
COVID witch hunt


Watch this video (click HERE).  It is 30 seconds long.  It is very relevant to what I want to say in this essay.

Unto this day, the city of Salem, Massachusetts is most noted for the stigma of once having been given over to wholesale torture of innocent citizens, due to widespread fear of witch-infestation.  Somehow, a rumor spread throughout the community that witches were in their midst; though no one could be certain of who those witches were.  So, community leaders devised a means whereby to "test" suspected persons, to determine whether they were witches.

A number of innocent women died as the result of the cruel "tests" involving prolonged dunking underwater.  Others doubtless confessed to crimes they did not commit ~ in order to save themselves from such trial-by-water.  Those who did survive the ordeal continued throughout their lives to bear the stigma of being a suspected witch.  Who knew whether some, suspected witches, might even have survived the barbarous water-test, by the very means of witchcraft....?

Whether there ever were any practicing witches in Salem will never be known.  But it is certain that Salem was turned into a society consumed by irrational fear, and ruled by a regime that was not averse to employing very real torture.  All in the name of "the good of the community".  The effect of which served rather to create deep divisions within the community and wrought great harm and suffering upon many individuals and their families.  It is always so, everywhere that evil is allowed to suppress and overrule Reason.

Unhappily, the proud, presumptuous sub-culture that dominates the ruling elite, today, has utterly failed to learn such lessons of the past.  Or, perhaps, they just don't give a damn: they're going to have their way, regardless of what others believe or want.

COVID testing is the modern day equivalent of the Salem witch trials.  But now everyone is suspected of secretly harboring the evil COVID.  The solution?  Preemptive testing.

Over the past several months, I have archived scores of articles related to COVID testing.  Coconuts and goats, for example, have tested "positive" for COVID.  COVID test kits themselves have been found to be contaminated with...COVID.  Untold thousands (millions?) of cases have resulted in false 'positives'.  Meanwhile, many thousands of innocent lives have been seriously harmed by forced isolation and quarantine, at the very least; with social alienation persisting long after quarantine.

A 'positive' COVID test becomes part of one's medical record ~ forever.  COVID, you see, is not like every other strain of virus that causes flu-like symptoms (of which there are many).  Practically every adult has had the 'flu' at some time or another.  But they got over it.  Inexplicably (unless one considers the political ramifications), COVID is supposedly different.  Everyone must be tested for COVID; everyone must be vaccinated for COVID.  Those who refuse obviously don't care about "the good of the community".  

The ruling elite, of course, are themselves exempt from the pogrom program.  They will get tested, but only if it suits their own purposes.  For example, the Governor of Ohio (conveniently for him) tested 'positive' for COVID ~ on the very day before President Trump visited Ohio; and, the very next day, that same Governor tested 'negative'.  End of testing.  Lucky for him.

For the sake of argument, let us suppose that preemptive COVID testing has any validity.  Alright.  Let us further pretend that Mary Smith tested positive.  What then?  Well, she must be quarantined for a period of two weeks to ensure she represents no harm to others.  Right?  And how will it be determined that Mary Smith may be released from quarantine and return to her normal life?  Only, if, after two weeks in quarantine, Mary Smith REMAINS asymptomatic (meaning, no flu-like symptoms).  So, then, "asymptomatic" has been established as the benchmark for determining that an individual may be released from quarantine.

Think about that.  ONLY if Mary Smith REMAINS asymptomatic throughout two weeks in quarantine, may she then be released from quarantine ~ regardless of the (pretended) 'fact' that merely two weeks earlier she tested 'positive' for COVID!  Never mind that Mary was asymptomatic BEFORE she was quarantined....  Every reasonable, that is to say rational, person will agree that the policy and procedure just described ~ which represents the actual state of affairs with respect to COVID testing, is utterly insane!

COVID testing ~ just like the trial-by-water torture carried out in early Salem, has some other purpose than what is claimed for it.  Just as in Salem, the real purpose of COVID testing has only to do with sociopolitical power-mongering.  You can be sure, too, it has everything to do with preparing to impose a regime of forced vaccination.

Power is the ultimate prize for the elite.  Money is the path to power.  Follow the money.  COVID is ultimately about power.  But, first, it must be about money.  Lots and lots of money.  The multitude of human lives destroyed in the process is of no consequence to those who have no conscience.

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