fortunes to train and develop, through intensive teaching and mentoring, an even larger number of bold young men and women; and, then, with that same wealth, provide to those young Leaders the means to do something important with the very specialized training they shall have received.  Specially (spiritually) trained, motivated, funded, youthful, entrepreneurial, organized, mentored, Leaders.... Not to mention what rejuvenating and motivating effect such efforts would likely have upon the minds of those who would be training and mentoring and financing their proteges.

If great social Movements can be created and promoted by evil persons and by evil means; is it not more likely that great social Movements (with positive outcomes) can be created and promoted by godly persons and by godly means?  Is evil more powerful than godliness, to create and to produce after its own kind?  Or is the love of money far too strong to bind the minds of men and prevent them from acting according to godliness?

Contemplating what it would take to make a real difference in American society, is like confronting a great mountain.  Monolithic.  Cold.  Unmovable.  Yet, did not Jesus say it is possible to speak to a mountain and so utterly remove it?

Is anything in the Bible true?  Or should we resign ourselves to pine away whilst the clock ticks on, measuring the moments until our collective calamity arrives at length to crush us?

One thing is sure: If we do nothing else but wait, then the evil that is already destroying this nation will finally appear at our doorstep; if Jesus tarries.  It is as certain as the rising sun.  Every day that passes whilst we indolently go about our business, forestalls opportunity to resist the evil, and yields opportunity for evil to increase itself; a double failure of purpose.

How ironic.  Trying to figure out how I can survive and provide for my family whilst doing some good for Christ's sake, turned out to be a short road to bring me to deliberate upon a Plan for turning this nation back to God.  But who am I?  I'm just one man, a nobody....

Running out of that cave, tonight, I thought I heard a voice behind me say,


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